Terran Guardian

Chapter 1,220 Jade Divine Fire

Following Qing Yi's suggestion, Shen Changqing did not forcefully go deep into the Fire Realm to find the so-called Emperor Fire. Instead, he braved the flames of space and explored the current depth.

I saw the blazing flames burning all around, which can incinerate all the gods. Even the ordinary powerful gods may not be able to escape intact.


The divine king here refers to the real divine king, not the divine king suppressed by the rules of the heavens.

After all, there is no big difference between the divine king and the divine master who are suppressed by the rules of the heavens.

time flies.

While Shen Changqing was wearing the Immortal Saint Weapon, he still had the Ancient Imperial Tower on his head. Under the continuous burning of space flames, the Ancient Imperial Tower was also slightly red.

The patterns carved on it are still faintly visible at this moment.


Even the Ancient Emperor Tower cannot bear the long-term exposure to the space flames. However, with the current intensity of the space flames, it is impossible to smelt the Ancient Emperor Tower even if it takes another hundred years.


Shen Changqing wants to find a more powerful flame to refine the ancient imperial tower.

However, Shen Changqing is also a little regretful that his current strength is too weak and he has not been able to truly see the Emperor Fire.

If he can get the fire of Emperor Nan Yan, his strength will definitely increase greatly.

It's just that Emperor Nan Yan's fire has existed for several ancient eras and has never been obtained by any strong person, so we can understand how powerful Nan Yan Emperor's fire is.

It didn't take long.

Shen Changqing stopped.

In his sight, a different touch of cyan suddenly appeared where the space flame was originally burning.

The blue flame was only the size of a fist and was beating slightly, but the surrounding space flames retreated as if they were seeing snakes and scorpions, not daring to get even close.

"Senior, is this the divine fire that you said can refine the ancient imperial tower?"

Shen Changqing asked.

From the green divine fire, he felt a huge threat. Even if he was protected by the immortal holy soldiers, he might not be able to protect himself.

Qing Yi said: "Wherever the Imperial Fire is, other divine fires will be derived. If I read this fire correctly, it should be the Jade Divine Fire!"

"The Jade Divine Fire?"

Shen Changqing looked back at the memories in his mind and had never heard of the existence of the Jade Divine Fire.

Qing Yi said: "The Jade Divine Fire is the top divine fire at the God Emperor level, and only those who have stepped into the God Emperor level can condense this kind of divine fire.

Although the Sapphire Divine Fire is not as good as the True Fire of Samadhi or the True Fire of the Sun when it comes to grades, this is only true when they are at the same level.

If it is what the heavens currently call Samadhi True Fire and Sun True Fire, they are not even worthy of carrying shoes in front of the sapphire divine fire. "

At the same level, the Jade Divine Fire is not as good as the latter two.

But in a completely unequal situation, the Jade Divine Fire can completely crush the latter two.

You must know that the Green Jade Divine Fire is only qualified to condense the divine fire by the powerful ones at the level of the God Emperor. Without entering the level of the God Emperor, it is naturally impossible for the Samadhi True Fire and the True Sun Fire to compete with this kind of divine fire.

Hearing this, Shen Changqing looked at the jade divine fire in front of him with blazing eyes: "In this case, if I can subdue the jade divine fire, wouldn't it be possible for me to directly dominate the heavens?"

Although the rules of the heavens forcibly suppress the strength of all living beings below the divine king, they do not suppress other existences.

Just like the current Emperor Fire.

The power of the Emperor's Fire is obviously not comparable to that of the God Lord. Even the space flames burning now and the Jade Divine Fire are beyond the scope of the God Lord.

If he could conquer the Jade Divine Fire, Shen Changqing doubted that he could stop the God of Killing. Even if the ancient emperor arrived, he would have to perish here.


With the power of the Jade Divine Fire and Shen Changqing's current strength, there is no possibility of conquering him.

If he really wanted to incorporate the Jade Divine Fire into his body, he would be wiped out in an instant, leaving no residue at all.

Therefore, Shen Changqing only thought about conquering the Jade Divine Fire. Even if he entered the realm of Taoist Immortal, he had no possibility of conquering the Jade Divine Fire.

Looking at the sapphire divine fire in front of him, Shen Changqing threw the ancient imperial tower directly into the divine fire. He saw the terrifying flames burning and the entire ancient imperial tower trembling slightly.

The Ancient Emperor Pagoda is a half-step immortal treasure, equivalent to the existence of the God-Emperor realm, but the Jade Divine Fire is also a flame of the God-Emperor level, and the two levels are comparable.


Under the calcining of the sapphire sacred fire, the Taoist charm on the ancient imperial pagoda circulates, and the patterns of the vessels are also revealed.

Shen Changqing waited patiently. He was not in a hurry. After all, both of them were at the level of the God-Emperor. Really smelting the Ancient Emperor Tower would not happen overnight.

But Shen Changqing didn't wait any longer. He slightly released some of the power of the Immortal Holy Soldier, allowed the space flames to invade his body, and forged himself like a divine weapon.

For a while.

Calm returned within the Fire Territory.

No one would have thought that in the forbidden fire realm, there would be people hiding here to cultivate.

The void shattered, and a majestic existence stepped out of it. Terrifying power burst out, sweeping through the void in the sky in an instant.

But in the next breath, the power of the laws of the heavens came down in the form of shackles, causing the breath to weaken a lot in an instant.

"The rules of the heavens are really troublesome!"

Bijiang Shenjun frowned slightly and looked a little unhappy. The shackles of the rules of the heavens suppressed him, making him feel constrained.

After all, in the Taixu Realm Palace, Shenjun Bijiang was a powerful person at the seventh level of the God Lord. However, after entering the heavens, he was suppressed by the rules of the heavens and was forced to fall to the ultimate level of the God Lord.


Having said that.

But Shenjun Bijiang is not afraid either.

So what if the God Lord is at the top? He was also a top talent back then, and was only half a step away from being able to forcibly overcome the Heavenly Tribulation of the Ultimate Realm. Now that he has entered the seventh level of the God Lord, he is expected to challenge the God Emperor in the future.

Returning to the heavens at this moment, Bijiang Divine Lord has also made complete preparations.

The purpose of his trip was very simple, which was to kill Shen Changqing, destroy the Tianzong, and revive the Bixuan Divine Clan.

to this end.

Bijiang Shenjun did not hesitate to pay a huge price to obtain a piece of Taixu Token.

The Taixu Token is precious and is the key to the heavens. Even the Bixuan Palace does not have any extra Taixu Token in hand.


Bijiang Shenjun's spiritual thoughts spread out, and soon found the target, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Bixuan God Clan.

Biyunkong, who was dealing with government affairs, suddenly had a bad premonition, as if some disaster was about to happen, making his heart beat wildly.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

A god king asked curiously.

Biyunkong forcibly calmed down, looked at the other court officials and said calmly: "Nothing, you can go on, the court meeting will end today!"

"Your Majesty, please leave!"

The other monks did not dare to say anything and bowed and retreated.

In the huge court hall, only Bi Yunkong was left sitting alone on the throne.

Now that ominous premonition is lingering around him like a nightmare, making him unable to go away.

For a while.

Biyunkong was a little restless.

He believes in his sixth sense. After all, his own sense has always been extremely powerful. Otherwise, he would not be able to defeat Bi Baiyu with half a step of the god king body. Especially after taking charge of the Bixuan God Clan, he has the blessing of the entire God Clan. , and even more able to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

The current situation is enough to show that some kind of irresistible disaster is about to happen.

Under such circumstances, how could Biyunkong not panic.


Biyunkong just deduced silently, trying to deduce some clues, but unfortunately, no matter how he deduced, he was still unable to deduce anything.

"The Bixuan God Clan cannot stay any longer, otherwise I will definitely perish here today!"

Biyunkong instantly understood that he could no longer stay in the Bixuan Divine Clan. Since the premonition symbolized death, it meant that even with all the strength of the clan, it was difficult to have a chance to compete.

Think of this.

Without alerting any monks, Biyunkong quietly came to the location of the teleportation formation, then activated the formation and left the Bixuan God Clan.


Before leaving the Bixuan Divine Clan, Biyunkong also came to the imperial court first and took away all the resources inside to avoid insufficient resources for his own practice in the future.

After staying in the Bixuan God Clan for many years, although Bi Yunkong's talent was average, with the accumulation of the resources of the God Clan, he was able to break through to the level of the God King of the Universe in one go.

There is only one step left for Biyunkong to step into the God King of Rules.

This kind of breakthrough was something he had never dared to imagine.

Who would have thought that more than ten or twenty years ago, a small half-step god king could directly step into the height of the world god king in a short period of time.

All of this is inseparable from the accumulation of resources of the Gods.


When Bi Yunkong left, he took all the resources of the imperial court with him.

The light of the teleportation formation emerged, and Biyunkong appeared in another place.

"City of Gods!"

This was not the first time for Biyunkong to come here. When he stepped into the divine city, he felt a sense of peace of mind.

At present, Biyunkong's biggest supporter is Tianzong. Since he is in trouble, he will definitely come to Tianzong to seek shelter as soon as possible.

Therefore, after entering the divine city, Biyunkong did not stop and went directly towards Tianzong.

When he first stepped into Tianzong, he was intercepted by the disciples of Protector. Biyunkong immediately revealed his identity. The disciple did not dare to neglect, and asked him to wait for a while, and then hurriedly summoned the elder.

The emperor of the gods!

This is no ordinary identity.

Although Tianzong is now powerful, as an ordinary disciple of the sect, they would not dare to offend a divine emperor.

It didn't take long.

Puzong arrived unexpectedly.

"It turns out that the Bi Huang has arrived. I was a little far away to welcome him, so I asked the Bi Huang to come in and explain!"

"Elder Pu is so polite!"

Biyunkong smiled slightly, but he did not really pretend to be the emperor of the gods and stepped into Tianzong in the same order as Puzong.

Inside the Tianzong Hall.

The two sat down on the left and right sides.

As soon as he sat down, Bi Yunkong asked anxiously: "May I ask where Master Fu is now? I have something important to ask for."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint the Bi Huang. The sect leader has been away from the sect for a while and his whereabouts are still unknown. I wonder what the Bi Huang has to do to find the sect leader?"

Puzong's words made Biyunkong feel slightly depressed, and then he did not hide anything and told everything he felt.

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