Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4309: Qin Yihuan, think about it 8

Shen Ting's voice was faint: "I can guess it without Uncle Chai."

With that, he clicked the elevator, but Yi Huan didn't realize that he successfully took the topic away.

Entering the elevator, he quickly let go of her, and Yi Huan naturally rolled to the other side.

The atmosphere was a bit subtle, at least she was embarrassed, she fluffed her hair, and said uncomfortably: ‘Well, we just have something to say. ’

"I didn't want you to explain." Shen Ting smiled softly: "You don't have to explain to me. If you have to eat this jealousy, then I will be jealous all these years."

What...what jealous, what did he say!

Yi Huan bit her lower lip and refused to accept the information.

Shen Ting didn't say anything, and the elevator just arrived at this time.

He took her back to his apartment, uncomfortable, and asked him when he changed his slippers: "Why are you waiting below?"

"Nothing, by the way." He smiled and said, and then took the lead to the restaurant: ‘It’s time to eat. ’

Yi Huan followed behind her and cleared her throat: "Actually, I'm quite full. Just eat a little bit."

She spoke hard, but her stomach groaned twice.

Very embarrassing.

Shen Ting smiled, "Didn't Ye Xiangnan let you have a good meal?"

He spoke mildly, but there was a touch of distress in his tone that was not easily noticeable. If it were before, Yihuan would definitely not be able to hear it, but after the noon incident, she was still very keenly aware.

I sat down, took a bite of the meal, and secretly looked at the dishes in front of me, then whispered, "I have no appetite after eating steak."

"You are not in good health, doesn't he know?" Shen Ting seemed to say casually.

Yi Huan was taken aback for a moment, and said instinctively: "He doesn't know it!"

Shen Ting stared at her: "He knows."

So, this is that Ye Xiangnan and Qin Yihuan can't make it to the end. How can they be called lovers if they don't really care about each other?

Even if it was the last meal, if Ye Xiangnan always cared, she wouldn't know that she could not eat Western food.

After all, it is still inappropriate.

Yi Huan is a person who needs someone to take good care of her. Obviously, Ye Xiangnan is not that person.

Shen Ting didn't say much, taking food for her, "In the future, if I'm hungry, I will find something to eat, or if it is important socializing, I will come back directly if I don't want to stay, you know?"

She just looked at him straight: "You are like teaching a child."

"Aren't you?" He smiled: "Holding a bottle, what is it not a child?"

‘I’m not...’ She wanted to explain, and finally felt that this kind of question and Shen Ting didn’t need to explain at all.

In the end, she immersed herself in the meal, eating the delicious food, in a good mood.

It seems that she hasn't eaten Shen Ting's food for a long time. His craftsmanship has always been very good, and it is for her good. She now thinks that if one day he marries someone else, it seems that she is at a loss.

"What are you thinking about again?" Shen Ting tapped her forehead. "Eat well. Your blood count is not up to standard. What should you do if you go to Italy?"

‘Can you take the chef over? She raised her head, her eyes pretending to be stars.

Shen Ting smiled: "The chef may have a lot of things. By the way, didn't he mean he has a girlfriend?"

"I'm not talking about you." Yi Huan buried her head, "You should be less affectionate."

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