Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4330: All men are king

Shen Ting took the opportunity to feed her one, but Yi Huan had to eat it when he was surprised.

Look at him while eating.

Shen Ting's mood is obviously particularly good: "What are you doing looking at me like this? Surprised, I didn’t feed you often before. ’

She said naturally: "That was before, now it's different, I've grown up, let's talk..."

She paused, and her voice became soft: "I thought that you would hate me for a long time."

"It's been so many years, isn't it long?" Shen Ting asked back.

Yi Huan said, "But you still..."

"Smelly face, don't you?" He smiled: "So, singles are treated differently. It is that you are someone else's fiancée, and you expect me to feed you something. Such thoughts are sinful Miss Qin. "Shen Ting teased her.

Yi Huan nodded deliberately and followed his words: "You seem to make a lot of sense, but Shen Ting, are you really okay?"

"Of course!" He said very freely while feeding her something, "Punishing you to go abroad for two years and think about it!"


This is clearly what she wants to go, how could it become a penalty?

Yi Huan thought about it carefully, and suddenly it occurred to her that she didn't seem to want to go that way, probably because she was relying on her. Life was too good by his side, and Shen Ting wanted her to go.

It's a punishment!

She suddenly realized that he was still angry.

But he was angry and treated her so nicely, she couldn't understand.

After a while, she hummed softly: "Is this a test?"

Shen Ting smiled slightly: "If you want a reason, then so be it!"

Suddenly, Yi Huan felt that Shen Ting was quite changed.

Obviously... he can really bear it.

Yihuan was eating the red dates, with some evil in his heart, so he hugged him boldly and acted like a baby: "You are 31 years old. I am going to go for two years. Both are 33 years old. If we are in love for a few more years, you 40 I don’t know if I can be a father. ’

"In the past two years, I have talked about love by the way, and get married when I return home." Shen Ting said calmly and calmly.

Yi Huan opened her eyes wide, and she couldn't believe it.

"I don't want it! We haven't gotten to know each other yet. If the two places are separated, you just get married if you say they get married?" She said unconvinced.

Shen Ting didn't care, put the bowl in his hand gently, with his arms crossed in front of him, "You and Ye Xiangnan have been together for many years, and it is useless to get along with those who are not suitable. You can get married in a suitable month. I don’t know what else you have. When you were a kid, I took a bath for you."

Yi Huan was simply utterly utterly unable to speak for a while, just staring at him.

Shen Ting chuckled, "What's wrong? Are you upset?"

"You are overbearing." Yi Huan yelled this sentence.

In fact, it is not that they are not at all angry. Every girl wants to be valued, rather than entering into marriage casually. They are very familiar, but they used to get along in the way of family. How can it be the same?

Shen Ting sighed slightly: "You finally know that I am domineering, but in these years, I have never dominated you."

Now, he always has the right to exercise.

Yi Huan still stared at him.

Shen Ting squeezed her small face: "Try it. If you don't try it, how can you know that you don't want to marry then? Maybe you will be crying and crying to marry me then! ’

Yi Huan made a grimace at him, "I won't cry and shout to marry someone!"

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