Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

69: Lin Bei’S Prediction Of The Wind Vs Akuto’S Prediction Of The Wind

"The wind is rising...what does it mean?"

Everyone originally thought that the game was over. Although the score was still 3-0, it became a fact that Akuto showed all his cards.

But both of them mentioned "The Wind Rises" at the same time, and coupled with the calmness in Akuto's eyes, they had a feeling that things were not over yet.

At this time.

Someone said:

"I remembered."

Everyone's eyes subconsciously shifted to a strong young man in the stands.

In some people's impressions, this person seems to be the director of Kuraiwa Middle-School, Iwakage, who was defeated miserably by Akuto in a previous competition.

"I heard a rumor."

Rock King's expression was solemn: "This Akuto used a special ability last year to use the wind outside the court to play ball!"


"Take advantage of the wind outside the venue?!"

"How to use..."

Everyone vaguely understood something, but they seemed confused.

At this time, Inoue said: "I do know something. Akuto can accurately predict when the wind outside the court will flow into the court..."

Although it is not stated clearly.

But everyone already understood.

Use the wind to interfere with the hitting line!

After understanding this, they looked at Akuto in disbelief.

But Inoue's identity was also recognized by most of them. He was a reporter for a professional monthly magazine. In addition, Shi Yanjing had also said before that this matter could not be fake.

"Be with the elderly.

Yamabuki, Qianshi's eyes widened and he said: "Can anyone really predict the wind?"

"The world's great wonders."

Banlao said with a smile: "But... Akuto-san is not famous for this ability, which means he didn't use it much last year. He is the trump card!"


Everyone's eyes froze and they sat upright.

Akuto is going to make a last ditch effort!


Hyotei, Atobe and others looked seriously.

Senior Akuto once took the initiative to reveal to them that his wind prediction was an extension of data tennis, and no one in the junior high school community could master it today.

That is to say.

They don't have to worry about their seniors being restrained by Lin Bei.

Seigaku, everyone looked stern, but they were not worried about Lin Bei, but wanted to show a small respect to such a powerful enemy.



330 bang.

Lin Bei patted the tennis ball lightly, adjusted it to feel good, and then he hit his serve.


A powerful serve was directed towards Akuto. If you look carefully, the landing point is on the right side.

He raised his steps and took a step forward. It is true that Lin Bei's serve was very fast, but after all, he was also a figure who played in so many games last year. Coupled with the data assistance, Lin Bei's serve, he was completely able to handle it.


Akuto swung his racquet and fired the ball.


His ears twitched and he looked up to see Lin Bei's figure like a cheetah.

"too fast!"


Immediately, Lin Bei's hit hit, and Akuto was forced to move over and defend in a passive manner.


The two fought, but within a moment, Akuto was suppressed near the baseline, unable to escape.


Akuto, who was forced into a corner, felt a little aggrieved, but suddenly, his eyes became sharp and he seemed to notice something.


He lifted the racquet and pulled the ball out with great force.


Everyone looked at the ball, which was completely aimed at Lin Bei's head, and couldn't help but shake their heads.

"Yajiu made a mistake!"

Although Akuto was defending before, he defended very well. This ball was just a free throw.


At this time.

A sudden gust of wind merged laterally into the court.

Blocked the ball.


Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the ball was disturbed by the wind, avoided Lin Bei's racquet, and hit the sideline on his left, scoring a goal with one hit.


Tezuka's brown hair was blown up. Feeling the strong wind, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Is this...the ability to predict the wind?"


Everyone made extremely fierce sounds.

"real or fake!"

“Although I knew it in advance, it’s not so incredible!”

"How on earth did he do it?"

Everyone felt a tingling sensation in their scalps.

To know.

The wind only appeared after Akuto hit the ball. From the outside, it looked like he was playing badminton outdoors and the ball was disturbed by the wind and landed at an unexpected place.

But he knew in advance which direction the wind would come from and how strong the wind would be, so he hit the ball decisively. Although it was full of flaws, with the help of the wind, it became a perfect shot.

"Now...the outcome is unpredictable!"

Someone said it, and it was recognized by most people.


Everyone's eyes were a bit dull, but behind the dull look, there was a sense of joy.


Everyone's expressions were gloomy, and they tapped the tip of their pens, feeling like they had no idea where to start. He raised his head and glanced at the wind visible to the naked eye, and said in a deep voice: "The current situation is very unfavorable to the minister. The wind is too strong, and it won't be possible for a while." Won’t stop.”

"What a terrible person."

Kikumaru looked at Akuto with numbness, without his usual laughter and laughter, and said seriously: "If it weren't for Lin Bei's great strength, he wouldn't be able to beat this guy."


Fuji and others nodded. This match can be said to be an eye-opener because they have never seen this kind of tennis style.


On court.

Lin Bei serves again.


Akuto narrowed his eyes, caught the trajectory of the tennis ball, and lifted up the light green racquet.


But as always, as he fought back, Lin Bei quickly went online.


Lin Bei jumped up, glanced at the tennis ball, and dunked it down.


The air around him seemed to be pierced by the ball, and it quickly fell towards Akuto's crotch like lightning.


But Akuto sneered, took a step forward, and moved to the baseline on the right.


A horizontal strong wind merged again, changing Lin Bei's smash line, making a trace and following Akuto to the right, and he had already lifted the racquet.


Off the field.

There were a lot of gasps.


Akuto saw Lin Bei still in the air and took action instantly. Tennis is a "flat ball" hitting technique that minimizes spin and increases speed.

the other side.

Lin Bei looked at the flying tennis ball, rolling back and forth, as if peeling off layers of airflow, and quickly attacking his left side like an arrow. It was a very high-level "flat" ball!

"His strength, speed, and endurance are not as good as his skills!"

Overall, this person's skills are commendable.


After landing, Lin Bei bent his steps and forced himself to catch up with the ball. In the reflection of Akuto's pupils shrinking, he tapped his backhand to capture the ball.

"Sure's hard to kill you with this ball!"

However, looking at the visual field outside the field, Akuto maintained a running posture rushing forward. In his judgment, Lin Bei could still rely on his strong physical ability to save the ball.

"This ball... belongs to me!"

Akuto looked at Lin Bei from close range, sneered and picked up the ball, hitting the huge gap in the opposite direction to the north.

After all this is done.

Akuto turned around confidently.


Da da da. .

But just as he was about to walk towards the backcourt, he saw in his peripheral vision that the tennis ball was rolling faster than him into the backcourt, on the center line.


Akuto was stunned as if struck by lightning.

His body turned extremely stiffly, and when he saw the blocker shaking slightly, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"My shot hit the blocker?"


Lin Bei said with a smile: "When I landed the chop in the smash, I saw (abej) your sprinting figure, so I added a spin."

"The gods are fighting..."

People outside the field sighed in their hearts. It does not mean that Akuto can definitely defeat Lin Bei by mastering "Wind Prediction". It is just that he has the power to fight. If he wants to win... he still has to be three games behind. As of right now, I still can’t tell if it can be done.


Tezuka announced that Bisang will open again.

There was a bang.

Lin Bei's kick this time was as stable as ever.


But this time, Akuto seemed to feel something, and while taking action, his body kept moving forward.

"After 2.5 seconds, a gust of wind entered my side of the court. I only had to serve and volley to induce him to hit the ball, and the gust of wind would blow the tennis ball away.

Akuto analyzed secretly.


On the opposite side, Lin Bei hit a chasing ball, which hit his body like a cannonball.


Akuto stopped, and there was a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth: "This ball belongs to me... Wait, what's going on?!"

A gust of wind entered outside the court and rushed sideways, about to hit the tennis ball.


But at this moment.

Tennis ball dropped.

What a coincidence.

Get out of this wind.


After Akuto reacted.

Pale yellow light passed through his crotch.


"What's going on?"

Everyone's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

They all saw it.


Is this still a coincidence?

Akuto frowned: "Weird, so weird."

But when he looked at Lin Bei's calm face, he couldn't see anything.


next moment.

Lin Bei serve.

Akuto quickly adjusted his body.

And he began to activate his perception and sense the existence of wind.

"This time... there is a breeze in both courts."

The court on Lin Bei's side is horizontal.

It's the first wind.

The second gust of wind poured in diagonally from outside the lower right corner behind him.

Even if Lin Bei hits back, as long as he moves his body to the left in advance to induce the opponent to attack the right, Lin Bei's shot will be blown away by the second wind.


Akuto's shot, after rushing into the Lin Bei court, was distorted into a snake ball trajectory by the strong wind coming from the side.


But Lin Bei used his physical ability to bend his steps and block the ball with his backhand. Akuto just completed the shift to the left, inducing Lin Bei to attack his right side.


The wind from the corner rushed in and aimed at the tennis ball diagonally. The two sides were like a diagonal line from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.



Just when the two come into contact.

The tennis ball swerved to avoid the slanting wind again.

Smash lightly on the sideline and bounce up.


"It's actually a high-speed curveball!"

Everyone was frightened.

What they didn't expect was that Lin

North's backhand missed the wind predicted by Akuto.

Because the wind is so strong, the picture looks like airflow visible to the naked eye.

So the scene just now was actually visible to them.

"How can this be!!"


The expression on Akuto's face was extremely shocked.

He looked at Lin Bei with a look of disbelief.

"I do not believe."

Then, he growled serve.


Tezuka frowned and was about to punish the opponent for being out of the North serve game.


Lin Bei smiled faintly: "Just count it as a normal score, there is no need to waste time."

He moves to the point where the tennis ball will land, lifts the racquet, and locks in the ball that is about to bounce.

The whole process was full of ease, and there was no feeling like Akuto had to do his best to face his serve.


Some people still think so.

He took it too easy.

Because Akuto made a surprise attack.

And he caught up while talking.

The tennis ball hasn't bounced yet.

Let’s not talk about the gap in strength.

In terms of speed, it's too far behind.

"It's just why he suddenly became so gloomy."

Everyone looked at Akuto in surprise, but the other person had already calmed down after his gaffe.

Akuto's eyes were fixed on Lin Bei's shot, and his perception was turned to the maximum. From 10 meters away, there was a gust of wind about to hit, very fast!

Its direction is blowing in front of him, and its horizontal range is extremely large.

"The wind can interfere with Lin Bei's strokes without coaxing him to attack one spot.

"If he hits the ball one second later, combined with the speed of his tennis ball, this ball... is mine!"

Akuto couldn't believe that the other party had also mastered the ability of predicting the wind. How old was the other party? He had already mastered enough things at the age of 12. If he added one more thing, it would still be such an outrageous ability.

Force, isn’t that a dream? It’s impossible.

That's right.

After he became suspicious, he speculated that Lin Bei's first few balls were just lucky balls.

That's all he could believe.


Lin Bei takes action.

The tennis ball was like a light yellow light, rushing towards the trajectory he expected. Dou observed carefully: "This ball... is indeed stable!"

After judgment.

He breathed a sigh of relief.


But what almost made him lose his breath was that the tennis ball did not go directly through the net at all, but brushed against the blocker, fell near the front court, and rolled to the back court.

Only then did the wind blow over the tennis ball.

Akuto trembled violently as if struck by lightning, and his face suddenly turned pale, as if he had realized something.

"4-0, it!"

Tezuka's tone was deeper than ever before.

In fact.

Most people have already figured out that these goals...are not a coincidence at all!!!


Lin Bei raised his head, and the strong wind blew his hair, giving him a feeling of arrogance. .

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