With that said, Yang Tianhe moved one hand, and a ball of flames burned from it.

“How about it, please give me a price for the showcase!”

“One tael of silver, I’ll take it!” said the shopkeeper.

“At least five taels of silver, otherwise I won’t sell it!” Yang Tianhe shook his head.

“What? This is too expensive!” The shopkeeper shook his head repeatedly.

“Do you know the concept of five taels of silver?”

The silver in this world is more precious than in the previous life.

The entire Jiangnan area was defeated, and the indemnity paid to foreigners was only one million taels of silver.

Compared with those defeated money in the previous life, tens of millions of taels, or even hundreds of millions of silver, it’s nothing.

Generally speaking, one tael of silver is equal to one hundred copper coins, ten thousand Wen.

For an ordinary family of three, the daily expenses are only around 20 to 30 Wen.

One tael of silver is enough to cover the expenses of two or three years.

Yang Tian and this direct five taels, it can be said that they have scared everyone!

“Three taels, no less.

Showcase, you have to know that a lighter is no better than a fire.

It can be described as simple and high-end.

I think those wealthy families will never be stingy with this little money.

After all, three liang of silver is a lot in the eyes of ordinary people.

But for those wealthy families, it’s just a drizzle! ”

Yang Tianhe bargained!

Hearing this, the person in the showcase fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he nodded slowly.

“Okay, I agree!”


After the deal was concluded, Yang Tianhe randomly found an inn.

For the next day, I wandered around the various book buildings in Yangzhou City.

Search for some useful clues.

“Finally, I have a rough idea.

It seems that I have to go to the Longmen Escort Bureau again! ”

Yang Tianhe thought about it.

There are many forces, large and small, in the entire city of Yangzhou.

Longmen Bodyguard Bureau is one of the most powerful ones.

The current head of the bodyguard, Qin Qing, is 22 years old. His martial arts realm has already reached the realm of bone forging, and his future prospects are limitless.

What’s more, Qin Qing can be regarded as a life-saving grace for himself!

There is a little friendship.

Compared to those big and three rough men, Qin Qing and Qin Rou are undoubtedly the best choice.

Of course, Yang Tianhe can assure you that he will neverAre you greedy for their bodies!

After tidying up his attire, Yang Tianhe walked straight towards the Longmen Escort Bureau.

Inside the Longmen Escort Bureau.

Qin Rou is teaching some students to practice martial arts.

Don’t look at Qin Rourou as weak and weak, but she is a real fighter in the realm of flesh refining.

It is more than enough to teach these students who don’t even have hammer skins.

Suddenly, Qin Rou turned her eyes and saw Yang Tianhe walking in from the door.

“Why are you here? I thought you ran away!”

Qin Rou hugged her chest and said to Yang Tianhe.

“How could it be possible to run away! Am I, Yang Tianhe, the kind of person who doesn’t keep his word?”

Yang Tianhe smiled: “Take me to find your sister!”

Qin Rou was taken aback: “Looking for my sister, what’s the matter?”

“I want to apprentice and learn martial arts!”

Yang Tianhe is outspoken!

Before he came, he already knew that the old director of Longmen Bodyguard Bureau retired.

Now, Qin Qing is in charge of all affairs.

“Teacher? Our tuition is very expensive.” Qin Rou looked at Yang Tianhe with a smile.

“money is not the problem.”

“Then come with me!”

With that said, Qin Rou led Yang Tianhe into the backyard.


Chapter 9 Qi-nourishing exercises, Yang Tianhe, who is rich and oily?

Yang Tianhe followed Qin Rou all the way to the inner courtyard.

Before the front foot stepped into it, a loud “bang bang” came from it.

Taking a closer look, I saw Qin Qing honing his fists and feet against a huge rock pile.

With one punch and one kick, scattered stones shattered.

The straight figure adds a bit of heroism.

As if hearing something, Qin Qing slowly turned around.

Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he looked at Yang Tianhe.

“It’s you? What’s the matter?”

“Sister, he is here to apprentice.”

Qin Rou came behind Qin Qing in a flash, pinched Qin Qing with her little hand, and blinked repeatedly.

“A teacher?”

“That’s right, I’ve longed for martial arts for a long time, so I came here specially to learn martial arts from a teacher.” Yang Tianhe nodded solemnly.

Qin Qing nodded: “There’s nothing wrong with that. However, martial arts is very demanding. Talent, perseverance, and financial resources are all indispensable.”

“I see that you are already very old, your body has been shaped, and you have missed the prime time for martial arts training.

It will undoubtedly be very difficult to improve in the future. ”

Yang Tianhe smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, no matter how difficult it is, it will always be resolved.”

There is a Myriad Realms garbage dump behind him, and Yang Tianhe doesn’t believe that he will be stuck in mere martial arts.

“Since you’ve made up your mind, then pay money to be a teacher!”

Seeing this, Yang Tianhe reached into his pocket and took out two taels of silver.

“I don’t know, are these enough?”

“If it’s not enough, I’ll bring some more next time.”



Qin Rou’s eyes lit up immediately, her breathing became a little rapid, her figure flashed, and the speed of a martial artist in the realm of flesh refining was displayed in front of Yang Tianhe.


The silver in Yang Tianhe’s palm disappeared in a flash.

“Two taels of silver, sister, it’s true!”

Qin Rou took a bite, and immediately smiled from ear to ear, with two canine teeth exposed, adding a touch of aura.

“It’s too much, two taels of silver is too much.”

Surprise flashed in Qin Qing’s eyes. It seems that Yang Tianhe’s family is even richer than she imagined!

Even if it’s their entire Longmen Bodyguard Bureau, their livelihood in a month is only ten taels of silver.

“Not too much, not too much, Junior Brother Yang, you will be my Junior Brother from now on.

I will ask my sister to take my father to accept you as an apprentice later.

In the future, in the entire Yangzhou City, whoever dares to bully you, will report your senior sister and me Qin Rou’s name. ”

Qin Rou directly covered Qin Qing’s mouth.

In a flash, he came to Yang Tianhe’s side, patted his shoulder, and said with a smile on his face.

While speaking, he kept blinking and urging Qin Qing.

This is a big guy who just took out two taels of silver for a random scouring!

Seeing this, Qin Qing shook his head helplessly.

But for two taels of silver, it would be a lie if she said she wasn’t tempted.

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