Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

60: Akuto Who Lost Again And Again, Singles Three Tezukavs Atobe

Oshitari serve bureau.

He tapped the tennis ball.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw who his opponent was.



Oshitari threw up the tennis ball and rose up from the ground. The racquet rolled in his hand and hit the tennis ball.


After a crisp sound.

The tennis ball quickly crossed the net and poured into Yamato's side.

The ball was very fast, but he appeared beside the tennis ball with steady steps, raised his racquet and was about to hit back.


But Yamato snorted at something surprising.

"Is this a side spin serve?"

Under his surprised gaze, the tennis ball spun very violently after landing and bounced up.

With a whoosh, the side of his backhand was brushed by the curve of the tennis ball.

To people outside the field, it looked like a yellow arc, crossing sharply.


"It's a side spin serve!"

"Oshitari Yushi!!"

"He's not bad in terms of strength either..."

Everyone looked a little surprised.

This kind of serve is neither difficult nor simple.

But mastery in first grade is extremely rare.

Although it is not as sharp as the external spin serve, it is still extraordinary.


Facing Fuji, Oshitari's playing style was quite satisfactory because he knew it would be useless against Fuji.


If you study it carefully.

The way of playing is not simple either.

By moving Fuji to the right, he can only hit the serve above Miyagi's head.


And facing the flying tennis ball.

Xiangri narrowed his eyes, and the moment he jumped up, he suddenly flapped his wings like an eagle.

Racquet backhand hit the tennis ball!!


The hit hit like a slam dunk, hitting Fuji and Yamato in the middle.


The third ball.

Oshitari played a spin serve but was broken by Yamato.

Yamato knew that Xiangri had little experience in dealing with balls from the crotch, and could not take advantage of the air, so he raised his hand to attack Xiangri's crotch.


Oshitari moved quickly, but with a solemn look on his face: "As expected of the former minister of Seigaku."

Perfectly cracking his side-spin serve on the second ball.

He also thought that this ball would force Yamato to drop the ball again.

Xiang Ri flew into the air and aimed at the blind spot between the two to score, but he was overthinking it.


Oshitari's eyes suddenly fell on Fuji's side, and he jerked the tennis ball to the other side.


The skill of side spin on the net, but he was on the baseline and just whipped out the tennis ball.


The tennis ball drew an arc in mid-air and landed on the front court sideline.

Fuji took a step forward and struck back.


But he was blocked by Xiangri who stepped forward with a glare.

With a flick of his backhand, the tennis ball landed on Fuji's left side and rushed toward the back of the court.


One goal after that.

Oshitari used his skills again.

Create opportunities that belong to Xiangri.


"Game! Oshitari, Mukahi 1-1!"

Then in the third and fourth games, the two sides were tied again.

"Game! Oshitari, Mukahi, 2-2!"

Each maintains its own serve position.


After four consecutive games, everyone let out a deep breath, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on Oshitari.

The opponent's performance was very impressive.

"Oshitari Yushi."

"This man is very strong."

“Yes, although it is Mukahi who is attacking, without Oshitari, it will be difficult for him to take advantage of it.

"This man is also a genius! If Fuji is Seigaku's genius, then he is Hyotei's genius!"

"A battle of geniuses..."

"It's not like Hyotei doesn't have a chance."

Everyone was talking with a look of surprise on their faces.

in their original thoughts.

The pairing of Oshitari and Mukahi had no chance.

But I didn’t expect that Oshitari’s skills were as sharp as Fuji’s.

Xiangri's style of play requires a good partner. his best partner.

They are like Seigaku's golden team, they are Hyotei's golden team, very powerful.


Oshitari pulled out the tennis ball, and it felt hotter and hotter. He looked up at Yamato who was catching the ball.


"Fuji can still compete with me."

"You... forget it."

Across the way, Yamato waved the racquet.

Oshitari sneered and moved a step, waving the gray racquet.


Shock appeared on Oshitari's face.

The tennis ball actually went through his racquet.

Da da da. .

The next moment, he saw a tennis ball appearing behind Xiangri on the left.

"I..." Oshitari was stunned. He obviously hit the ball when he hit the ball, but why did the tennis ball appear there.



Everyone looked at Oshitari in surprise.

Xiangri also turned around in shock.

"Oshitari, why are you standing there?"

Xiangri glanced at the tennis ball, and then at Oshitari's position. The tennis ball had just passed by him, but he was relieved to hand it over to Oshitari, but he didn't expect Oshitari to be indifferent.


Oshitari shook his head quickly, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

"I clearly saw the tennis ball coming towards me."

What Oshitari said made Xiangri feel confused. He encouraged: "Oshitari, it's okay, just call back next time."


Oshitari nodded.

The game continues.

Everyone's eyes regained their composure.

Like Mukahi, they regarded the previous hit as Oshitari's mistake.

"Have you made a move?"

"Fantasy and dream come true..."

Seigaku, Lin Bei smiled secretly. Before the game, Yamato mentioned to Fuji that he was completing a trick, so Fuji gave up and gave up four rounds.

Of course, Lin Bei only guessed the truth through the performance of the two people.

And when the moves are completed, it’s time to end the game!


The tennis ball penetrated the sun racquet, making his eyes widen until they were round.

"Tennis disappeared Jun. Nguyen r

He cried out loudly.


In the eyes of people outside the field.

The tennis ball grazed the sideline on his left side.



Everyone looked at each other, all with a bad premonition.

If Mukata is like this, then Oshitari's mistake is actually not...a mistake?

"What the hell... happened!"

Everyone frowned.

Too strange.

how so.


Once again, Oshitari swung his racquet and hit the oncoming tennis ball, but it hit the air.


at the same time.

There was a soft sound to his right.

That was the sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground.


The referee announced, his eyes couldn't help but focus on Yamato who took action.

"It's him!"

Everyone naturally noticed him, and their pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme.

"What on earth did you do?"

Xiangri in front of the net looked at Yamato who kept swinging, and couldn't help but roar, with a look of horror on his face.

"Xiangri, calm down."

Oshitari shook his head and interrupted the opponent. He took a deep look at Yamato and analyzed: "It seems that senior has misled us with a non-existent shot."


Yamato smiled faintly: "But it's just a guess, it can never be solved!"

"This game...we won!"

Hear the words.

Xiangri couldn't help clenching his fists. Although Oshitari was calm, his face suddenly darkened.

Being calm, he also realized how tricky this trick was.

And after that.

Mukahi and Oshitari.

They were all manipulated by Yamato's "Illusion and Dream Appearance".

Even if two people take action at the same time, one person is chasing the non-existent tennis ball, and the other is chasing the real tennis ball, and they can solve it with the strength of the two.

There is also a Fuji Syusuke here.

His strength is only stronger than Oshitari.

The score rose quickly.


"Game! Fuji, Yamato 5-2!"


Xiangri, who was serving, kept staring at his legs to vent his anger.

But Oshitari in the frontcourt also had a flash of impatience in his eyes.

“I didn’t expect Seigaku’s Yamato to be able to push Hyotei’s first team to this point.

"Yamato is Seigaku's former minister after all, but he still has a few tricks up his sleeve."

"Seigaku is too strong."'s over!"

"If Akuto didn't make mistakes, it would be easy to win, but if he makes mistakes, it will be difficult for Hyotei to win."

Countless people saw the situation in the court and shook their heads.

Everyone was shocked by Yamato's "phantom dream".


No exception.

A cold look flashed in Atobe's eyes: "This skill... can actually beat Oshitari without any power to fight back!"

Anato Ryo and the others looked pale. If Oshitari couldn't deal with it, then they would be even more incompetent!

Akuto had a gloomy look on his face.

"Damn...I shouldn't have made a mistake!"

Moreover, he still missed Yamato.

Before the game.

He shouldn't just see Fuji as a threat.

"But... as long as Oshitari completes that trick, breaks Yamato's illusion, and then faces Fuji, if he barely wins, he and Mukahi will cooperate well and can even the score."

Although Akuto knew that such a chance was very small and could even be said to be a fantasy, Hyotei wanted to win because he must not lose.


Qian and others all had smiles on their faces.

"Yamato-senpai... he's so awesome!"

Kikumaru Eiji wiped his nose with joy on his face.

"This trick is very strong."

Although Tezuka's tone was calm, with his endorsement, the value of Yamato's fantasy skyrocketed.

Lin Bei smiled faintly.

This trick is quite good. In the original work, even Tezuka, who has not yet awakened, can easily master it. It is the basis for Yamato to gain a foothold in Court No. 3 with an extremely weak level.

"However, Oshitari's technique of sealing the heart will restrain the illusion of dreams!"

at this point.

The same was expected by Lin Bei.

But cracking the illusion has a dream.

This means that a more powerful Fuji will be forced to take action.


Another ball.

Yamato's miraculous dream once again passes through Oshitari's racquet.

That feeling of emptiness.

He couldn't help but clench the racquet.

A look of anxiety flashed across his face.

"How to do how to do!"

As calm as Oshitari is, he is also a little panicked.

He probably knew the principle of the opponent's trick, which was to see through his actions and hit him on the other side.

As for the principle that forms magic, Oshitari is not clear about it.

But as long as the other party can't see it

If you see through his actions, you can crack it.



Oshitari's eyes lit up: "If you restrain your the extreme, maybe it can be done!"

This is a trick he has been practicing, but before, he only restrained his breath, and never tried to limit his breath.

But this time he felt... okay!


Oshitari hit back the ball and his breathing became leisurely, while Yamato frowned, but he was still preparing to hit the tennis ball out with a dream-like technique.


But in Yamato's field of vision, Oshitari was suddenly enveloped in a fog, forming nothingness. He was unable to see through Oshitari's actions.

"How could it be possible that I couldn't see through his past behavior?"


Yamato was shocked and hit the tennis ball out.

Seeing this, Oshitari suddenly smashed the ball.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball passed through Yamato's crotch.


"Your illusions are of no use to me now!"


Oshitari pointed the racquet at Yamato, who had a look of shock on his face.


"Yushi! That's great!!"

Xiangri shouted excitedly.

The corners of Oshitari's mouth raised slightly.

"That's right...I've cracked it!"

However, what Oshitari and Xiangri didn't expect was that the whole place suddenly became silent.

They seemed to notice something, so they lowered their voices and their eyes suddenly fell on Fuji.

The other party's squinted eyes...opened.

On Fuji's body, a momentum slowly rose, giving him a feeling of awakening.

"I'm sorry."

Fuji smiled and said: "Cracking Yamato-senpai's moves does not mean...victory!"

"Do you understand?"

Hear the words.

Oshitari's pupils suddenly shrank.

So strong!

This momentum...why is it so strong?!


Atobe's face couldn't help but change: "Fuji Syusuke, you actually hide your true strength!"

"This gone!"

Judging from the slowly rising aura on Fuji's body, Akuto already understood that he had underestimated Qing again.

Especially Fuji Syusuke.

Think of this.

His face became even more ugly.



Under everyone's shocked eyes.

Fuji launched an attack that was very fierce and gave people a feeling of overwhelming power.

Oshitari, who was stronger than Awakening and sealed his heart, couldn't keep up with his actions.


Xiangri seized the opportunity, jumped up, rolled in the air and hit the ball on Fuji's other side.

The speed of this ball is very fast.


But Fuji is like a sharp white light that appears below the tennis ball. It is obviously a Bear Drop, but it gives people the feeling of attack.



The tennis ball was picked up by him and hit behind Oshitari and the two of them.


Oshitari and the two kept panting. It was already very difficult for them to defend Fuji's attack just now.

"Is this your true strength? Fuji Syusuke!!"

Especially Oshitari, who used to be full of confidence, but now has only a bitter look on his face.

He and Xiangri looked at each other, determination flashed in their eyes, and they decided to hold on to the last moment of 1.1


Facing the unfathomable Fuji.

Their defense was easily penetrated.

Fuji swings the racket and hits like the wind.


A shot of the ball, like a sharp arrow, passed through Oshitari, fell into the baseline, bounced sharply, and the game was over!

"The game is over, Fuji and Yamato won 6-2!"

"Seigaku2 consecutive wins!"

Everyone looked at Fuji who closed his eyes and put away his fierce aura in awe, and were secretly shocked:

"Is this genius... Fuji Syusuke?"


Everyone's brains are completely blank.

Minister Rikimaru couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"It turns out that he was...not even serious that day."

"Seigaku has risen!"

Banlao's squinted eyes suddenly opened, with a complicated look.

Fortunately, Ryūzaki was ousted by Lin Bei, otherwise outstanding talents like Fuji would have been buried.

Not only that.

So are Tezuka and Lin Bei.

These two players who have never played in the regional competition so far... are so mysterious!

No one will think they are weaker than Fuji.


And the way everyone looked at this man became a little intriguing.

They didn't expect it.

Akuto will continue to suffer in the Tokyo Grand Finals.

Akuto's face was full of gloom, without his usual sinister smile.


How confident I was before the game, I feel so uncomfortable now.

"Lin Bei!"

Akuto gritted his teeth slightly and looked at Lin Bei, who was sitting on the coach's chair with a calm expression.

"I underestimated the Seigaku you led!"

But immediately, he calmed down again:

“Even if Atobe and I win, no one can beat Seigaku’s Inui Sadaharu.

But the game must go on.

He looked at Atobe with a gloomy look.


Atobe naturally felt Akuto's gaze.

Without the other party telling him, he would kill the Shou family!

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