Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4478: This is the life you want? 4

When Su Mu got on the bus, the shop manager still said something more: "In short, whether you like it or not, it's better for you to keep your temper, and the other party is always a big person we can't afford to offend."

If it wasn't Su Mu today, and replaced by another woman, I probably wouldn't have to live in this world.

Su Mu understood it in her heart, but at the time she was really angry but couldn't bear it. At this time, she completely calmed down and felt that she was doing something wrong.

She got in the car and nodded: "Sister Chen, I know, I won't be so impulsive in the future."

Sister Chen nodded in satisfaction and watched the rental car drive away.

After more than half an hour, the car stopped at the door of the villa where Yexiangnan lived. When Su Mu took the shoes down, Aunt Chen had already seen it, and immediately ran over and whispered: "Ms. Su, why are you here? The husband looked very upset when he came back, and he was particularly embarrassed."

Su Mu's GANGA, "Aunt Chen can't help you move these in."

Aunt Chen looked at these shoe boxes and was surprised: "Yeah, why are there so many shoes for Miss Su? How can I finish them?"

Su Mu said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter, Mr. Ye bought it anyway."

The aunt helped her move together, and whispered: "Miss Su, you are also indifferent to your husband. You are still called Mr. Ye now?"

No, didn’t they all sleep together?

Su Mu turned her head and looked at Aunt Chen with a bit of inefficiency: "I'm dissolving the marriage contract."

Aunt Chen seems to be possessed by Aunt Wang today, and unfortunately said: "Then you will lose."

As for the loss, Su Mu knew in his heart, isn't it the same thing?

She didn't say anything else, just sitting on her own business.

However, I think Nanren is in the living room. In broad daylight, he is not in the company. It is reasonable to say that his office also has a dressing room, at least with regular clothes, but now he is sitting on the sofa, just like Aunt Chen described. A gloomy face.

Su Mu didn't want to look at his face, put the things in the corner and said, "Mr. Ye, I changed all the shoes you bought to Miss Ye's size."

"Do you dare to come?" he asked her back.

Su Mu felt a little confused, and didn't want to pay attention to him. He bent down and wanted to leave.

"The door is closed, you can't leave." Ye Xiangnan got up, then turned his head away: "Auntie Chen... go back and rest."

Aunt Chen was there: "I haven't had time to rest yet."

"Then I will give you a week off from now, paid." See if you are still willing to take care of this nosy.

Aunt Chen ran away immediately.

When the surroundings became quiet, Su Mu stared at Ye Xiangnan: "What do you want?"

"Not very good, apologize." He sat there with a calm face, playing with a delicate mug in his hand.

Su Mu probably understood. He was waiting for her at home on purpose. Knowing that she would bring the shoes, he said coldly, "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry."

Ye Xiangnan smiled coldly, "It sounds insincere."

As he said, he gently put down the mug in his hand, got up and walked towards Su Mu step by step.

Before Su Mu could react, he had grabbed her by the wrist: "Tell me if these actions are meant to attract my attention?"

He stared at her: "It's nothing more than knowing that I'm at home."

"You watch too much, right." Su Mu struggled for a while, unable to break away, instead, there was a red mark on his wrist, a little shocked.

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