“Lying groove, Uncle Long, I’m not mistaken, right? The Flash restored the destroyed universe??? “-Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“It’s not recovery, it’s time backwards, it’s The Flash running backwards, turning back the time of the entire universe!!!” – Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Hiss, that’s too exaggerated, isn’t it? This emperor asked himself if he had seen the world, but this kind of scene, not to mention, my family emperor was shocked! The Flash is awesome! “- The Black Emperor of the Dark Turbulent World.

After a short silence.

The comment section is boiling again.

More people though.

More worlds.

But he is still in extreme shock.

Even many worlds fell into complete silence.

The wandering world of Earth.

The whole earth is a dead silence.

Both astronauts in the space station.

Or in all the dungeons in the world.

Or in the conference room at the highest level.

All humans.

Their eyes widened in a daze.

Look at the scene of the entire universe going back in time.

All this.

It has completely exceeded their imagination.

The fast ones can destroy the entire universe, and they can understand it to some extent.

But the speed is so fast that running backwards can turn back the time of the entire universe, which is completely beyond their comprehension.

It’s not just the wandering earth world.

Vindictive Continent.

An extraordinary world that is universalized as a fighting force.

All the countries on the Douqi Continent.

All living beings.

Still shocked by Barry Allen.

In the Gama Empire.

Down to the common people.

Up to the top of the Empire.

All the way to the powerhouses of the empire, such as the royal guardian Jia Tian, the president of the Alchemist Union, Fa Li, and the sect master of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun, and others.

They were all completely shocked.

Even such as Punishment Tian, Fa Li, Yun Yun, these three only Douhuang-level powerhouses of the Gama Empire.

At this moment, I felt like a joke.


In front of the existence of Barry Allen, they are simply an ant, and they dare to call the emperor?

And in fact.

Feel that they have become a joke, especially the emperors of the Extra Empire?

In Canaan Academy, Douzun, Douzong, and Half-Saints are stronger than them.

Even among the ancient eight races, the Fighting Saints who truly crowned the Fighting Qi Continent.

Even the Ancient Eight Clan Patriarchs who had reached the top of the Douqi Continent, the Soul Heavenly Emperor of the late Nine-Star Dou Saint and others.

All feel like they’ve become a joke.

Among the souls.

The Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at the Flash on the screen who was running towards destroy the universe and running backwards in time.

He muttered in his mouth: “I’m afraid that even the strongest Dou Emperor in heaven and earth does not have such divine power.” ”

A group of soul race powerhouses did not speak.

Because they were all immersed in a huge shock.

The power of the DC world powerhouse.

The Flash’s power to reverse the entire cosmic time.

It has exceeded their imagination of the word powerful.

In the world of Hokage.

All the ninja ninjas were already speechless in shock.

The Hokage office in Konoha Village was silent.

In the Great Snake Pill Laboratory in Yu Ninja Village, there was also silence.

In the Xiao organization, there was also silence.

Pirate World.

On the sea of the New World.

Initial four seas.

Originally on the continent of the four seas.

On the continent of the New World.

Great shipping routes on the islands, on land.

All the intelligent beings are also silent.

The Flash’s strength peaks their perception of strength.

Using speed to destroy the world, using speed to reverse the time of the entire universe, subverted their cognition.

Among the headquarters of the Navy.

The yellow ape was already speechless with his mouth open.

He never thought about it.

Speed, can be so strong.

Strong enough to destroy the universe.

Strong enough to turn back time across the universe.

Qingzhi, Chidog, Sengoku, Karp and others were also stunned.


Fengshen World.

A group of saints were also full of shock.

Such as Yuan Shi Tianzun, Quasi-Daoist and Daoist, these three have not been to the Ten Thousand Realms Tower, and have not come into contact with the existence of the Chaos Realm Sea.

An incredible look appeared on his face.

If Barry Allen only controls the authority of time and space, like the multiverse-level powerhouse of the Marvel world, they will not be surprised.

After all, using the authority of the Heavenly Dao to manipulate time is really just a basic operation.

At best, they will only feel that the DC world is somewhat strong.

But it won’t be too shocking.

It is somewhat shocking to turn back the time of the entire universe through physical speed without touching any law authority.

“Divine speed force, what kind of power is this, it is really miraculous that it can cross the authority of the Heavenly Dao and change the flow of time.”

Hongjun also muttered.

He is full of interest in the divine speed power controlled by Barry Allen.

And next.

Barry Allen really showed a true multiverse-level ability.

He ran rapidly, crossed the boundaries of space, broke through the barriers of the single universe, and entered other universes.

Even, he instantly traveled through countless monolithic universes.

The entire multiverse became his runway.

He even ran through the river of time with other mysterious beings, crossed the future, ran through the Big Bang again and again, and came to the end of time.

Every time he runs, he sets off a tsunami throughout the multiverse, shaking the time and space of the entire multiverse.

However, when the run is over, he will run in the opposite direction to restore the damage he has caused.

The destroyed world, the worn out creatures, do not even know that they have died, and they have no idea what has happened.


When one universe encounters a crisis that cannot be resolved, Barry Allen will use extraordinary speed to reverse the time of the entire universe to before everything begins, and even let the Big Bang reoccur, solving everything from the root.

It is called a reboot.

The Flash has rebooted countless universes.

See here.

In the entire heavens and realms, everyone was stunned.

The Flash’s ability once again exceeded their expectations and exceeded their imagination.

And after that.

Everyone suddenly realized a problem.

That is.

The Flash is also the tenth place in the list of human powerhouses in the DC world?

In other words, the Flash is simply a crane tail among the human powerhouses in the DC world!

Come to think of it.

Everyone felt a little numb.

“Lying in the groove, the Flash, the DC world human crane tail, is so strong to such an outrageous situation, then the DC world stronger humans, how strong will it be?” Are they really human? Suddenly I feel that Lao Tzu, the purple-gold divine dragon of the bloodline of the divine beast, seems to be fake, just me, it is also worthy of being called the bloodline of the divine beast? Am I supposed to be a husky??? “—Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“Hehe, Xiao Ye also doubts life, they also say that I am a chaos bead bred by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for a thousand years, and the little master seems to be awesome and don’t want it, but hehe, it’s a thousand years of gestation?” Shouldn’t Xiao Ye actually be the reincarnation of a rotten stone? “—The Demon Boy Who Who’s the World.

“Blah blah, you baby, Hugh’s nonsense, back then, you were beaten several times for the master to catch the reincarnation of the chaos bead in the gossip furnace of the master, yes, yes, cough, poor road also doubted life, master, is my heel really a congenital being?” Why can’t I destroy the universe? “—The Demon Boy Nezhan World Taiyi Zhenren.

“Don’t care about these details, Ben Tianzun now just wants to know how strong the stronger humans in this DC world are!” —Demon Boy Nezha World Yuan Shi Tianzun.

“I want to know!” —Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

“Same as want to know +1!” —Douqi Continent Soul Heavenly Emperor.

“Same as want to know +2!” —Heavenly Fortune of the Inverse Immortal World.

“Same as want to know +3!” —The Beginningless Emperor of the Dark and Turbulent World.

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