Terran Guardian

Chapter 1,219 The Extinction of All Creatures

"Over the years, many strong men have wanted to step into the Fire Realm to find the whereabouts of the origin of the Imperial Fire, but unfortunately, the Imperial Fire is unbearably hot and no one can truly find the whereabouts of the Imperial Fire.

In ancient times, there were powerful men from the Taixu Realm who entered the heavens and wanted to enter the Fire Realm, but ended up falling into the Emperor's Fire.

At this point, the heavens were shaken, and the Emperor's Fire became a taboo. Even the ancient emperors did not dare to step into the Emperor's Fire. "

When Yuxu Ancient Mirror talked about Emperor Fire, his expression was very solemn.

Although the strong men who fell in the Taixu Realm were because their strength was suppressed by the rules of the heavens, there is no denying the power of the Emperor Fire.

After all, this fire comes from the hands of the human emperor, and it is the top divine fire in the world. If it were in its heyday, not to mention the ancient emperor, even the ancient gods would have difficulty resisting it.

Hear the words.

Shen Changqing's eyes were also focused.

He didn't expect such dangerous places to exist in the Eternal Continent.

Yuxu Ancient Mirror said: "The Emperor's Fire is the top divine fire in the world. Even if the Ancient Emperor Tower is extremely powerful, it cannot withstand the power of the Emperor's Fire.

Therefore, if the sect leader wants to smelt the ancient imperial tower, he can only do so by going deep into the imperial fire. "


Shen Changqing nodded, as if he was thinking about something. Yuxu Ancient Mirror did not disturb him, but withdrew knowingly.

Half a day later.

In the void of the sky in the Falling Star Territory, Shen Changqing stood in the sky, looking outside the Falling Star Territory. There was the fiery red sky, and the fiery breath was faintly blowing towards his face, making him feel a rush of emotion.

"This is the Fire Realm!"

Shen Changqing's face was solemn.

Among the twenty-seven domains of the Eternal Continent, the Falling Star Domain is connected to the Fire Domain.

But unlike the Luo Xing Territory, which is prosperous and full of countless forces, there are no living beings in the Fire Territory. The entire territory is covered by the Emperor's Fire and becomes a forbidden dead zone.

Before truly seeing the Fire Domain, Shen Changqing could not understand the horror of the Fire Domain.

But when he came to the border of the Falling Star Territory and really glimpsed the clues of the Fire Territory with his eyes, Shen Changqing understood the power of the Fire Territory.


It is the power of Emperor Fire.

If he hadn't heard about Yuxu Ancient Mirror, Shen Changqing would never have thought that the imperial fire that fell from the human emperor several ancient eras ago could burn endlessly for several ancient eras and turn a large region into a corner.

Even in the Falling Star Territory, Shen Changqing could feel the temperature of the Emperor's Fire. When he actually stepped into the Fire Territory, it was conceivable.


Shen Changqing did not hesitate for too long and stepped directly into the fire domain.


Extremely hot!

As soon as Shen Changqing stepped into the fire realm, he could feel a terrifying heat wave surrounding himself, making him feel unstoppably hot.

This temperature is enough to instantly annihilate the physical bodies of monks below the level of the God Lord. Even the God Lord monks cannot sustain it for too long. If the divine power is exhausted, the end will be the same.

The only way to survive in such temperatures is that the body must enter the stage of sanctification.

Only in this way.

Only then can one withstand the power of the Fire Realm.

"This place is a good place to temper the physical body. If there are physical saints who stay in the fire domain for a long time and are tempered by the power of the fire domain, they will definitely be able to go further..."

Shen Changqing's eyes sparkled.

All dangerous taboos often coexist with opportunities.

Although the Fire Realm is terrifying, as long as you can withstand the power of the Fire Realm, the dangers here will turn into opportunities.


The current power at the outermost edge of the Fire Realm can allow those who have just entered the physical body to become saints to temper their physical bodies, but for Shen Changqing now, it has little effect.

So after just staying for a moment, Shen Changqing went deep into the fire domain.

I saw that the temperature of the fire domain was extremely high, and the ground under my feet was red, but there was no sight of rising flames.

Shen Changqing understands.

This is only the outermost part of the Fire Domain, so naturally there is no power of the Emperor Fire.


Just the power emitted by the Emperor Fire can turn the entire Fire Territory into a corner. If it were the real Emperor Fire in front of it, the terror would be imaginable.

As it continued to deepen, the temperature in the air gradually became terrifying. The space had long been exhausted, and devouring flames were spitting out from it.

These flames are not real imperial fires, but space flames produced after the incineration of space.

This kind of flame is not the best among the heavens, but in the fire domain, the space flame is particularly terrifying.

The moment he was affected by the space flames, Shen Changqing felt as if his physical body was about to melt. The divine master's eighth-level law, divine body, and Taoist rhythm flowed, forcibly resisting the burning of the flames.

"This place should still be regarded as the periphery of the Fire Territory. The temperature is already so strong. If we really step into the inner perimeter of the Fire Territory, I am afraid that those below the God Lord will be wiped out in an instant!"

Shen Changqing's heart became more and more solemn. He had only gone deep into the fire realm now, and it was only a hundred miles away.

For a large domain, a hundred-mile area is nothing at all. It can only be the periphery of the periphery, but even so, Shen Changqing has an irresistible feeling.

It can be seen from this.

How terrifying is the power of the Fire Realm.


Shen Changqing did not stop.

As he continued to go deeper, the temperature also rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the burning space flames engulfed his entire body.

The Taoist charm of the law divine body is shattered inch by inch, and even the top divine masters are unable to shake much of the physical body. Now, cracks have appeared under the burning of the space flames.

Qi and blood flow.

The cracked body gradually recovered.

But as Shen Changqing continued to go deeper, the speed of his body's self-recovery was no longer comparable to the speed of its collapse.

See this.

Shen Changqing did not hesitate and directly sacrificed the ancient emperor tower to protect himself.

I saw the ancient imperial tower hanging high above my head, and the power of the half-step immortal treasure fell, blocking out all the flames.

The original heat has now dissipated.

With the help of the Ancient Emperor Pagoda, Shen Changqing began to speed up and deepen.

Although he could not fully activate the power of the ancient emperor tower, with the power of the half-step immortal holy soldier, even if he could activate part of the power, it could be regarded as an unparalleled defense.

After going thousands of miles deep, the surrounding temperature skyrocketed again. The falling force of the ancient imperial tower was gradually distorted in front of this blazing temperature, and there were faint signs of fragmentation.

See this scene.

Shen Changqing did not stop. After he went thousands of miles deep, the power of the ancient imperial tower shattered.

Without the protection of the ancient emperor tower, the terrifying power inside the fire domain swept over instantly. Just when Shen Changqing was about to be completely engulfed, a green light emerged.


All the incoming power was completely isolated.

"It smells so familiar. May I ask, Your Majesty, where is this place?"

Qing Yi was a little confused. He didn't understand how something could appear in such a place. From the fire field in front of him, he seemed to feel a familiar aura.

Shen Changqing said: "This is the realm of fire. It is said that the emperor's fire fell here from the palace of Emperor Yan in ancient times and has survived for several ancient eras."

"Emperor Yan...Emperor Fire!"

Qing Yi murmured to himself, and after a while, he said with relief.

"It turns out to be the Southern Flame Emperor Fire. No wonder the aura is so familiar. Why did Your Majesty suddenly come here? You must know that the Southern Flame Emperor Fire was the top divine fire in ancient times.

Emperor Yan spent his entire life condensing this imperial fire. A god once fell into the imperial fire, and his reputation was unparalleled in ancient times.

Even if the Immortal Saint Soldier is in front of him, he may not be able to completely withstand the power of Emperor Nanyan's fire. Your Majesty's current cultivation level is still shallow and he cannot truly exert the power of the Immortal Saint Soldier.

If you come into contact with the fire of Emperor Nanyan, you may be in danger of falling! "

Speaking of the latter part, Qing Yi's tone was very solemn.

no way.

Emperor Nanyan's fire is really too powerful. It was a terrifying divine fire with a great reputation during the ancient human royal court period.

Shen Changqing said bluntly: "I want to rely on the power of the Fire Domain to smelt the Ancient Emperor Tower and refine it into a treasure.

However, the level of the ancient imperial tower is too high, and ordinary divine fire cannot damage it at all. Only with the fire of Nanyan Emperor, can it be possible to smelt such a treasure. "

"Smelting the Ancient Imperial Tower..."

Qing Yi pondered for a moment, and then said.

"If Your Majesty wants to smelt the Ancient Emperor Pagoda, there will be no problem with the power of Emperor Nan Yan's fire.

But the problem is that if your Majesty really encounters the fire of Emperor Nan Yan, while the Ancient Emperor Tower is being smelted, you may also fall.

According to me, where the Nanyan Emperor Fire is, other flames will inevitably grow. Although these flames are not as powerful as the Nanyan Emperor Fire, they are still quite powerful.

As long as you have some patience and spend some time, smelting the Ancient Imperial Tower will not be a problem. "

Qing Yi's words made Shen Changqing fall into deep thought.


The other party's reminder makes sense.

"Senior, where do you think such flames will appear?"

"Wherever Emperor Nan Yan's fire power reaches, such flames may arise. In the fire domain where Your Majesty is now, there must be corresponding flames.

Therefore, I think that your Majesty does not need to go too deep into the fire realm now. You can just wander around the fire realm, maybe you can encounter such flames. "

Qing Yi made a suggestion.

Hear the words.

Shen Changqing thought for a moment, and then decided to give up going deeper into the flames for the time being, as the other party said, and instead search for the divine fire that could smelt the ancient imperial tower within the current depth range.

After all, the temperature here is extremely terrifying. Even if the Divine Master enters from the top, he will be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Even Shen Changqing's current power to activate the Ancient Emperor Tower cannot stop this space flame that is burning all the time. Only with the help of the power of the Immortal Holy Soldier can we truly survive.

Just as Qing Yi said, if it continues to go deeper, Shen Changqing suspects that even the Immortal Holy Soldier will be difficult to resist.

after all.

He cannot truly exert the power of the Immortal Holy Soldier now.

If it really comes to that step, the result will be that Shen Changqing's physical body is incinerated and completely reduced to nothingness by the Fire Realm, while Qing Yi, as an immortal holy soldier, is not affected by the Fire Realm.

This situation is naturally not the result Shen Changqing wants.

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