"Thank you, Seigaku, for everything you have given us." Looking at Seigaku and all the familiar things, Lin Bei said silently in his heart, "We will definitely realize our dreams in return for your cultivation."

He turned around and watched his three best friends approaching. Although the road ahead is still uncertain, as long as we have each other by our side, we will overcome all difficulties. They looked at each other and smiled. The four of them took strong steps and walked out of the holy land where they were raised.

A new journey begins now! The Four Musketeers of Seigaku will soon shine on a broader stage!

Walking out of the gate of Seigaku, Lin Bei and others were immediately surrounded by media reporters who came after hearing the news. Flash lights and microphones were heard all the time, and Lin Bei and the others, surrounded by reporters, entered the reserved conference room.

In conference room 497, senior executives of major sports brands are also waiting anxiously. When they saw Lin Bei and others pushing the door open, their eyes immediately lit up.

This is the first public appearance of the Four Musketeers of Seigaku since they won the national championship. Their popularity is soaring, and major sports brands are hoping to sign these new stars to actively expand their brand's influence among young people.

At the beginning of the meeting, various brands offered contracts with favorable conditions to Lin Bei and others to show their sincerity.

"We appreciate your strength and potential very much. If you join our (bdag) brand, we will go all out to build you!"

"Sign with us and we will provide you with first-class training conditions and coaches, and we will not miss any of your needs!"

Facing the warm invitations from all parties, Lin Bei and others smiled at each other. They do not intend to give in easily, but are looking for a partner that can best match their positioning and development.

"We are grateful for your generous terms and sincerity," Lin Bei said, "but we want more than just terms and money."

“We wanted a partner who shared our philosophy and would go all out to help us realize our dreams,” continued Tezuka Kunimitsu.

"We are not only pursuing immediate benefits, but also caring about long-term development." Echizen Ryoma said firmly.

Everyone present heard this and nodded to express their understanding. To sign such a group of young stars with ideals and opinions, conditions and money are obviously far from enough.

After the meeting, the four of them returned to Seigaku together. On the way, we were discussing the meeting just now.

"What we want is not just a three-year and five-year contract, but a long-term and stable cooperative relationship." Lin Bei said.

"Yes, we want a brand that can give us autonomy and truly understand what we are pursuing." Tezuka Kunimitsu said.

"If there is no such brand to sign with us, we would rather develop independently." Fuji Syusuke said with a smile.

"Actually, there are already more than one brand that meets our requirements." Echizen Ryoma said, "But we still need to think carefully to make such an important decision in our youth."

Lin Bei nodded, "You are right, this will affect our future development. We must consider it carefully and cannot give in hastily."

A few days later, under repeated invitations from the top management of a brand, Lin Bei and others decided to negotiate with them. This brand is quite influential in the sports world and has always been known for its "player first" approach, which is what Lin Bei and others value most. .

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