Terran Guardian

Chapter 1,221 Bijiang Divine Lord


Puzong looked at the other party with a strange look. His sixth sense has always been more metaphysical. It is normal for Biyunkong to be able to perceive some things under normal circumstances.

But now that the catastrophe is becoming more and more intense, and with the aura of calamity pervading the heavens, many monks' perceptions have been deceived, and the so-called premonition is almost a decoration.

Just seeing Bi Yunkong's serious look, Puzong did not say what the other party said was unfounded, but pondered for a moment and said.

"Since King Bi has such a premonition, it is better to stay in Tianzong for a while and observe the changes. Although the sect leader is not here, not everyone in Tianzong can target it.

If you stay in Tianzong, you won't be in any danger. "

"Thank you so much, Elder Pu!"

Biyunkong was relieved.

The purpose of his coming to Tianzong was also to seek protection from Tianzong. Although Shen Changqing was not in the sect, it was good that he could stay in Tianzong.


If it were other divine emperors, they would never be able to do such a thing.

Sensing the danger, he abandoned his own race and fled, and before leaving, he had to take away all the resources of the Imperial Palace's treasure house. If this news got out, he would lose all his dignity.

But in Biyunkong's view, face cannot be eaten as food. History books are written by the victors. As long as he can live, everything is possible.

on the contrary.

If he perishes, then everything will be meaningless.

Puzong didn't know what Biyunkong was thinking, but the other party wanted to stay in Tianzong, so he simply agreed.

After all, the Bixuan God Clan is now also an affiliated force of Tianzong and the only two-party God Clan.

Therefore, Puzong still had to give Biyunkong face.

The Bixuan Divine Clan provides Tianzong with a large amount of religious power every year. Otherwise, it would not be easy for Tianzong to achieve the scale it has today.


The sky of the Bixuan Realm suddenly collapsed, and the terrifying pressure fell from the sky, causing all the powerful men of the Bixuan God Clan to change their expressions drastically.

"what's going on!"

"With such a terrifying aura, could it be that a powerful enemy is invading?"

"Report to Your Majesty quickly..."

Many monks were in a mess, and they were as weak as ants in front of this force that seemed like the power of heaven.

at this time.

Lord Bijiang stepped out of the broken space, his eyes were cold and terrifying, and he looked down at the monks of the Bixuan Divine Clan below.

"I am the Bijiang Divine Lord. Who is in charge of the Bixuan Divine Clan now? Come out and meet me as soon as possible!"

The voice of Lord Bijiang's words shook the surroundings, making all the monks who heard the words look confused.

Bijiang Shenjun?

For many monks of the Bixuan God Clan, this is an extremely unfamiliar name.

The Taixu Realm Divine Palace is so high up there that not every divine monk can access it. Even if the Bixuan Divine Clan knows that there are strong people still living in the Taixu Realm Divine Palace, they will not know the names of these powerful people.

So after hearing what Lord Bijiang said, they were just confused.

Seeing that no one answered, Bijiang Divine Lord's eyes turned cold. He didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly absorbed a god king monk out of thin air, and then forcefully searched the soul under the horrified eyes of the other party.

After a while.

Bijiang Shenjun got everything he wanted from the other party's memory.

Then he squeezed it hard, and the God King's body exploded.

"Those who betray the Bixuan God Clan should be killed!"

Bijiang Shenjun's eyes were extremely cold.

From the memory of the God King, he understood the current situation of the Bixuan God Clan, and even more clearly that the Bixuan God Clan had fully surrendered to Tianzong, and almost all those who were unwilling to surrender were killed.

All the monks alive now are willing to surrender.

In the eyes of Lord Bijiang, this is an unforgivable betrayal.

For a moment, Bijiang Divine Lord had the urge to slaughter the entire Bixuan Divine Clan, but he forcibly restrained such impulse.

After all, the two came from the same origin. If they really killed all the Bixuan Divine Clan, it would not be what the Bijiang Divine Lord wanted.

Next breath.

Lord Bijiang appeared in the imperial court.

Sitting on the throne that originally belonged to the emperor was Bijiang Divine Lord. All the ministers who belonged to the Bixuan Imperial Court were standing here tremblingly.

Just now.

Bijiang Shenjun used his great supernatural powers to forcibly move all the monks in, and instilled his identity and origin into their minds.

These monks already understood that the person sitting in front of them was not other monks, but the powerful divine king from Bixuan Palace.

"Where is Biyunkong now?"

Lord Bijiang's face was cold, and his eyes were fixed on the other monks, making them feel like a light was hanging on their backs.

Hear the words.

Immediately, a god king hurriedly said: "Your Majesty... Biyunkong has not been seen yet, maybe he is in retreat!"


Bijiang Shenjun's spiritual thoughts swept across the entire imperial court, but could not find Biyunkong's actions. During this period, when they scanned the imperial court's treasure house, they found that the entire treasure house was empty.

Seeing this situation, Bijiang Shenjun couldn't help but make a calculation. Although the tribulation aura is now strong and the heavenly secrets are confused, it is extremely difficult to deduce.

But with the strength of Bijiang Divine Lord, it is not a problem to calculate a small divine king.

When he learned that Biyunkong had already run away first and took away the resources of the entire imperial treasury, Bijiang Shenjun's eyes turned cold again.

“For such a shameless person to obtain the prestigious position of the Bixuan God Clan is simply an insult to the dignity of the God Clan.

So what if you escape? Since I have already entered the heavens, no matter how much you escape to the heavens and the earth, there is absolutely no chance of survival! "

Although Bijiang Shenjun was surprised that Biyunkong escaped first, he didn't think too much.

Even if a little god king can sense the danger in advance, what can he do? In the face of absolute strength, all preparations are useless.


Lord Bixuan looked at the monks present and said coldly: "I am going to eliminate the rebels now. No one can leave here without my order.

If there is any violation, I will definitely make your life worse than death! "

As soon as these words came out.

This caused many monks to remain silent and hurriedly lowered their heads.

See this.

The figure of Lord Bijiang slowly disappeared.

One day later.

The clear sky suddenly became dim, and a terrifying aura filled the air, as if the sky had collapsed. All the Tianzong and the monks from the Divine City raised their heads to look at the sky, where a majestic body came from there crushing the void.

"What kind of monk dares to come to Tianzong and act arrogantly!"

A cold voice came, and a bloody sword light was seen cutting through the void, striking hard above the sky. The original darkness was shattered by the sword light, and the earth regained its light.

The Bijiang Divine Lord stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the Tianzong below with indifferent eyes, and said with disdain: "I am the Bijiang Divine Lord, and I am here today only to destroy the Tianzong.

Where is Fuyang? Why don't you let him come out and die! "

The voice of Lord Bijiang was not loud, but it covered hundreds of millions of miles and accurately reached the ears of every monk.

Bijiang Shenjun!

All the monks who heard this voice changed their expressions.

God comes in person.

This is no small thing.

Especially since Bijiang Shenjun is coming so fiercely, it is obvious that there is no possibility for him to be virtuous.

"God Lord Bijiang...it's actually him!"

Biyunkong, who was staying in Tianzong, looked pale. Looking at the Bijiang Divine Lord in the sky, the horror in his heart was indescribable.

At the beginning, Bi Yunkong was still curious about where his ominous premonition came from, but after seeing the arrival of Bijiang Divine Lord, he understood the reason for his premonition.

Puzong's face was solemn: "Does Emperor Bi know its origin?"

"Of course... Lord Bijiang, the master of Bixuan Palace in Taixu Realm, I didn't expect that he would step into the heavens. It is said that his strength is extremely terrifying.

If Master Fu doesn't come forward, Tianzong is afraid that no strong person can resist! "

Bi Yunkong looked ugly.

It's not that he looks down on the strength of other Tianzong monks, but with the power of Divine Lord Bijiang, no one below the Supreme Lord of Divine Lord can compete with him.

If Shen Changqing was here, Biyunkong wouldn't be too worried.

After all.

Shen Changqing also has a record of killing the divine Lord. If he really wants to fight with the Lord Bijiang, it is still unclear who is stronger and weaker.

But now that Shen Changqing is not in Tianzong, the problem becomes very difficult.

Biyunkong didn't need to think about it to understand that if Tianzong was breached, he would have absolutely no way to survive, and Bijiang Shenjun would not be able to give him a way to survive.

at this time.

I saw golden light rising into the sky, connected together like the stars in the sky. In an instant, the world hung upside down, and the Bijiang Divine Lord was instantly swallowed up by this force.

"Protect the sect formation!"

Bijiang Shenjun noticed the cold murderous intent coming from all directions, his eyes were slightly cold.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that this formation is extraordinary. In terms of strength, it can kill ordinary top gods.

But it's a pity.

Bijiang Divine Lord is not an ordinary top divine master. Even if he is suppressed by the rules of the heavens, he can still exert the supreme power of the divine master.

I saw the long river of rules shattering the void. The Lord Bijiang was like a high-altitude god. The long river of endless rules fell with his palm. A shadow of a divine whale as majestic as heaven and earth rushed out from the long river and slammed into the void. .

The terrifying power caused hundreds of millions of miles of void to shatter like a mirror.

The God-killing formation capable of killing monks below the tenth level of the God Lord was directly defeated in front of this force.


Old Man Wan Dao also looked a little ugly.

As the leader of the God-killing Formation, he can more intuitively feel the terror of Bijiang Divine Lord. With the power shown by the opponent, no one in the entire Tianzong can compete with him.

the other side.

Seeing the Lord Bijiang being swallowed up by the formation, Bi Yunkong and others had just a little hope in their hearts. When they saw the formation shattered, the hopes they had just raised were also shattered along with the formation.

The feeling of despair spread silently.

Divine Lord Bijiang struck through the God-killing Formation with one palm, and looked at Tianzong with indifferent eyes: "Since Fuyang doesn't dare to show up, I will kill you first, and then catch him out!"

The words fell.

Bijiang Shenjun suppressed it with another palm, and the terrifying power of rules turned into a divine whale, trying to smash the earth.


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