Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4543: He wants to do a fake show 8

That year was the worst year for Su Mu. When she was eight months pregnant, she was washing dishes in a small restaurant, just to earn money to go to the hospital to give birth to Ye Xun.

That winter, her hand cracked and it hurt.

It hurts that she wants to cry, but thinking about the cost of having a child and the living expenses in the future, she worked hard to save money. For ten months, she worked and lived frugally, lived in the worst house, and gave birth to Ye Xun.

The 20,000 yuan she saved allowed her to survive the difficult days that followed.

Even when she was pregnant, she didn't have maternity clothes for a year. They were all sent by the kind people next door. When she was pregnant, she told the doctor over and over again to reduce the number of examinations, as long as the child is healthy.

The doctor disagreed at first. Later, when she learned that she was pregnant when she was unmarried, he sighed, and the original check-up fee of more than 3,000 was just reduced to 1,000 yuan.

Su Mu was very skinny and was not suitable for natural production, but she said she wanted to give it a try.

She is so thin, so small, more than nine months pregnant, and she looks like she is malnourished.

But, even if she was lying in the delivery room like this, the doctors were surprised--

The strength was too great, and under such conditions, the child was born smoothly.

In fact, it is not because of the strength, but if she does not go smoothly, she will have to be operated on, which is a few thousand dollars more, and she still has no way to take care of the children.

She is only one person.

She gave birth to a child, and her mother didn't even look at her.

Her father came here secretly once. He had no money, so he only pressed 500 yuan by the pillow, saying that he was buying something for the child.

After Su's father left, Su Mu cried for a long time.

She knew it would be very bitter in the future, but she never regretted giving birth to Ye Xun.

Never regretted it for a moment.

She saves everything, but she always chooses a better one for Ye Xun and a more practical one.

When Ye Xun was two months old, she took over the manual work, introduced by the eldest sister next door.

Working for six or seven hours a day, she can earn more than a thousand in a month, not much, but she can live by saving a little.

In her passbook, there was always 10,000 yuan that did not move, but at six months at night, all a pneumonia was spent, and it was not enough. She asked the attending doctor for conservative treatment.

And she spent six days and nights in the hospital, barely closing her eyes.

At that time, the situation was critical, and Su Mu was going crazy.

If there is anything wrong with Ye Xun, then her life will be completely dark, and she will even wonder if she is wrong, but Ye Xun woke up that morning.

He looked at Su Mu with **** and bright eyes.

He can't speak yet, but he can smile, grinning.

He is not very well-nourished, he has teeth, he smiles so that his gums are exposed, and he looks very cute.

At that moment, Su Mu smiled with tears, and she was saved.


Ye Xun slowly fell asleep, Su Mu accompanied.

All around, it was quiet.

It may be that this is a villa, which is much quieter than the old apartment in the city and her. Su Mu sat with Ye Xun.

I can't watch it every day from now on. At this time, let her watch every day. She is willing.

At about 9:30, the door was opened. Ye Xiangnan had already taken a shower. She was wearing a white bathrobe. She frowned and looked at her: "Why is it still not good?"

Su Mu sat still and said, "I sleep here."

He came over, unexpectedly hugged her from the back, and touched her heart with his chin, "Isn't it okay?"

Su Mu was a little annoyed, she had been fooled by him today, and now he made this request of her again.

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