Terran Guardian

Chapter 1,227 This is the Jade Divine Fire!

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The terrifying aura belonging to the Divine Lord burst out, and the Divine Lord Bijiang stepped into the air, directly shattering the sky and void, and in an instant he left the Bixuan Realm.

In the void of the heavens.

Shen Changqing stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the surging Bixuan Realm with indifferent eyes.

When Divine Lord Bijiang arrived, he looked at the monk in front of him with cold eyes: "Fu Yang!"

He has never actually met Shen Changqing, but he has never seen him. How could he be unfamiliar with the Bijiang Divine Lord, the current number one enemy of the Bixuan Divine Clan.

What Shenjun Bijiang didn't expect was that the leader of Tianzong, who had disappeared for several years, would suddenly appear here.

For a while.

Bijiang Shenjun's mind expanded and soon everything in the surrounding void was included in his perception.

After a while, after confirming that the breath of the ancient dragon elephant was not found, Bijiang Shenjun felt relieved.

Shen Changqing looked indifferent: "I heard that you have been looking for me. Now that I am here in person, do you have anything to say?"

"You dare to come alone. I admire your courage. Since you are willing to come here and die, then I will help you!"

After confirming that the ancient dragon elephant had not come, Bijiang Shenjun did not waste any time and moved directly towards Shen Changqing, intending to kill him directly.

If this person falls, Tianzong will have nothing to worry about.

Just take action.

Bijiang Shenjun just goes all out.

I saw the vast power of rules shattering the void, and the supreme divine power turned into an endless sea. When the huge waves suppressed and fell, the space turned into powder.

Shen Changqing's expression remained unchanged, and the Killing Demon God condensed into existence. He punched through billions of miles of void, directly defeating the divine power in one fell swoop. The terrifying power caused Bijiang Divine Lord's expression to change drastically.


The void boiled endlessly, and terrifying fluctuations swept through the void.

When he looked at Shen Changqing again, Bijiang Shenjun had a look of shock in his eyes.

In his expectation, Shen Changqing's strength was limited even though he was strong. However, during the actual battle, Bijiang Divine Lord suddenly realized that he had underestimated this person.

If the strength of the ancient dragon elephant is terrifying enough, then the power Shen Changqing is showing now is even more powerful than the ancient dragon elephant.

The power of a punch.

It gave Divine Lord Bijiang the illusion of facing the real Lord directly.

In an instant.

Bijiang Shenjun did not dare to hesitate, and directly sacrificed his protective treasure. The green long sword burst out with terrifying sharpness, and thousands of sword energy chopped everything into pieces.

Seeing the sword energy coming, Shen Changqing also used the Heavenly Sword.

"Well done, let me take a look at how powerful my newly refined divine weapon is!"

The words fell.

The sword comes out.

The moment the Heavenly Sword fell into the void, the sky-reaching sword energy fell like the stars in the sky. The vast power of the rules of swordsmanship made all the strong men who sensed this aura feel excited.


The two kendo forces bombarded each other and erupted into shocking fluctuations.

at the same time.

The green lines on the Heavenly Sword sword now seem to be completely activated, the weak green flames spread, and the terrifying divine fire has been integrated into the Galaxy Sword Dao.

The Nine Heavens Galaxy turned into an endless sea of ​​fire, and the burning blue flames made Lord Bijiang feel threatened by death.

"What power is this!"

Bijiang Shenjun's expression changed. With his eyesight, he could not tell where the flames erupted from the Heavenly Sword came from.

But the aura of burning flames in the sea of ​​fire gave Divine Lord Bijiang a sense of fatal crisis.

It can be seen from this.

The cyan divine fire is definitely not simple.


Bijiang Shenjun crazily merged his divine power into the blue long sword. The power of rules lingered around him, the endless ocean manifested into the void, and a divine whale that rivaled the heaven and earth descended.


The void in the sky collapsed, and the vast and terrifying power swept everything.

Many powerful people from all races were awakened by this terrifying wave, and they all looked towards the sky, witnessing the battle between Shen Changqing and Bijiang Shenjun.

"Fuyang actually showed up!"

"Is he trying to avenge Bijiang Shenjun for attacking Tianzong?"

"Such a strong strength... After a few years, this person's strength seems to be even stronger, and the Lord Bijiang can't have the upper hand at all!"

Many divine masters looked shocked. With their eyesight, they could naturally see that Bijiang Divine Lord was at a disadvantage and was completely suppressed by Shen Changqing.

As Lord Bijiang stepped into the heavens, many powerful people learned about the existence of Lord Bijiang.

The Lord of Bixuan Shrine!

Now the most powerful person in Bixuan Palace!

Although they don't know the true strength of Bijiang Divine Lord and which level of divine monarch he is at, but as the master of a divine palace, his strength will definitely not be much worse.


Bijiang Shenjun has been able to reach the point where he is today because his talent and foundation are also extraordinary. In the past, he was also the top genius among all the heavens.


As powerful as Bijiang Shenjun, he is no match for Shen Changqing at this moment.

Watch the situation.

It is only a matter of time before Bijiang Shenjun loses.

at this time.

Another powerful force burst out in the void, and the terrifying divine power shattered the void and suppressed Shen Changqing.

The sudden change made Shen Changqing frown. He was originally fighting with the Lord Bijiang, and now he had to disperse part of his strength to deal with the attack.

Bijiang Shenjun also seized the opportunity and unleashed the strongest attack.


Since the war started, Shen Changqing was knocked back for the first time, and his blood was surging all over his body. When he looked into the void again, he saw that there was a mysterious strong man beside Divine Lord Bijiang.

"Another divine king!"

Shen Changqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

He thought that only one Bijiang Divine Lord came to the Bixuan Palace, but he did not expect that the other party actually hid a Divine Lord. The two powerful Divine Lords were equivalent to the peak combat power of the two Divine Lords in the world today.

The other strong men who were watching the battle were also shocked when they saw the appearance of Lord Blue Sky.

No one expected that two powerful divine kings would appear in the Bixuan Divine Clan.

"Fuyang is in big trouble!"

"When two divine kings face each other, no matter how strong Fuyang is, he is definitely no match. Unless the sect-suppressing divine beast from Tianzong also comes forward, there is no way he can compete.

But now that the Zhenzong Divine Beast has not appeared, Fuyang is doomed to lose! "

Some of the gods shook their heads secretly.

In their opinion, Shen Changqing fought against the Bixuan God Clan alone because he had extremely high confidence in his own strength.

In fact.

Judging from the opponent's pressure on Bijiang Shenjun, the Tianzong leader is indeed confident.

It's a pity that the Bixuan God Clan is even better. The appearance of the two divine kings is destined to tilt the scale of victory to the side of the Bixuan God Clan.

Everyone has the ultimate fighting power of the God Lord. How can one God Lord be the opponent of two God Lords who are at the top of their game?

The thoughts of the God Lords from all parties are also the thoughts of the current God Lord Bijiang. He looked ferocious: "I didn't expect that in order to deal with you, both the God Lords of our clan came in person.

If you stay in Tianzong, I may not be sure to kill you.

But now that you have come here alone, you are destined to perish here! "

As he spoke, the aura of Lord Bijiang locked onto Shen Changqing, as did the Lord Bikong beside him.

The eyes of both of them were filled with cold murderous intent. After seeing Shen Changqing's strength, both the Bijiang Divine Lord and the Blue Sky Divine Lord were aware of the threat posed by the other party.

Such threats must be eliminated in advance, otherwise they will pose too great a threat to Bixuan Palace.

Shen Changqing's eyes fell on the two divine monarchs, his expression changed from solemn to cold, and the corner of his mouth curled up with sarcasm: "If the two divine monarchs are your entire heritage, then the Bixuan Palace will become history after this battle!"



Shen Changqing's words made the two God Lords furious. Almost at the same time, the Blue Sky God Lord and the Bijiang God Lord took action, and a terrifying torrent of power broke through the void.

That terrifying power frightened all the powerful men watching the battle secretly.

The power of the God Lord is already at the pinnacle of the world. Two powerful men who are comparable to the God Lord take action, and their momentum is even more earth-shattering.

Shen Changqing looked solemn, holding the Heavenly Sword in his right hand, the Galaxy Sword Path penetrated the void, and holding the Heavenly Cauldron in his left hand, the seal on it instantly shattered.

At the moment when the seal of the Heavenly Sacrifice Cauldron was broken, the flames sealed in the ancient cauldron erupted like a torrent, capable of devouring the terrifying power of the God Lord and incinerating everything.

the other side.

The two forces bombarded and when the power of the Galaxy Sword was shattered, the torrent of space flames had already swept over.

That blazing flame that made people's hearts turn violently changed the complexion of Bijiang Shenjun.


Bijiang Shenjun sacrificed another protective treasure, and saw a small tower floating above his head, with brilliant light falling down, protecting his whole body inside.

The Blue Sky God Lord also did the same thing, sacrificing the most precious treasure to protect himself.

When the space flames swept over, the treasure brilliance shook violently, as if it was about to collapse at any time, but it finally stabilized.

Just when the two gods secretly breathed a sigh of relief, they saw a green flame beating. The void where the flame passed was annihilated, and the rules of the avenue collapsed.

When the cyan flame approached, the treasure brilliance shattered directly, and the blue sky god's expression changed drastically, giving him a feeling of death approaching.

"The Jade Divine Fire...this is the Jade Divine Fire!"

The green flames came into view, revealing the dusty memories of the Blue Sky God. When the green jade divine fire approached, the Blue Sky God was unable to resist it even if he tried his best.

All of a sudden.

Most of the Blue Sky Divine Lord's body was incinerated by the sapphire divine fire, and he almost died on the spot.

But before the Lord of the Blue Sky could really breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the sword light like a galaxy piercing the void, and the head that was originally on his neck fell directly.

One sword kills the head!

With the powerful vitality of the Divine Lord, even if his head is chopped off, he has not truly fallen.

However, Shen Changqing did not give the Blue Sky God Lord any chance to recover. The power of the Galaxy Swordsmanship came again, completely shattering the body of the Blue Sky God Lord, and powerfully wiping out the opponent's remaining vitality.


The moment the divine king died, the divine kingdom in the opponent's body was shattered. When a large number of fragments of the divine kingdom were scattered in all directions, there was a rain of blood pouring down.

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