Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

10: Obtain Tezuka Chop Skills And Create A "White Knife" Specific To The Field

Sleep doesn't necessarily need eight hours.

Four hours of deep sleep is enough.

For example, Lin Bei.

I barely managed to fall asleep at two o'clock.

But when I woke up at six in the morning, I was still very energetic.

Early in the morning.

He picked up the tennis racket and dragged the tennis ball and the server to the nearby one-way court.

One way net court.

As the name suggests, there is a wall on one side and a court on the other side, which is very suitable for training.

After Lin Bei arrived, he loaded a lot of tennis balls into the server machine and looked up at the sky. Sunlight gradually appeared and there was a sense of warmth.

"Nice weather."

Lin Bei is in a good mood, he likes sunny days.

It was gloomy early in the morning, and he really didn't like it.

He starts the timing of the server machine.

Come to the opposite side.


Just when the timer ended, the server's mouth turned and shot out a ray of light, which turned out to be a tennis ball.

Tap! !

Watch the flying tennis balls.

Lin Bei quickly raised the racquet and slashed it out.


racquet collided with tennis ball.

He tilted the racket slightly upward.

The arc of the back pull should be as small as possible.

Pull the tennis ball out.


next moment.

The tennis ball flew out and cut through the air, giving people a very sharp feeling.


Looking at the tennis ball he played, a look of astonishment flashed in Lin Bei's eyes.

When did his chop skills become so good?

People who chop well can create extremely powerful tricks.

For example, Rikkai's Yanagi, his high-speed chop, Kamaitachi of the chop-like Kir series, and the whirlwind vacuum chop that appeared in the comics were all created with chop skills.

But the more powerful one is Tezuka. His fields, phantom and supreme fields, all rely heavily on chop skills, so he mainly focuses on chop in terms of technique.

Before this, Lin Bei knew nothing about chop and only knew the basic concepts.

But the chop he just played felt dreamy even to him, like a veteran who has been practicing for decades.

The tennis balls ejected from the mouth of the serve machine kept passing by Lin Bei's sides. He turned a blind eye and asked the system: "System, the Tezuka talent I drew, does it mean that he has also inherited his chop skills?"


The system replied: "Because it is a Tezuka talent copied from the current Tezuka template, the host's chop level has reached the same level as Tezuka."


Lin Bei couldn't help but laugh.


His eyes narrowed and he fell into thinking. He has not yet mastered the field. It will take several years of experience and may need to be mastered in the future, but... he now has Tezuka-level chop skills and can create another unique move.

But it’s not necessarily Tezuka’s defensive style.

"Style... I like offense, so let's create... an offensive chop!"


As his thoughts turned, Lin Bei caught the tennis ball flying to his side and sliced ​​it out.



Ball after ball, there is a slight airflow in the middle of the court, which is evidence that the tennis ball cuts the air.

About half an hour later.

Lin Bei already had an idea.

Take a step back, raise the racquet, and hit the tennis ball with a slight upward tilt.


Very obviously weakens airborne sound transmission.

next moment.

In mid-air, there is a sharp feeling of a sharp blade cutting through the white paper, forming a transparent channel.

The tennis ball flew out from it like a sharpened top.

After landing, it hit the baseline and rolled up several cyclones, constantly surging.


The tennis ball hit the wall, spinning violently, and stopped after a moment.

Da da da..


Rolled to the ground.


the other side.

Lin Bei took a deep breath and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "It's called...White Knife!"

This is a chop attack technique. It is as sharp as a white blade. If it hits a person's body, the knife may cut the skin, which is very scary.

The inspiration came from a white blade he had seen in his previous life. It was made of zirconia or aluminum oxide and was sintered and pressed. It is a new blade material.

The most terrifying thing about this move is the chopped spin or even the field-level spin.

That's right.

"White knife"!

It was created by Lin Bei for the field of Tezuka.

The opponent's chop is reflected in defense.

Then his chop is mainly offensive.

Lin Bei has a gentle side in his heart, but he also has a very proactive side, which can even be said to be very aggressive.

Therefore, even if he has a domain, he will prefer to take the initiative.

"The national level that is instantly killed from the system is obviously not the ordinary national level. After a long time, the field can still be cracked using reverse rotation."

Lin Bei held the racquet tightly and analyzed: "But after I have the "White Sword", I will not be dragged into a protracted war by his domain. His domain is gone, and the remaining hard work... is nothing to be afraid of." Got it! "

After creating the trick, Lin Bei opened the training plan and planned out today's training content.

It's 3 hours!

Lin Bei turned to training.

3 hours later.

Training completed.

Lin Bei was sweating profusely.

But he packed up his things and went home contentedly.

Wash yourself off and head to Seigaku.

at the same time.

A school that trains as usual on Saturdays and Sundays.

Rikkai, Hyotei, Yamabuki and other schools.

Then I received what happened in Seigaku yesterday.

ps: ball collection, ball flowers

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