The others also nodded in agreement.

And at this time, in Han Shaofeng's mind, a voice sounded.

"The upgrade has been successful, and the absolute loyalty of the employees in the industry currently occupied. Suddenly

getting such news made Han Shaofeng somewhat unexpected.

After all, such news is very shocking.

If that's the case, then think about it.

"Next, all of us will have an absolute advantage.

When Han Shaofeng saw this, the more he thought about it, the happier he felt.

In fact, in the current situation, compared to Han Shaofeng's now, there is no doubt that it must be absolutely profitable.

Otherwise, I would never say that.

However, by Han Shaofeng's side, Li Qingyi was a little curious.

"Han Shaofeng, what's wrong with you?"

The others also noticed Han Shaofeng's change.

Guan Difei was very nervous: "Sect Master, what's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

and Han Shaofeng came back to his senses.

"Oh, no, it just came to mind something.

Han Shaofeng said with a smile on his face.

If this is true, then it means that it is said.

Now, Han Shaofeng only needs to defeat these families and take the inheritance from them.

These people under it will be 100% loyal to Han Shaofeng.

These are completely different from what Han Shaofeng obtained before.

So, after having this invincible artifact.

At that time, Han Shaofeng will not need to worry about these problems at all.

So here, Han Shaofeng's face brought a playful smile.

This kind of thing, in fact, Han Shaofeng has completely seen it now.

But just like that, Han Shaofeng still didn't forget to say: "Search around, be sure to find out the head of the Xu family for me."

Han Shaofeng's words made the people of the Five Elements Sect around him even more excited.

After all, there was a deep hatred before.

Now, now that I have such a great opportunity.

Are they willing to miss it?

You don't have to think about it to know that these are things that don't exist.

Now, Han Shaofeng just needs to wait quietly.

But not long after, Zhao Tianlong came here.

"Sect Master, the Xu family has already gone to the empty building. "

What, there is such a thing?

For this, Han Shaofeng was a little surprised.

However, this is on Zhao Tianlong's side.

Now, just wait and see if anyone else finds anything.

Just when Han Shaofeng was still thinking, Ren Tanglong and Guan Difei also returned.

The two men shook their heads, indicating that they had not noticed.

And these made Han Shaofeng feel very strange.

"What the hell is going on

with these?"

but when you think about it, these things make sense.

After all, the elites of the Xu family were all wiped out by Han Shaofeng.

At this time, Han Shaofeng, when he saw this, was very indifferent.

"But for now, these things are now completely under our control.

"As for the other situations, let's not think about them for the time being.

Han Shaofeng said, and the people around him were silent.

Not long after, Ma Dayuan returned.

As for Han Shaofeng, he didn't plan to ask.

Because Han Shaofeng knew quite well in his heart, even if he really asked.

So the answers we get now are all the same.

However, he didn't wait for Han Shaofeng to ask.

Ma Dayuan reported directly: "Sect Master, I have made a different discovery here.

This news immediately attracted Han Shaofeng's attention.

It's just that Han Shaofeng is becoming more and more curious now.

I don't know, what kind of news is it?

Regarding this, in fact, Han Shaofeng is already interested now.

And Ma Dayuan took out a strange pattern.

Han Shaofeng still felt very confused, and he didn't know why.

Ma Dayuan explained directly to Han Shaofeng: "This is the badge representing the Xu family. "

And now this badge appears here, on behalf of these people, running from this direction. "


Suddenly learned the news, for Han Shaofeng.

It's as if a whole new direction has suddenly opened.

The people of the Five Elements Sect around them also did not forget to say it at this time.

"Yes, in that case, then what are we all struggling with, we must hurry over.

"Of course, otherwise I don't know, and I think we're inferior.

"All in all, now let's all work together to get rid of this matter thoroughly. "

Li Qingyi, I couldn't adapt to these at first.

But now, Li Qingyi thinks that in fact, this is quite good.

"Well, but the question is, how do you know where they ran to?"

"It's so big here, they want to escape, I'm afraid it's not so easy to find. Actually

, Li Qingyi's words are good.

However, these may not be convenient for others.

But for Han Shaofeng, it's completely different.

Now, if Han Shaofeng wants to deal with these things, he still has his hands on it.

Therefore, when Han Shaofeng saw this, at this time, he had a playful smile on his face.

"Don't worry, no matter if he runs to the ends of the earth, I will also catch him back.

When Han Shaofeng said this, Li Qingyi beside him was a little stunned.

In fact, she doesn't know what kind of feeling she feels in her heart now.

But just like this now, it makes Li Qingyi feel it.

Han Shaofeng is currently like this, and he is too handsome.

However, Li Qingyi is still very worried.

"In this way, is it really okay?"

However, the other people of the Five Elements Sect had already seen it.

"Haha, this is nothing at all, it's just the basic operation of our sect master. "

That's right, don't say so much, just follow behind our sect master.

"If our sect master can't handle it, then no one can do it. With

these people around him, they didn't forget to say it here.

For Li Qingyi, it is obvious that she still did not expect it at all.

However, Li Qingyi feels that in fact, now that it is like this, I am afraid that it is not enough.

"Let's take a look, and we'll know what's going on.

Li Qingyi waved her hand and said to the people around her.

Obviously, those people around Li Qingyi also think so.

It is said that Han Shaofeng, the sect master of the Five Elements Sect, has something extraordinary.

But now, they are going to come here to see the magic of Han Shaofeng.

Thinking of this, their faces were full of expectation.

At this time, Han Shaofeng, after a glance, finally found that the problem existed.

"I didn't expect it to be here!".

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