By the way, you can’t rely on the escort fee! ”

While Qin Rou looked at Yang Tian and said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll just take a look.” Yang Tianhe wasn’t annoyed either.

“The escort fee will definitely not be less.”

Qin Qing on the side looked at his sister and smiled.

My younger sister is good at everything, except that she is a little fan of money.

“It smells like traditional Chinese medicine!”

Yang Tianhe smelled a strong fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine.

“Sister Qin Qing, is there something wrong with such a strong fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine?”

Generally speaking, even if the traditional Chinese medicine is fired, the medicinal fragrance will not be so strong.

“Rare is more strange, it is the tonic soup for martial arts!

There are so many apprentices in the entire Escort, and the masters have to use them. Do you think the taste is strong? ”

Qin Rou gave Yang Tianhe a white look.

“Tonic soup?”

Yang Tianhe murmured.

“Yes, make up the soup.

Those who practice martial arts must nourish themselves with external objects.

Otherwise, the essence of the human body is limited, and once the energy and blood are exhausted, it will definitely damage its origin.

It’s a huge burden on the body.

What’s more, the birth of unmentionable disease will damage the life span and lead to premature death! ”

Qin Qing said slowly.

When practicing martial arts, there must be auxiliary materials, otherwise, it is impossible to practice at all.

Yang Tianhe nodded: “I don’t know, can I have a bowl of this tonic.”

This time, Qin Qing didn’t agree: “I’m sorry, each tonic is used by a corresponding person.

And recently, due to the war, the price of medicinal materials for tonics has risen.

Plus the trouble of firing.

Definitely can’t give it to you. ”

Yang Tianhe had expected this point a long time ago. After all, he was just a passerby he met on the road.

“Well, but I still have to thank you, Sister Qing.”

Yang Tianhe smiled and cupped his hands: “In that case, I’ll take my leave first!”

He was also familiar with the situation of the Longmen Escort Bureau.

Now it’s time to go to Yangzhou City to get acquainted with the basic situation of this world.

“Wait, you haven’t paid yet!” At this moment, Qin Rou suddenly stopped Yang Tianhe.

“No money!” Yang Tian and the very bachelor spread their hands.

“Looking at your outfit, you don’t look like you have no money.” Qin Rou looked at Yang Tianhe suspiciously.

“Really, it’s just that I don’t have any money with me now.

How about waiting for me to come back to you after I get home and get the money. ”

Yang Tianhe said.

At the same time, Qin Qing shook his head: “Mr. Yang, you can go! As for the escort fee, it’s just a matter of effort, and my sister is only joking, so it’s not true.”

“Don’t worry, I, Yang Tianhe, keep my word. I will definitely give the money.”

Yang Tianhe said with a smile, then turned and left

“Oh, sister, this person looks like a big fat sheep at first glance, and he is not short of money.

Our Escort Bureau has had a hard time recently.

During this period of time, the imperial court was defeated, and there was another rebel uprising on the other side of the river.

The prices of rice and medicinal materials have been rising one after another.

We are almost too poor to get rid of the pot! ”

Qin Rou said helplessly.

“Okay, Xiao Rou, let’s leave this matter as it is!”

Qin Qing wasn’t talking either……….

“What the hell, no one wants to do such a useless job!”

Yang Tianhe walked towards the pawn shop cursing.

Along the way, Yang Tianhe searched passers-by and asked some questions.

However, they are all hemming and hawing.

Some even ignored Yang Tianhe directly.

Fortunately, I was lucky to find a scholar wearing a blue shirt and square scarf.

After paying two big white rabbit toffees, he finally got some words out of his mouth.

This is a parallel time and space infinitely close to the earth world.

From ancient myths and legends, Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa mended the sky, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the pre-Qin philosophers and so on.

Until the Han Dynasty, Sui and Tang Dynasties, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, history was basically the same.

However, after the late Ming Dynasty, amazing changes took place in history.

At that time, Emperor Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty hanged himself on Meishan Mountain.

The Manchu Qing did not occupy the Han family, and Li Zicheng did not succeed in rebelling.

On the contrary, Chongzhen’s eighth son tried his best to turn the tide.

Help the Daming River and Mountains to be in a precarious state.

Re-unify the world and restore the rivers and mountains!

It is called Daming Zhongxing in history!

And the era that Yang Tianhe lives in now is the Ming Dynasty.

However, it was a weak Ming Dynasty.

Time goes by, dynasties change, and prosperity is only a matter of time.

After a hundred years of development, the Emperor of the Later Ming Dynasty, according to the ancestral system, blocked the coast and gradually decayed.

But the foreigners on the other side are developing rapidly.

Finally, relying on artillery fire, the gate of Houming was opened.


Along the way, Yang Tianhe basically scolded the court and the Zhang family.

Although this world is nominally owned by the Zhu family and manages the world.

However, what the Zhu family occupies is only the area in the Central Plains north of Kyoto.

As for the Jiangnan area where Yangzhou is located, there is a flood dragon: Zhang Family!

This is the real toubob.

In the entire Jiangnan region, the sky is covered with one hand.

This is also why, after the imperial court was defeated in the Jiangnan area, it never agreed to pay compensation.

In the end, nothing happened.

Because the Zhang family has the greatest influence in the Jiangnan area.

“The Zhang family should be a powerful force similar to aristocratic families or warlords.

Although in name, it is still under the rule of the Zhu family.

In fact, they have already set up another mountain. ”

Yang Tianhe shook his head.

These things are still too far away from him.

For the current me, I need to practice my martial arts first, and make a fortune as a landlord and rich man!

Thinking about it, Yang Tianhe has already arrived at the pawn shop!

Chapter 8 The price of silver is a hundred times higher, and martial arts is a great tonic soup

“Shopkeeper, let’s take a look. How much is this stuff worth?”

Yang Tianhe handed over the lighter in his backpack.

“this is…..”

The showcase took the lighter and looked it over carefully.

“A foreigner’s lighter!” The shopkeeper looked at Yang Tianhe.

Looking at Yang Tianhe’s clothes without any trace, his expression changed slightly.

“That’s right, it’s the foreigner’s lighter!”

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