Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach


436 Chapters Ongoing Status


Lin Bei traveled through the world of tennis kings to prevent Tezuka from being injured by his senior's hand, and proposed to coach Ryūzaki to expel the senior and change the rule that first graders can only pick up the ball.

However, he was immediately opposed by the stubborn and conservative coach Ryūzaki. The two had a fierce argument. Ryūzaki, who was angered, became angry and said: "I am the coach and you are the student. Who have you to order me?"

Being pressured by others, Lin Bei had no idea where to start.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for awakening and killing the mall instantly with 1 yuan."

"As the name suggests, the mall will refresh a product at 12 o'clock every night."

"Due to the first day of using this system, you can purchase two items today."

[Product: National level, price: 1 yuan]

[Product: Seigaku, price: 1 yuan]

[Whether the host purchases it]


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