Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

1: Dispute With RyūZaki, One Dollar Instant Kill System


Tennis Department.

Lin Bei and first-year Oishi stood outside the court.

And in court.


Tezuka smashed with his right hand and the tennis ball passed through Takei Takeshi's crotch.

"The game is over, Tezuka won 6-0!"


"Takeju-senpai was considered very good in the third grade, but he suffered a miserable defeat."

The surrounding first-year students were talking a lot, their eyes full of admiration. Even Kikumaru and others beside Lin Bei cheered: "Tezuka is so awesome."

Only Lin Bei frowned slightly.

He is a time traveler. Although his talent is mediocre, he is stronger than Qian.

In his memory, the next time Takei knew that Tezuka was fighting him with his right hand instead of his dominant left hand, he became angry and swung his racquet hard at Tezuka's left hand.

So far...a generation of geniuses has been dormant for three years!

"Do you want to take action?"

Lin Bei's eyes flashed with sparkle, and he clenched the racquet in his hand.

To reform Seigaku, saving Tezuka is part of it.

the other side.

Several main candidates looked at each other in disbelief, and their expressions were not very good.

"That kid is awesome!"

"He is a famous youth TV talent."

"But Tezuka is really inferior. I heard that this Tezuka is left-handed, and he was defeated by someone using his non-dominant hand."

Having said that, their eyes were filled with fear or gloominess, or even a hint of joy.

They were worried because of Tezuka's strength, worried because Tezuka stole their limelight, and fortunate because of the tennis club's rule that they could not participate in the school trials before the summer of their first year.

In front of the net.

After hearing this, Takei, who was full of anger but had no way to vent, suddenly looked at Tezuka, who was much shorter than him, with a cold look in his eyes: "Are you left-handed?"

"...Yes, senior."

Tezuka seemed frightened for a moment and was silent for a moment before answering the other party.

"Damn it, bastard, what are you doing?"

Wu Ju roared angrily: "You are obviously left-handed, but you only use your right hand to fight me. Do you think I am not worthy of your left hand? What do you think of me? Well, you don't use that hand anymore anyway."

Speaking of this, his expression turned ferocious, his eyes raised crazily, and he swung the racquet down hard.

"Then destroy it!!!"


The racquet he swung down was like a knife, tearing the air and aiming at Tezuka's left arm.

As for Tezuka, his mind was almost blank and his heart was beating rapidly. Damn it, he never expected that this senior would become so angry.




The people around him were shocked when they saw this situation.

As for blocking?

too fast!

Everyone could foresee that Tezuka's left hand would be destroyed.


But this time.

A sharp light shot out.

Hit Wuju in the face.

It was smashed in directly.


Wu Ju suffered a heavy blow and was knocked out, rolling to the ground.



The entire court fell into deathly silence.

Everyone's brains went blank again.


They were startled.

Only Kikumaru and the others looked at Lin Bei holding the racquet in stunned silence.

"It's him?"

Others also noticed this person.

12-year-old Lin Bei, although not very tall, is still 160cm, not short. Coupled with his handsome appearance and what he just did, he has a very fierce feeling.


At this time, Wu Ju stood up and looked at Lin Bei angrily: "Kid, you stepped on...ah!"

Maybe it was because his face was swollen, he couldn't speak clearly, and he was in pain, so he took a breath of air.

"So cruel."

The seniors looked at Lin Bei with strange eyes.

"What happened."

At this time.

Two people appeared at the door.

It is Coach Ryūzaki and Minister Yamato who have a capable temperament.

Ryūzaki glanced at the situation in the court with cold eyes.

"Coach Ryūzaki!"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly and they shouted quickly.

Coach Ryūzaki's eyes suddenly fell on Takei. Seeing the embarrassment of the other person, he frowned: "Takei, what's wrong with you?"


Wu Ju just wanted to speak, but his face was red and swollen.

But it made him so painful that he was completely speechless.

"Let me tell you."

At this time.

Lin Bei spoke, attracting everyone's attention, and said: "This senior lost to Tezuka. He is not convinced and wants to use racquet to destroy Tezuka's left hand."


Ryūzaki glared: "Is there such a thing?"

Seeing the complicated expressions on other people's faces, she knew that this matter could not be faked. She looked at Wuju with a stern look and said in a cold tone: "Wuju, you will be punished with 100 laps, and you can only pick up the ball within a week."

Hearing this, Takei calmed down a lot. He glanced at Lin Bei resentfully and lowered his head to Ryūzaki: "Understood!"

He rubbed the redness and swelling on his face and started running.

In his heart, he breathed a sigh of relief. After calming down, he realized what a big mistake he had made.

Fortunately, coach Ryūzaki is biased towards their third graders.

Ryūzaki also felt relieved.

Seigaku's grades have not been very good in recent years, and there have been some voices of dissatisfaction with her from the school's top brass.

And the regional competition is coming soon, Wuju is indispensable.

Therefore, she could not drive the other party away, she could only avoid the important and take the easy.

That's right.

She wanted to protect Wuju, but she couldn't do nothing. Otherwise, the whole team would be disappointed.

next moment.

Ryūzaki seemed not to notice the complaints in the eyes of Kikumaru and others, and said with a smile: "Everyone, please continue training."


The second and third graders were fine, but the first graders responded feebly, seemingly unwillingly.

after all.

Just picking up the ball.

It made them feel dissatisfied.


Ryūzaki didn't say sorry to Tezuka.

Tezuka's eyes dimmed a little. He felt more and more that coming to Seigaku was not the right choice.

"Isn't this bad?"

Just when they want to give up.

Lin Bei came to Ryūzaki and said in a low tone: "Why would you keep a senior with such bad behavior? Why don't you just expel him?"

"Lin Bei..."

Tezuka, Fuji and others' eyes lit up. Lin Bei was their friend. After spending some time together, Lin Bei had a silent personality. They didn't know each other at all, but they didn't expect that Lin Bei had such a bold personality.

"Classmate, I know you are angry, but let's end this matter. You see, Tezuka has nothing to lose...right?"

Ryūzaki frowned, but still persuaded the other party earnestly.

"As a coach, your handling is not convincing to the public."

Lin Bei shook his head: "Besides, the first grade is much better than the third grade. Why is there a rule that the first grade can only pick up balls before the summer? I think...this is the specific reason why Seigaku has been unable to perform for many years, right?"


Ryūzaki was so angry that he couldn't speak at all, and pointed at the other party tremblingly.

Others looked at Lin Bei dumbfounded.

Isn’t this too awesome?

Although he didn't say anything, Lin Bei was obviously saying that the reason why Seigaku couldn't produce results was entirely Coach Ryūzaki's own fault.

As for the first grade being much more powerful than the third grade, the seniors didn't even hear that. They didn't think so.

Ryūzaki took a deep breath. Years of self-cultivation made her not want to worry too much about a child, and said coldly:

"I'm the coach, you're just a student. You're young and don't understand anything. I won't argue too much with you. You can leave. If you make trouble again, I'll have to let you leave the tennis club."

Hear the words.

Lin Bei's eyes turned cold.

This old guy is not only stubborn, but also very egotistical.

However, there is really no good way for the other party to use force to suppress others.

"There's no rush!"

Lin Bei shook his head secretly. He was very calm. If it doesn't work this time, he will try next time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for awakening and killing the store instantly with 1 yuan."

"As the name suggests, the store will refresh a product every night at 12 o'clock, including assets, sports cars, villas, tennis tricks, seamless clothes, different dimensions, etc."

"Due to the first day of using this system, you can purchase two items today."

[Product: National level, price: 1 yuan]

[Product: Seigaku, price: 1 yuan]

[Whether the host purchases it]

But in front of Lin Bei, a screen that no one could see appeared, displaying the above words.

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