Terran Guardian

Chapter 1228: Out of Control

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The king of gods fell.

Heaven and earth share the same sorrow.

At the moment when the Lord of the Blue Sky fell, the Lord of the Bijiang, like a frightened bird, suddenly shattered the flames of space and escaped directly into the void.

At the same moment, the Heaven Sacrifice Cauldron was turned upside down, trying to put the opponent into the ancient cauldron and forcibly refine it, but it was always a step too late.

When Shen Changqing saw Bijiang Shenjun who had disappeared without a trace, although there was a look of regret on his face, he did not continue to pursue him.

The powerful Shenjun wants to leave, but it is not easy for Shen Changqing to stay.

Moreover, he had just spent all his strength on killing the Lord Bi Kong, but he was a step too slow to stop the Lord Bijiang.

Now that Bijiang Shenjun has escaped, Shen Changqing can only let the other party live for a while, wait until another day to find the other party's whereabouts, and then find out and kill him.


If Shenjun Bijiang returns to the Taixu Realm, it will be a different matter.


Shen Changqing activated the Heavenly Sacrifice Cauldron, and the broken body of the Blue Sky God Lord after his death and the scattered fragments of the Divine Kingdom were all included in the ancient cauldron and thrown into the Minghe Realm.

At this time, the other strong men watching the battle recovered from their shock.

The situation is changing rapidly.

They originally thought that Shen Changqing's defeat was inevitable.

But no one expected that the situation would change so quickly. From the attack of the two divine monarchs to the defeat of the blue sky divine monarch, everything happened in a flash of lightning.

Leaving aside the terrifying space flames, the wisp of green divine fire made them feel extremely excited.

That wisp of green flame seemed weak, but the terrifying power contained in it allowed all the God Lords to detect an aura of destruction.

Even those as powerful as the God Lord could not withstand the power of that wisp of green flames, and fell directly into heavy damage, and their divine bodies were almost incinerated.


Only the Lord Blue Sky could fall so simply.

No one thought that Shen Changqing would have such a terrifying divine fire sealed in his hand.


The flames of space swept through the void, and all the power in the space was turned into the nourishment of the flames. There was no sign of slowing down, but it seemed to be getting more intense.

Shen Changqing slashed out with his sword, and the power of the Galaxy Sword Dao bombarded the space flames. The two extremely powerful forces collided in the void, and terrifying fluctuations erupted.

Among them, the space flame was mostly consumed by the two divine kings. Now, although it has grown by swallowing the void as nourishment, it has also been weakened a lot.

Under the tyrannical power of the Galaxy Sword Dao, the space flames dissipated instantly.


Shen Changqing took one step forward and disappeared directly from the void.

The leader of the Tianzong who had disappeared for many years suddenly appeared and violently killed the Bi Kong Divine Lord in front of the Bi Xuan Divine Clan. The remaining Bi Jiang Divine Lord fled in panic.

This news swept across the heavens in an instant, shocking all the monks.

Counting the fallen Divine Lord of the Blue Sky, there are now two powerful Divine Lords who have fallen into the hands of Shen Changqing.

If we count the supreme powerhouses of the God Lord, then three men who are as powerful as the God Lord have been killed by the other party.

The Lord of God is at his peak.

Since the rules of the heavens were changed, he has always been the supreme power at the top of the heavens.

Any supreme god lord is an existence that can shake the heavens, so the top gods must treat it with caution.

Among the powerful men of this level, in the age of the Great Conflict, three have fallen into the hands of the Tianzong in less than a hundred years, which shows the terrifying strength of the Tianzong leader.

It can be said.

This battle added another important factor to Tianzong's rich record, and it was a battle that could be recorded in the history of all races.

Using one-on-two, he powerfully killed one of the Divine Lords, causing the other Divine Lord to flee in panic.

No matter what methods the opponent uses, their strength is extremely terrifying.

Black Demon Sect.

The two powerful figures, the Holy Lord and the Demon Lord, are now gathered together, and an illusory image appears in front of them.

In the video, it was the scene of Shen Changqing fighting two divine kings.

When the green flames appeared, the expressions of the two powerful men were a little moved. The final scene was fixed on the scene where Lord Bi Kong was beheaded and Lord Bijiang tore through the void and escaped.

a long time.

The Holy Lord said slowly: "Has the Demon Lord ever seen the origin of this cyan divine fire?"

Hear the words.

The Demon Lord was silent for a long time, and then he said: "If I read it correctly, this green flame should be the Jade Divine Fire!"

"Looking at it, I look like the rumored sapphire divine fire, but the sapphire divine fire can only be condensed by a strong person at the level of the God Emperor.

Fuyang's current strength is only in the realm of God Lord. How can he control this level of divine fire? "

The Holy Master was shocked and also a little confused.

The Jade Divine Fire is the top divine fire, and it is different from the Sun True Fire and the Samadhi True Fire. The latter two are top-notch at the same level, but even those in the divine realm have the opportunity to condense.

But the sapphire divine fire is different. This kind of divine fire does not exist at other levels. Only the ancient emperor can truly condense it.

As the top god clan, the Black Demon Clan has a rich foundation, so naturally it is not unclear about this.

But it's precisely because they know this that they're so shocked.

It is obviously the top divine fire that only the God Emperor can control, but now it appears on the God Lord. How can the Holy Lord not be shocked.

The Demon Lord said: "The jade divine fire controlled by Fu Yang is probably not the true and complete jade divine fire, but a ray of the jade divine fire's power that was temporarily sealed by the power of the heaven-sacrifice cauldron.

If it were a truly complete sapphire divine fire, with the power of the Blue Sky God Lord, he would be devoured by such divine fire if he encountered it, and would not give Fuyang a chance to make a last-ditch attack. "

The Demon Lord's words made the Holy Lord slightly startled.


Although the power of the green jade divine fire in the picture is terrifying, it only refines half of the body of the Blue Sky God Lord, and does not really kill the Blue Sky God Lord.

The fall of Lord Blue Sky later was due to other factors.

in this case.

The Tianzong leader indeed did not master the real Jade Divine Fire.

"If I'm not mistaken about that ancient cauldron, it should be the heaven-sacrifice cauldron of the human race in the past. Although this cauldron does not join the ranks of Taoist soldiers, according to our clan's records, it is an existence comparable to the supreme treasure.

If it were a complete sapphire divine fire, the Heaven Sacrifice Cauldron would naturally not be able to accommodate it, but it was only an incomplete sapphire sacred fire, and it was possible to seal it with the power of the Heaven Sacrifice Cauldron.

The only thing that puzzles me is where did Fuyang get the jade divine fire? Could it be that there is a powerful divine emperor behind him? "

The Holy Lord said in a deep voice.

The top divine fire that can only be mastered by the powerful God Emperor now appears in the hands of a God Lord. It is difficult not to make other monks doubt whether there is an ancient emperor sitting behind the opponent.

The Demon Lord frowned: "Your guess is not unreasonable. Although Fuyang was reborn as the ancient Lord Minghe, no matter how powerful the ancient Lord Minghe was, he could not reach the level he is today.

It took less than a hundred years for him to become a divine king and only a few decades to become a divine master. He was able to kill several supreme divine masters.

If there is a God Emperor standing behind it, it would make sense! "

Top genius.

The ancient emperor fully supported the training.

Under such circumstances, it is not impossible for the other party to grow to such a terrifying level in a short period of time.

After all, in ancient times, Divine Lord Minghe did not have the support of any strong people, and he could reach the level of the top Divine Lord by himself.

Now that there is a powerful God Emperor as a backer, it is reasonable to surpass the previous life.


The Demon Lord said: "But among the emperors in the Taixu Realm Palace, there are not many strong ones who can really support Fu Yang. From my point of view, it may not necessarily be that he has been inherited by the emperor.

A few years ago, an ancient emperor emerged from the secret realm of the Fallen Emperor Territory, and the inheritance of his emperor is still missing. That emperor was the ancient soldier emperor and was proficient in weapon refining.

If this kind of emperor can condense the jade divine fire, it is really normal..."

"What the Demon Lord means is that what Fuyang got is the inheritance of the ancient Soldier Emperor?"


The Demon Lord nodded.

Only through the inheritance of the Ancient Soldier Emperor can the opponent have the opportunity to obtain the Jade Divine Fire. This is also the most reasonable explanation.

Hear the words.

The Holy Lord also nodded inconspicuously.

If calculated in this way, this matter is quite reasonable.

"This time, the great power has overshadowed all the geniuses in the world. If nothing happens, the supreme throne in this world of great struggle is destined to be obtained by him. This matter is not conducive to the plans of the Black Demon Clan.

I originally wanted to use it to contain the Celestial Gods, but I didn't expect that it would lead them to this stage! "

The Demon Lord's eyes were full of murderous intent, and his face looked a little gloomy.

Ever since Tianzong appeared and the leader of Tianzong became famous, the Demon Lord has not really taken him seriously.

And as Shen Changqing's strength becomes stronger, the Demon Lord hopes that the other party can go further, in order to weaken the strength of the Heavenly God Clan and allow the Black Demon God Clan to benefit from it.

But even the Demon Lord's hands and eyes could reach the sky, but he never thought that the other party could grow to the point where he is now a behemoth in less than a hundred years.

The fall of the two divine kings has already explained everything.

at this time.

The Demon Lord suddenly discovered that the ants that were once used as pawns were now vaguely qualified to threaten the Black Demon Clan itself.

If it is allowed to grow, not only the Celestial God Clan will be threatened, but even the Black Demon God Clan will be affected.

When a chess piece wants to jump out of the chessboard, the chess players will naturally not tolerate it.

Since the Black Demon God Clan took over the Eternal Continent, they have been keeping a low profile in order to minimize their own existence and let all the Celestial God Clan fight to the death.

But Shen Changqing has reached this point, which has exceeded the predictions of the Black Demon Clan.

"We can no longer allow Fuyang to grow, otherwise he will definitely become a more terrifying powerhouse than Lord Minghe!"

The Demon Lord said coldly.

The Holy Master shook his head slightly: "The strength Fuyang has shown now is enough to make all the palaces in the Taixu Realm aware of the threat.

With the tyranny of the Divine Palace in controlling the heavens, they would certainly not allow such threats to grow.

Let's wait and see patiently. Maybe other shrines will take the lead in killing this threat in advance without the Black Demon Clan taking action! "

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