Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

67: Lin Bei Also Knows Tennis? No, It's Much Better Than This

Having said that.

Akuto never gave up using data to attack.


In the second serve of the third game, he immediately confirmed Lin Bei's blind spot. The light green flames in his eyes slowly came down from Lin Bei's side, but were extinguished instantly.

Lin Bei knew where Akuto was looking, sensed the weakness there, and corrected it in an instant.

And just right.

This process was the moment Akuto took action. He looked at Lin Bei, who was moving normally and waving the racquet, and was secretly shocked:

"Why can he see where my eyes are focused from such a distance?"

At this time, Akuto noticed that Lin Bei's black pupils were extremely bright.

"This guy doesn't have the same eyes as Atobe, does he?"

Combined with the fact that the other party controls the world of ice, no matter how uncomfortable Akuto is, he has to admit that this guy is a complete pervert.


Lin Bei raised the racquet.

Akuto raised the racquet at the same time, his eyes fell around Lin Bei, and several light green flames floated around Lin Bei.

"His attack will land on my left side. As long as I can avoid the ice world's blockade, my next attack can hit his weak point."

Akuto stared at Lin Bei.


Swish! Swish!

But the icicles falling crazily from the sky were like iron pillars, completely blocking his surroundings. Akuto couldn't smash them at all. He tried his best to avoid them, but he was still seen through the blind spot.

"Damn it, if I can't break free from this world of ice, it will be difficult to defeat him.

Akuto thought crazily with cold eyes.


But this time.

Lin Bei on the opposite side turned around the moment he hit the ball and walked towards the baseline. Under Akuto's confused gaze, all the icicles around him automatically shattered, as if Lin Bei had voluntarily given up on the world of ice.

The ball even flew out.


Lin Bei gave up one point.

Akuto looked up in shock.

"Senior, it seems I didn't speak clearly enough."

The snowflakes are floating, making Lin Bei's back look like a devil.

"Give up data tennis."

He came to the backcourt, stepped on the baseline, and looked down at Akuto from the corner of his eye, "Use your stronger ability, stop whining, I don't have much patience."

"I don't have much patience."

It’s about turning around and struggling

"Akuto's data no longer useful."

Off the field.

Everyone looked seriously.

Akuto continues to lose points in vain.

Having said that.

They were still shocked inside.

No one expected it.

The game situation will be like this.

Akuto showed off all his special skills.

But it is of no use at all.

In addition, his formation was also seen through by Lin Bei.

It can be said.

this game.

Akuto has completely lost.

“Lin Bei…”

On the referee's chair, Tezuka had mixed emotions.

He could ignore Akuto's basic tennis skills.

But the opponent's data tennis is very troublesome.

Lin Bei can crack it easily.

"However, he has said so, this senior seems to have more special abilities.

Tezuka's slightly curious eyes fell on Akuto.

Akuto looked a little downcast.

When data tennis is useless.

He did hesitate.

He wasn't like this before.

But he made too many gaffes in this game, and his mentality could no longer remain stable, which caused him to lose his mind.

" does he know that I have more special abilities?"

Akuto took out a tennis ball and patted it down, and subconsciously looked at Lin Bei, who was on the opposite side in defense.

He only used it once last year.

That ability of the wind.

"But I'm sorry, what I want to use...isn't this!"

Akuto sneered secretly, threw up the tennis ball, and hit it out.

There was a loud bang.

After losing two rounds, the quality of his shots did not decrease at all. They were still as powerful as a killer's dagger, piercing Lin Bei's heart quickly and accurately.

"it's useless."

Everyone was a little surprised.

But immediately, he shook his head.

No matter how powerful it is.

The fundamental gap is there.

Now Akuto is just giving away.


But after landing, the tennis ball seemed to spin outwards and rushed towards Lin Bei's face.

"External rotation serve?!!"

"I can't tell at all."

"No, it's very strange. The ball didn't spin at all when it hit the ground. How could such a change occur?"

Everyone had extremely surprised expressions on their faces, and some were secretly looking at Akuto. Could this guy be hiding his skills?


But Lin Bei took a step back, swung his backhand, and knocked the ball back.


Everyone couldn't help but nod.

Reactions, retreats, and counterattacks are all impeccable.

But what surprised them even more came.

When Akuto hit another ball in front of Lin Bei, it suddenly flew sideways.


This caused Lin Bei to put away the racquet, temporarily adjust the angle, and whip the tennis ball back.

"What's going on?"

Everyone was frightened.


Lin Bei's two consecutive high-quality treatments were crisp and neat, demonstrating the strength of his basic skills.

But Akuto who hits this kind of attack continuously... is not easy either!

Lucky ball?


But Akuto hit another ball, and the direction it bounced after landing was completely unpredictable.


To this.

Lin Bei's handling...high quality as always.

But everyone clearly saw that he had been forced to retreat to the baseline.

"As expected of you."

Akuto stepped forward and sneered: "Faced with three consecutive attacks like this, I haven't lost any points... But now you have no chance!"

He rushed towards the flying tennis ball, and his eyes fell on Lin Bei's feet again, as if there was a stone there.


At this time, Lin Bei's voice came to his ears: "The ability to use data tennis balls to collect stone distribution is indeed amazing, but do you think... this will defeat me?"


Akuto, who came to the tennis ball, stopped and waited for the tennis ball to fall. He was not surprised and continued to sneer: "Some abilities are impossible to guard against."


Everyone was shocked.

Oh my god.

Can Akuto's data tennis be used in this way?

Inoue's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Isn't that the ability to use wind?!!"

If you look at it this way, Akuto is not only a trump card that can beat the bottom of the box.

But then.

Everyone, including everyone on Inoue, had expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

On court.

Akuto raised his racquet and looked at the tennis ball that was about to hit the ground. He was about to take action, with a smile on his face that showed he was sure of victory.


But the tennis ball that landed on the ground brushed the bridge of his nose at an angle that even Akuto couldn't understand. It was like a whirlwind blowing towards his face, causing Akuto's hair to fly up and his whole face to be in pain.

"Fa...what happened?"

The smile on his face froze.


Akuto heard the sound at his feet and looked down. Like the audience, he thought, damn, it was so ridiculous.

A pebble.

Lying quietly at his feet.

And carefully recall the distribution of gravels I collected.

The place where Lin Bei just attacked happened to hit this rock.

"Could it be that..."

Seeing the ghostly look on Akuto's face, everyone turned their heads stiffly, and their eyes fell on Lin Bei, but they were not sure because it was too ridiculous and impossible.


Tezuka's tone suddenly became much lower.

He stared at Lin Bei, who was so calm that he couldn't see through this person's mind.

Akuto came back to his senses and locked eyes with Lin Bei.

"Is what just happened a coincidence or..."

Lin Bei also mastered data tennis.

Or is it the same rank as him?

that's all.

The entire court suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

All eyes fell on Lin Bei, who was silent.

After a few seconds.

Akuto still raised his head in disbelief.

"His strength is already strong enough."

“And data tennis requires a lot of time to practice.”

"The ability to organize and distribute stones also requires strong memory and organization skills."

"So... it's just a coincidence that his attack hit the rock!"

Clear your mind.

Akuto's eyes returned to calmness.


He served again.

Aiming at a stone at Lin Bei's feet.

There was a snap.

People who came over could clearly see the ball flying towards Lin Bei again like an external spin.


In response, Lin Bei took a random shot and used his strong physical ability to save the ball.


On the other side, Akuto, who caught the opponent's slow attack, stepped forward again, like a sprinting cheetah approaching a tennis ball, he lifted the racquet.


But the tennis ball that landed on the ground frightened him so much that he quickly retracted his posture.


The tennis ball bounced towards his body like an arrow from the string, and the original hitting line was just a backspin ball. The bounce range after landing was relatively low at best, but why... the bounce angle was so large!!!

"I don't understand!!!"

Akuto was going crazy inside.

0Please ask for flowers......


Tezuka, who announced the score, cast his eyes instantly on Lin Bei, feeling strong fluctuations in his heart: "Could it be..."

Akuto was surprised: "Have you mastered data tennis?"


In an instant.

Pairs of eyes full of shock, curiosity and various emotions focused on Lin Bei.

Spectators, Hyotei, Seigaku, Inoue, Tokyo Competition Association and others

"No way?"

Inoue and others' mouths twitched. They all had doubts about life. Lin Bei's own strength is enough to stand at the top of junior high school students. How can others play tennis with the addition of data?

If this is true, then how powerful this man is.

But what confused them was that Lin Bei's answer was not like that.

"No, I don't know how to play tennis at all."

Lin Bei shrugged and answered, making them want to complain, then how did you hit the stone twice in a row?

Although Akuto didn't say it clearly, he said that Lin Bei also mastered data tennis. He must have hit the stone twice. The people present were not stupid and were very thinking.

"I apply for suspension."

At this time, Akuto raised his hand, and Tezuka was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the original referee and said: "Is this still possible in the middle of the game?"


The referee shook his head: "Unless there is any special reason, you can apply for a timeout. The timeout is 45 seconds.

"My reason is that there are too many stones on the court, which has seriously affected the game. I need to take a timeout to clean the court."

Before Tezuka looked back, Akuto had already found a reason.


Everyone looked at each other.

This is a good reason.

Can be paused.

Just Lin Bei's side.


Akuto suddenly said coldly: "To be fair, Kita-san can do the same."

"I don't have to."

Lin Bei smiled, and the smile was profound. The other party did not do it for the sake of fairness, but had some special thoughts.

But he really didn't have to.

Hear the words.

Akuto looked gloomy again.

"Okay... If you are so confident, then I won't be polite."

Akuto said, went out to pick up a broom on the wall, and returned to the court to clean it.

45 seconds of time.

He can only let him clean up the stones in his memory.

There is no way to observe uncollected stones and sweep them away.

But Akuto believes it.

Lin Bei's data also did not capture the distribution of those stones.

That is to say.

As long as he clears this wave, the opponent will not be able to attack the stones on his court during this round.

And Akuto also had his own thoughts when he asked Lin Bei to clean the court.

In this way, you can see the stone areas that the other party has cleaned, and judge the extent of the other party's collection.

Akuto thinks that if he is not as good as him, then the opponent will miss the stones that are not cleared, and he can just use them to score.

The second is to exchange courts after three rounds.

Akuto loses this game, that is, after 0-3, he can go to Lin Bei's court, but Lin Bei does not clean the court. Akuto will use a court full of stones in the next game.

If Lin Bei cleans up, Akuto will be able to use a clean court in the next game, which will be beneficial to him.


Lin Bei saw through his mind.

"However, the score is now 15-40, and he is still one point away from 3-0 me. I can win this game if my side has no stones and the enemy has stones!"

Akuto suddenly smiled coldly and served directly.


There was a loud bang, and the tennis ball flew out, aiming at a small stone in front of Lin Bei. It bounced up at an unpredictable angle.

"bring it on!"

Akuto stepped forward again.


Lin Bei suddenly swung the racket, and the tennis ball hit his feet, and there was an elegant arc on the corner of Jiudou's mouth: "Let me you struggle!"


But a strange crisp sound rang in his ears.

Akuto looked down, stopped in horror, and tilted his head.


A faint yellow streak rubbed across his cheek.

Leaves a shallow scratch.

A pebble.

A few low-amplitude bounces landed next to his feet.

"game! Lin Bei,0-3!"


Including Akuto.

The eyes looking at Lin Bei were full of shock and disbelief.

Lin Bei put away the racquet with a joking smile on his face.

"Perceptive and keen-sighted, any small thing can be seen clearly. You can see ants and small stones on the ground clearly. The distance is within a court range. You need to concentrate your eyesight to activate it."

Data tennis?

His is much more powerful than this.


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