Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4499: She is the person under my cover 3

Shen Wenyuan was really stunned, never expected that Wen Yuan would treat her like this.

At least she is a small celebrity in City B, a lady, but Wen Yuan treats her like this.

When his face was pale, the waiter took a cup of hot coffee with a very face. It wouldn't hurt people, but it would definitely make people uncomfortable.

The waiter was very polite: "Miss, your coffee."

Shen Wenyuan was very embarrassed, she looked at Wen Yuan.

Wen Yuan sat down calmly, with a very patient appearance.

Shen Wenyuan knew that she had been planted, and she had to laugh at this cup of coffee today, so she gritted her teeth and picked up the coffee, raised her eyes closed, and poured it over her head.

All around, quietly, watching such a big show.

After pouring a cup of coffee, Wen Yuan smiled faintly: "Miss Shen, just take it as a lesson, and at the same time teach you how to behave."

After finishing speaking, he took his own bag and walked towards Su Mu, and suddenly turned around again: "Even if our family wants to go south, we can't bully her, so why are you?"

A few words made Shen Wenyuan even more embarrassed, she stood there receiving a mocking look.

She had never been so embarrassed since she was a child, so she bit her teeth with hatred.

Su Mu, she never wanted to enter the door of their Shen family.

I have to say that this eldest sister is really self-conscious. Su Mu said that she had no idea, but she didn't have a hundred million.

Over there, Wen Yuan looked at Su Mu, gentle and loving: "It's too late, I'll go pick up Ye Xun with you."

After this storm, it was indeed too late, so the two took the driver's car together.

In the car, Wen Yuan slowly talked about his plans, wanting Su Mu to continue to finish the media major, and also arranged for her and He Huan to learn how to make movies and make documentaries. This network and resources are not everyone's chance. of.

Su Mu was silent for a while, and Wen Yuan said softly: "Do you still hesitate now? You see that today, Shen Wenyuan can climb on your head and bully you at will. Who will appear tomorrow? Ye Xun is still young, he doesn't He will always be a child, and he needs a strong man on his way to grow up. If that person doesn't want south, it must be you."

Su Mu's lips moved, and Wen Yuan smiled lightly, "Don't you think?"

Su Mu knew she was right.

Quite right, she has deeply realized how important social status is to a person and how much confidence it can bring to a person.

Wen Yuan picked up Ye Xun with her and left after sending her mother and son back.

At this time, it was not early, Su Muan was cooking quietly, Ye Xun always felt that something was wrong with her mother today. But the little man didn't dare to ask, just relying on Su Mu.

Su Mu lowered his head, looked at him, and then smiled slightly: "What's wrong with Ye Xun?"

"Mom." Ye Xun said softly, "A kid said that I don't have a father."

Su Mu felt a pain in her heart. She squatted down and reached out to touch her son's little head: "How come we Yexun don't have a father? Yexun is just that his father and mother are not together."

Ye Xun looked directly at Su Mu, and suddenly said, "Mom, what about Uncle Shen?"

There was a touch of fascination on the little face.

Su Mu was dumbfounded, and then said softly: "Uncle Shen is Uncle Shen."

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