Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4310: It has always been Shen Ting, giving her a blood transfusion 1

‘Can you take the chef over? She raised her head, her eyes pretending to be stars.

Shen Ting smiled: "The chef may have a lot of things. By the way, didn't he mean he has a girlfriend?"

"I'm not talking about you." Yi Huan buried her head, "You should be less affectionate."

Shen Ting laughed and ate quietly. He didn't eat too much, most of the time he served her dishes.

After eating a small meal, Yi Huan touched her belly, looked at Shen Ting with embarrassment and smiled.

Shen Ting also watched her quietly. After a while, he smiled: "When you are full, go watch TV. I'll clean up."

Yi Huan was a little embarrassed, "Let me come!"

She was too embarrassed to let Shen Ting do everything. It seemed that he was taking care of her, which was not so good.

Shen Ting looked at her, and even agreed: "I happen to have some plans to look at, so it will be hard for you."

Yi Huan gave him a grimace, and then started to clean clean up...where to start to clean up?

She bit her lower lip and looked at Shen Ting secretly over there. Shen Ting was burying her head in business, still on the sofa in the living room instead of going to the study.

She had peeped at his study and said very angry.

Thinking about it, Qin Yihuan, who had not done any housework before, brought the dishes to the kitchen one by one. The rest of the dishes were unnecessary, so she poured them out, and then surrounded a small apron.

It's a pink apron, she doesn't know why he has a pink apron here.

But Shen Ting knew that he bought it the last time he visited a home store, and he didn't expect her to do housework when he bought it. In fact, he mostly eats outside. If he is at home, there will be part-time workers. But these days No one will come, he chooses to cook and feed her.

Shen Ting was sitting where he could see the kitchen, just in time to see Yi Huan wearing a small apron standing in front of the desk, like...a little wife doing housework.

He stared at it for a long time, smiled faintly, and continued to bury his head in business.

And Yi Huan was fighting those dishes. In fact, there was a dishwasher, but she didn't know how to wash it by hand. She wore gloves and was very slippery. After a while, the dishes in her hand fell to the ground.

After a clear voice, her calf was slipped by the fragments, and a little blood came out.

As for her physique, it is easy to bleed, and even a little wound may cause more bleeding.

Yi Huan stared at her and raised her eyebrows, she was a little at a loss.

At this moment, Shen Ting came over, looked at her, and squatted down quickly.

I didn't dare to touch it for fear of infection.

"Go to the living room, I'll help you deal with it, if you can't, you have to go to the hospital." He said firmly.

Yi Huan let out a cry, he has picked her up.

Afraid of falling, she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, but she felt uncomfortable when she hugged them. She felt more abrupt when she wanted to put it down, so she clenched her fingers into a fist and felt very helpless.

Shen Ting glanced at her and didn't say much. He hurried to the living room and put her down on the sofa to sit down, but he didn't care about the documents being swept aside by him.

Yi Huan bit her lip and watched him go to get the medicine kit, and soon returned.

Still squatting, holding her calf in one hand, looking up at her: "Some pain, bear it."

She uttered, "You lighten up."

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