Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4331: Men are king 7

Yi Huan made a grimace at him, "I won't cry and shout to marry someone!"

But after speaking, her face became a little hot.

It seems that she brought up this topic just now, as if she really hated marrying.

She asked herself if she was with Shen Ting, did she really like him or want to catch this driftwood because she knew he was the best man she met, and she would not meet one in the future. Such a good man, and treat her so well...

She was a little ignorant.

There was some impulse to catch him and lock himself up before clarifying the ignorance.

But Shen Ting said that she would get married soon, why did she hesitate again!


Shen Ting smiled and didn't say anything. They are developing very fast now, and he thinks it shouldn't take two years.

Maybe they could have a child while she was studying in Italy. In fact, they can get married or not, at any time, whatever kind of wedding they want.

It's not that Shen Ting doesn't take it seriously, but that he cares more about living with her.

Of course, his dark thoughts cannot be let her know. He also admits that he is more despicable than Ye Xiangnan, and he may not be able to bear it for long...

Shen Ting was silent, without speaking.

Yi Huan looked at his expression and thought he was a little strange, and for a long time looked at his face secretly.

Shen Ting smiled: "What's the matter?"

Yi Huan frowned: "You look at it like this, it's like you're thinking about something, Shen Ting, do you know that this is how you look when you calculate your opponent in the company."

"Is there?" He put away his thoughts and smiled Shumei, it was the gentle and moist Shen Ting again.

But in these years, he has also seen his methods and joy, and I can't believe him easily.

With a light cough, "I'm going to sleep."

Shen Ting knew that she was really tired too, so he didn't drag her to talk, although he wanted to get along with her.

Although nothing can be done, it is good to talk.

Helping her to lie down, he thought they discussed the marriage today, and he kissed her when he lowered his head.

Yi Huan was a little surprised, but did not refuse.

Instead, he stroked his lips, without speaking for a long time.

"Go to sleep, get up tomorrow morning and I will take you back. I have to rest at home for a few days because of this injury." His voice was very gentle, and he was so drunk that he was gentle and proud.

She seemed to have never heard Shen Ting speak in such a tone, as deep as talking to a lover.

There was a bit of throbbing in my heart, but it was a bit hard to pretend to be nonchalant.

She pursed her lips and gave a hum, but after a while she remembered "I'm fine, I don't need to rest for a few days."

Shen Ting is quite strong: "Observe!"

Putting her hands on her shoulders, she could not refuse.

Yi Huan wanted to say that her parents didn't take care of her like this, but just after that, she paused.

It suddenly occurred to me that everything is different.

It is because Shen Ting's relationship with her has changed, so his attitude towards her is different from before. He used to coax and spoil most of them, but now he treats her as a woman.

And his identity rose from the big brother to the role of a man.

Yi Huan's face is hot again...

Shen Ting put his palm on her face, and he could naturally feel that her face was hot, so he smiled slightly, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She said awkwardly, and then turned her head away.

Shen Ting leaned over and asked in a low voice, "It's really nothing, huh?"

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