Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4479: This is the life you want? 5

Su Mu was a little anxious, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Xiangnan tilted his head: "What do you want to do?"

He sneered: "You don't think you treat me like that, you really won't do anything, right?"

Outside, he was giving her a little face, isn't she now in his hands?

Su Mu calmed down, biting her lip: "I don't think Mr. Ye will be too difficult for others."

"Not bad." He seemed to be a little funny, "I won't overpower you, I will let you come back willingly to be the lady of the night, lying down willingly..."

Su Mu couldn't listen anymore, biting her lip: "You are shameless."

Ye Xiangnan smiled softly: "It's not that you haven't, and you're quite happy."

This time, Su Mu threw away his hand, and his voice was particularly cold: "Mr. Ye respects himself."

Ye Xiangnan didn't speak, but kept looking at her.

Su Mu turned around and left, the door was open.

She returned to the store, and the manager came over: "How about it, Mr. Ye accepted it?"

Su Mu said, didn't want to talk about it, just concentrated on doing things.

The store manager was very enthusiastic, and feared that she would suffer, so he went gossiping, "I heard that this morning and night Mr. went upstairs to get a set of jewelry. We have a big man in city B who wants to get married.

Su Mu started in a daze and murmured unconsciously, "Qin Yihuan?"

The store manager nodded, somewhat meaningfully: "Su Mu, let's not think about those unrealistic winds and snows. The ones you hold in your hands are real. Take advantage of now. You still have a son. Thousands of jewels, Su Mu, you are stupid and don't want anything."

"It's not mine, don't want it." Su Mu said in a low voice, "It's not that I can't live."

The shop manager had no choice but to take her, and frowned, "I said no, why are you such a sincere child? Do you think of tens of millions waving, how much are these pairs of broken shoes? You are stupid, let go With the diamond king’s fifth wife not marrying, Sister Lin tells you that you will definitely regret it in the future, even if you don’t look at the money and look at his face, you can also make money. Regardless of whether he has other women outside, he will wait for his wife at home. If he refuses, you will say everywhere that he is sick."

Su Mu's three views were about to break, and he looked at the store manager eagerly.

Can this happen?

It's really too tough.

Sister Lin nodded, "Of course, he is the 15th day of the first year of the junior high school. If you can't, you have to be fierce."

Su Mu frowned.


She thought that if she was fierce, she would be kicked out of bed by Ye Xiangnan in less than 80% of the time. That person had a bad temper.

Quite arrogant, and absolutely strong, no matter where it is in every aspect, even... the same.

Su Mu didn't want to think about what happened, her face was a little hot. She didn't like Ye Xiangnan's truth. Another advantage of not getting married was that she didn't have to face him again. The ghost knew if he was every day...

Sister Lin said a heart-wrenching remark: ‘Everyone knows about you and Mr. Ye, it will be a little troublesome in the future, so you should be mentally prepared. ’

Su Mu nodded, "I understand."

After she came back for a while, she felt that the eyes around her were different.

Su Mu ignored these, she still had children to feed, and where did she have to work?

After doing things well, it is almost off work.

When she returned home, she saw someone unexpected...

[It seems that there are still six chapters today~~]

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