Heavens and worlds.

Everyone was curious.

The Flash is already strong to this extent.


What about beings stronger than him?

DC World Human Power List No. 9, how strong will it be?

Among the Vindictive Continents.

The powerhouses of the Ancient Eight Races are speculating.

In the world of Hokage.

The high-level of the five great ninja villages, the members of the Xiao organization, and the big snake pill and pocket of the rain ninja village were speculating.

In the world of pirates.

The high-level officials of the naval headquarters, the high-level of the Four Emperors Pirates, the high-level officials of the world government, and all the strong people who have entered the great sea route and the new world are speculating.

In the midst of dark turmoil.

The Big Dipper Star Domain, the Ziwei Star Domain, the major holy lands, the major dynasties, and all the powerhouses above the slashing path are speculating.

Journey to the West.

The immortal gods of the Heavenly Court, the Buddhas of the Spirit Mountain, are guessing.

Fengshen World.

Tongtian Sect Lord, Yuan Shi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Nuwa Niangniang, Houtu, Zhu Ti.

Even Hongjun.

Also speculating.

Everyone is guessing.

Right at this moment.

The picture has finally changed again.

Wearing a red tights and a red hood, the Flash destroys the universe at every turn, turning back the entire universe in time.


is an ordinary teenager.

The teenager wears old-fashioned black-framed glasses.

Dealing with a beautiful girl in a panic.

It looks like an ordinary shy teenager who can’t be ordinary.

There is nothing outstanding in the slightest.

Even among ordinary people, it is not surprising.

The only thing that makes him a little special.

That is, he has two names.

One name is Karl Eyre, which is said to be his childhood name.

The later name was Clark Kent, which was said to have been given to him by his father, derived from a comic book called DC.

See here.

Heavens and worlds.

Countless people were a little confused.


This ordinary teenager made everyone a little stunned.

Because this teenager really doesn’t have the appearance of a strong man.

Not even as good as the Flash when he first appeared.

At least.

The Flash wore a red tights and a red hood, and at first glance, he didn’t look like a normal person.

And Carl Eyre, or Clark Kent, he was too ordinary.

And finally.

I saw Carl Al and his girlfriend talking about the origin of his second name, especially when he took out the comic book called DC.

Heavens and worlds.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“Groove, what’s going on, I’m watching DC Comics in DC World? That’s too anti-heavenly, isn’t it? “—Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“Dizzy, what’s going on, there are DC Comics in the DC world? That’s a bit abnormal, right? “—Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Hehe, I read Naruto manga in the Hokage world, right? It’s also amazing. —Hokage World Tsunade.

“Hehehe, is there a Journey to the West comic, Lao Sun also wants to see it.” —Journey to the West.

“It’s not so simple, okay, Xiao Huo is right, this is not normal, in a world, how can there be a comic about this world, and that comic is still called DC, this name is simply impossible to know by the people of DC World itself before the appearance of Wanjie Video, right?” Outside of the video of Ten Thousand Worlds, do any of you know the name of your world? —Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

“That’s right, it’s theoretically impossible, it’s very abnormal.” —Marvel Universe: Tony Stark.

Everyone started talking.

Fengshen World.

Hongjun Daozu.

Taishang Laojun.

Tongtian Sect Lord.

Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Nuwa Niangniang.




All the saints also had solemn faces.

Even them.

Before the appearance of the Ten Thousand Worlds video, they didn’t know their own world, called the Feng Shen World, and even they once thought that they were the Flood Desolation World.

And now.

This DC world actually appeared DC Comics before the appearance of Wanjie Video.

This is why they do not pay attention to it.

“Teacher, what do you think?”

Taishang Laojun looked at Hongjun Daozu.

The rest of the saints also looked towards Hongjun.

But seeing Hongjun’s face was unprecedentedly solemn.

A pair of eyes.

Staring at the DC Comics.

After a long time, he slowly said: “This DC world is more bizarre than we imagined, this DC comics, should be to some extent the world information manifestation, this could not have appeared, because the authorities are confused, the bystanders are clear, if you want to know the name of the world, unless you jump out of the bureau and become a bystander, and the bystander should be detached.” ”


Taishang Laojun, Tongtian Sect Lord, Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhuyin, Zhun Ti, Nuwa, Houtu.

Seven saints.

It was all a shock.

His face showed disbelief.

“Teacher, is there a transcendent person in this DC world?”

Taishang Laojun almost couldn’t wait to ask.

The rest of the people also hurriedly looked towards Hongjun.

Even Hiroshiko and others are no exception.

That’s detachment.

Now in the entire Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, except for the Heavenly Landlords, there is no transcendent existence.


This DC world actually has a transcendent level?

Think about it again, The Flash is just the tenth on the list of human powerhouses, and he has reached the multiverse level.

A group of people seemed to perceive the truth.

But the next moment.

Hongjun shook his head and said slowly: “It should be impossible, in today’s heavens and realms, there should be no detached people except for the predecessors, and the greater possibility is that some rules of this DC world have undergone unknowable changes, and there is a trace of detachment power, which led to the unintentional leakage of world information, so that some people in that world came into contact with this leaked information, and then drew this DC comics.” ”

“If expected, the countless multiverses and countless parallel worlds in the DC world should only have DC Comics, because that trace of detachment power falls in this world, and this world should be unique in the entire DC world.”


The faces of Taishang Laojun and the others changed slightly again.

Without waiting for Taishang Laojun and the others to continue to think.

On the screen.

A meteor crossed the Earth.

The ordinary young man seemed to have been stimulated by something, and endless golden light suddenly appeared all over his body.

And then.

The teenager subconsciously jumped gently.

His whole person suddenly appeared in space beyond the earth.

It looks like teleportation.

But in fact, the speed is too fast, causing a teleportation-like effect.


Heavens and worlds.

Countless people exclaimed.

Obviously, they didn’t expect that the boy who was just ordinary would have such terrifying power in a blink of an eye.

“With such speed, shouldn’t it be another Flash?”

Someone muttered.

But the next moment.

They knew they were wrong.

Because of this teenager, he suddenly sneezed.

And then.

The sun was extinguished by his blow.

And then.

The boy did not control his strength well, and crashed into a planet in panic, and with a bang, the planet exploded and turned into dust in the universe.

Looking at the planet that was smashed by himself, the teenager panicked even more and subconsciously shouted.

And then.

Bang bang.

It was as if fireworks had exploded in the universe.

In front of the young man, countless planets, entire star fields, were shattered by his power.

The picture freezes.

The text appears.

[He is a baby from Krypton, he is a superman living on Origin Earth, he was gravitationally powered by a comet at the age of fifteen, and has since become the only superhero on Origin Earth]

[He is the supreme little superman]

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