Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4498: She is the person under my cover 2

Shen Wenyuan ordered a cup of coffee for her voluntarily, and then said straightforwardly: "Miss Su, can you make a price?"

Su Mu raised her eyes and stared straight at Shen Wenyuan, before quietly saying, "I don't know what you mean."

Shen Wenyuan was in a good family situation since she was young, and she married well, and she was used to being pampered, and she didn't know how to suffer.

Besides, for a woman like Su Mu who was pregnant before marriage, she is not clear about her brother. Naturally, she will not have a good impression, let alone a good face. This time she came back to her parents. Order to solve this matter.

In any case, Wen Xuan should not be allowed to make mistakes again and again, asking for a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock.

In terms of conditions, reputation, and appearance, Su Mu is not good. There may have been some talents that made the Shen family look at it. Now, it is polite to describe it as nothing good.

She gave birth to a son for Yejia. Didn’t Yejia not let her in?

It's good right now, forcing the fortress to give them Wenxuan, where is there such a good thing in the world?

Shen Wenyuan was even more disgusted just thinking about it. The gaze looking at Su Mu was even more rude, even a little contemptuous, "Miss Su, don't pretend to be innocent. I know how you girls from this background are. I think, don’t you just want money, or you’re climbing a high branch, I’m telling you now, Wen Xuan will never be a taker, even if he can’t get along in City B, he will go abroad and I will take care of him. Taking care of my parents, the wealth of the Shen family is enough to make him worry-free for a lifetime, but Miss Su, you are different. I heard that your mother cut off your relationship with you, and even made a name in the newspaper. With your reputation, we Shen There is no room for home."

Su Mu was so angry that his fingers were shaking.

She held the cup and held it as hard as she could. Her drooping eyes could not see her emotions. For a long time, she raised her eyes and quietly looked at the powerful woman in front of her. Her voice was very soft: "Miss Shen, Shen Wenxuan and I are It’s the past, I haven’t thought about anything else, if you don’t worry... just follow him every day."

Shen Wenyuan did not expect that a humble person like Su Mu dared to refute her like this, and also raised himself so much, as if Wen Xuan took the initiative to pester her.

She coldly said, "Miss Su is very eloquent, but I am not here to teach Ms. Su's eloquence today. I just want Miss Su to guarantee that I will not see Wenxuan in the future. That's it, you make a price! "

Su Mu stared at her, the other person's posture was particularly high, as if she could stun her with money at any time.

Su Mu said lightly: "One hundred million. Do you give it?"


Shen Wenxuan's face couldn't hold back anymore, and he almost gagged and said, "Su Mu, you don't want to make money. One hundred million, why don't you grab money?"

"Since I can come over and get the money to hit me, then I should be able to pay the price." Su Mu's expression was also a little cold: "So I am deprived, Miss Shen."

She got up and wanted to leave.

Shen Wenyuan was so angry that she dragged Su Mu in a gaffe, and forgot her identity.

A cup of coffee splashed on Su Mu's face.

very hot!

Soon, Su Mu's face turned red, but not to the point of injury, just a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

She raised her eyes and wanted to say something, but she pressed her shoulders with her hands, and there was a particularly gentle force.

Su Mu was a little surprised and turned his head.

It's Wen Yuan.

Wen Yuan was drinking coffee with He Huan, talking about introducing Su Mu to He Huan, letting He Huan educate Su Mu. It was inconvenient to intervene if he didn't want to see this scene. After all, it was Su Mu's personal business.

But I didn't expect that the other party would be so strong and arrogant.

Both He Huan and Wen Yuan felt that neither of them nor Bai Xueli could do such a bullying deception in this place of City B. The Shen family had never heard of it, just some small money.

In the circle of City B, one cannot enter without power, and the Shen family really cannot be ranked.

At this time, Wen Yuan was going to come out anyway. She held down Su Mu and said in a low voice: "First wipe your face and leave it to me."

After Su Mu was stunned, he wanted to say something, his lips moved, but in the end he said nothing.

He Huan pulled her over and handed her a tissue.

And Wen Yuan, not smiling...

Shen Wenyuan was taken aback, she did not expect to meet Wen Yuan.

Wen Yuan, Ye Mubai's wife, can also be regarded as the owner of their Wenxuan family.

Now, is Wen Yuan going to stand up for Su Mu? Su Mu won't be in the house tomorrow.

How come?

Just as she was thinking about it in a mess, Wen Yuan spoke, with a light tone: "Miss Shen may have made a mistake. It's not that our family thinks that Nan doesn't want Su Mu, but that Su Mu refuses to marry Yejia... We were originally. I thought, Su Mu's vision is very high, and we can't force it. Su Mu Kenga took a look at Lawyer Shen and we were also happy and blessed, but we didn't expect the Shen family's attitude to be this way. It was too stingy and demeaned. This cup of coffee was poured on Su Mu’s face, but it was equivalent to splashing on my Wen Yuan’s face, on our Yejia’s face. No one dared to treat us yet. Yejia people are so disrespectful."

The night family?

When Shen Wenyuan caught such information, her heart trembled.

Wen Yuan smiled faintly: "Ms. Shen, how do you think things can be resolved today?"

Shen Wenyuan felt that she had to figure out now when Su Mu became a member of the Ye Family.

"Ms. Su and Yejia, what is the relationship now?" She asked tremblingly.

Wen Yuan smiled extremely faintly, smiling calmly: "I plan to accept Su Mu as my goddaughter, Miss Shen, do you think my goddaughter is qualified to marry your Shen family?"

These words blocked Shen Wenyuan to death, and it was not her intention to say enough or not.

Her face turned pale, knowing that today's things can no longer be kind.

Wen Yuan will not let her go easily.

After a long time, she said softly: "Mrs. Ye, what happened to me today is wrong."

Wen Yuan smiled and said, "You are very sensible, how can you do it without me teaching you?"

It is still an understatement, calm, and people are often like this. The more you stand, the less frustrated you will be. Only upstarts will feel that the world is revolving around them, and it's money if you open your mouth and shut your mouth.

Shen Wenyuan is mean, but also extremely smart.

She forced a smile, then picked up a cup of coffee on the table, about to move, but Wen Yuan stopped her: "Wait a minute."

She thought that Wen Yuan let her go, but Wen Yuan said to the waiter: ‘get a hot drink. ’

Shen Wenyuan was stunned at once, she didn't expect Wen Yuan to be like this

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