Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4497: She is the person I cover 1

Ye Xiangnan stared at Shen Wenxuan, "Really? Attorney Shen meant to know her well?"

"A little bit." Shen Wenxuan calmly.

Ye Xiangnan squinted.

The man in front of him, no matter from his birth to today's position and power, is incomparable with himself, that is, he has Su Mu's past, and perhaps has Su Mu's heart.

He also didn't expect that he was poor for so many years later, even though he was rich in the enemy's country and so many women could be found in his hands, he just couldn't get Su Mu's heart.

She doesn't love him.

Maybe there was a chance to love, but finally that night.

Ye Xiangnan didn't entangle any more, after all, he was more concerned about his own face at this time, as well as the issue of Shen Wenxuan's stay.

He is not a particularly private person, he hopes Shen Wenxuan can stay, after all, after Lawyer Chen retires, the most suitable candidate is Shen Wenxuan.

From a certain point of view, he admires talented people very much, and there are not many people who can make Ye Xiangnan admire. In his eyes, some middle and high-level people eat dry food, and Shen Wenxuan is one of his appreciations. One.

Shen Wenxuan didn't think too much, "Nightclub, I have already decided."

Ye Xiangnan looked at him for a while, got up and walked towards the French window, and after a long time, he said in a low voice: "Lawyer Chen should have told you my plan, Shen Wenxuan, is it worth it for a woman? Is it worth it to go all the way to the dark? ?"

He said, turning his head and looking at Shen Wenxuan.

Shen Wenxuan smiled slightly: "Nightclub, in my life plan, a person I love is involved."


Ye Xiangnan said in a dumb voice, "You have been separated for so many years, and so many things have happened over the years. How do you know that she still likes you?"

"So, I want to pursue her again." Shen Wenxuan whispered, his voice full of emotion.

This was also the first time Ye Xiangnan saw him like this.

Lawyers have always been very few sentimental creatures, and Shen Wenxuan did before. Ye Xiangnan always thought he would be the best successor, but... it turned out that his heart was so hot.

Shen Wenxuan left.

Ye Xiangnan sat alone for a while.

Not long after, he received a resignation letter.

Shen Wenxuan left Starlight early and paid a large amount of liquidated damages.

The Shen family, the conditions are not bad, the millions of liquidated damages are not a big problem for Shen Wenxuan.

Ye Xiangnan held the resignation letter in his hand, looked at it quietly, picked up the phone on the table for a long time and dialed Bai An'an's cell phone.

Bai An'an answered the phone and spoke without waiting for him to speak, "Are you going to talk about Shen Wenxuan... Yes, I want to cooperate with him, Shen Wenxuan is very capable... I can't put money in Nan Are we making money? We are all businessmen. Think about it, he must be very busy in forming a law firm, and I am afraid that he will not have time to chase your wife.

Ye Xiangnan frowned over there, "Su Mu is not my wife."

"Ex-wife... Ex-girlfriend? Or an illegal wife? The child's mother?" Bai An'an said a little gleefully.

Ye Xiangnan said in a cold voice: "Sounds like you are very happy?"

"There is nothing to be happy about, shouldn't we, who are also broken in love, stay together to keep warm?" Bai An'an pointed out.

Of course, she was not talking about Su Mu, but Qin Yihuan.

In Yejia, all fools knew that Ye Xiangnan didn't like Su Mu and was unforgettable with Qin Yihuan, but now it is only for Ye Xun not to give up Su Mu, and for Ye Xun if he does not force it.

Bai An'an sighed: "If you want to go south, you can actually have another choice, which is to give Ye Xun the best, and then each one is safe. Ye Xun is not necessarily the heir of the Ye family. If you want to be a home, Shen Ting was an outsider who became the decision maker. Even if Ye Xun followed Su Mu into someone else's house, he would always be your son. What's impossible?"

Ye Xiangnan pursed the corner of his mouth, and Bai Anan asked again: ‘Are you because of Ye Xun, or for your own face, or because you can’t let Su Mu go, have you thought about it? ’

Of course Ye Xiangnan would not put her heart to heart and hung up the phone.

This night, he returned to Wen Yuan and Ye Mubai. Wen Yuan took Ye Xun over because Su Mu was on the evening shift.

When Ye Xun saw Ye Xiangnan, he faintly called his father, and then stopped talking to him.

Ye Xiangnan sat next to him and played Lego with him silently.

Ye Xun glanced at him, then lowered his head to continue.

Wen Yuan smiled, "Isn't it good? When Ye Xun comes over, you will also accompany him. Children always need the company of their parents."

She paused before talking about Su Mu's work, and sighed, "It's also a pity."

Probably because he felt that the topic was related to him, Ye Xun took a look at his grandmother secretly, and then continued to play Lego nonchalantly.

Ye Xiangnan looked at her mother and asked casually, ‘what did she say? ’

‘She said she had to think about it. Wen Yuan told the truth, and then warned: "You must not stop this matter. I think Su Mu is a good seedling. Besides, he is also young. You can't live for Yexun all his life."

Ye Xiangnan leaned back on the sofa and smiled faintly: "Mom, didn't you also become a full-time wife for me and Ye Wei."

After finishing speaking, Wen Yuan laughed and scolded: "You have the ability to marry someone back!"

Ye Xiangnan...

Wen Yuan sighed: "Perhaps your personalities are incompatible. If you can't force it, you will let others make a living. As for Ye Xun, you will always be your son, and you will always be your son.

This is a bit profound, Ye Xiangnan frowned directly: "Mom, what you said..."

"There is so much noise, I am not blind." Wen Yuan sighed, "Xiang Nan, you don't like Su Mu, if she really has someone she likes, let her go, this child is also pitiful. ...I gave birth to Ye Xun for you so young."

Ye Xiangnan did not say anything, did not say good or bad.

But what no one thought was that before Ye Xiangnan had any movement, the people of the Shen family would do it first.

Shen Wenxuan's parents and elder sister were abroad, and didn't know where to get the news. Shen Wenyuan flew back to City B two days later and met with Su Mu.

The meeting place was ordered by Shen Wenyuan, a very tall coffee shop.

Su Mu left work, because he was in a hurry, he still had no time to change his overalls.

She sat opposite Su Wenyuan. In the past, she and Su Wenyuan had met once or twice. At that time, Shen Wenyuan was kind to her. It was not like this time with a bit of lukewarmness, and even a bit mean in her eyes.

Shen Wenyuan ordered a cup of coffee for her voluntarily, and then said straightforwardly: "Miss Su, can you make a price?"

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