Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4544: He wants to make a fake show 9-10

Su Mu became a little annoyed, she didn't hesitate to speak, instinctively wanted to punch and kick, but the strength between men and women was so distinct, her little strength was simply embroidering her legs, Ye Xiangnan easily controlled her.

"Ye Xiangnan, I have never seen a shameless man like you." Su Mu gritted his teeth.

He snorted coldly and said unhappily: ‘I’ve never seen a stubborn woman like you. Do you want to attract people, then start my parents and rush over in the middle of the night? ’

He was really shameless, but Ye Xiangnan didn't think he was shameless, because they had certified that she was his wife now.

It was her who was too much.

She didn't let him interact with women outside, and she neglected him. What kind of reason is this?

But in the end, he was really afraid of disturbing his parents, which would be bad.

He was naturally not in a good mood, and the door was slammed.

Su Mu lay quietly for a while, then suddenly got up and rushed to the door and locked the door.

She gasped and let out a long breath.

She doesn't think she is his wife, but he thinks so.

Really arrogant enough.

She was at the door, she didn't even dare to go out, for fear that he would change his mind again.

She doesn't know, she looks average, why does he have to be her husband and wife, there are many women waiting for him outside, right?

After the struggle just now, she could hardly stand, and her body slowly slid down.

After all, she sat on the carpet and was stunned for a while.

After a long time, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and found a shirt that Ye Xiangnan used as pajamas.

She thought she could not sleep, but fell asleep as soon as she lay down and did not know what happened. Su Mu had a dream in the night. For a while, she dreamed of Shen Wenxuan dreaming about the past, and for a while, Ye Xiangnan dreamed that he was going to be with each other. She has another child.

When I woke up, the sky was already white, and even the sun was shining in.

It's so comfortable to shine on the body.

The sun was warm and comfortable, Su Mu's face was buried in the pillow, and he hardly wanted to wake up.

The pillows are very soft, the fabric of the sheets is also very comfortable, everything is particularly comfortable.

There is also the faint male body breath, which makes people feel at ease when smelling it.

Male body breath?

She opened her eyes suddenly and met Ye Xiangnan's magnificent handsome face.

Su Mu reached out and touched her face, he seemed to kiss her on the face.

No, how did he get in?

Why did he come in?

Ye Xiangnan straightened her body, with her hands crossed in front of her, leaning against the bedside table and peering at her.

"Why, you drove me out last night and put on my shirt when I turned around, Su Mu, is this true fragrance law?"

Su Mu bit her lip: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I don't know!" Ye Xiangnan didn't rush to leave, just watching how she got up from the bed.

She probably only wore his shirt.

He is so bad, Su Mu pursed his lips: "You go out."

"Why go out of my room." Ye Xiangnan slightly bent over, with a slight smile in his voice: "It's you, why are you relying on me, huh?"

He even touched her hair lightly, and his voice became hoarse unconsciously: "Or, women are duplicity?"

"You are duplicity." Su Mu bit his lip, took the pillow and hit him: "You go out, I'm going to get up."

"Go to sleep, you don't seem to have anything to do today. I'll just send Ye Xun to her." He didn't embarrass her either, because Ye Xun was going to school and he didn't have time to spend time with her.

Ye Xiangnan left and went downstairs briskly.

Last night was not pleasant, but I don't know what happened, Ye Xiangnan's mood is not bad.

He went downstairs, Ye Xun had finished his breakfast and sat there obediently.

Seeing Ye Xiang going south, Ye Xun immediately stood up: "Dad."

His eyes floated in the direction upstairs.

Ye Xiangnan knew what he wanted to ask, and smiled faintly: "Mom hasn't got up yet. Dad will send you to the nursery."

Ye Xun carried a small schoolbag on her back, looking very energetic and extremely happy.

Ye Xiangnan looked at the little guy in a good mood.

A successful man? Didn't he talk about wealth, wives and children? He now has them.

He took Ye Xun into the car and fastened his seat belt. Before setting off, he turned around again: "Now let's go."

Ye Xun gave a vigorous hum, "Let's go."

Ye Xiangnan took his son, wearing sunglasses, and drove all the way to the nursery.

He got out of the car holding Yexun. He usually said that he couldn't spoil people much, but now he kissed him reluctantly, "Daddy will come to pick you up tonight, okay to stay with Daddy tonight?"

Ye Xun opened his eyes wide: "Dad, how about mom, do you live together?"

"It should be." Ye Xiangnan pinched his son's nose: ‘she can’t refuse us Ye Xun’s. ’

After speaking, he smiled, "Okay, go in."

Ye Xun nodded obediently and ran all the way in. At the door of the nursery, the middle-aged female teacher touched his head very lovingly, and then said hello to Ye Xiang Nan Yao.

Ye Xiangnan also smiled slightly, and the female teachers' faces all blushed.

After all, Ye is always the kind that looks good, the kind that the old and the young like.

Ye wanted to get on the bus and leave.

He didn't know that what he and Su Mu received on the day their children went to school had become a campus classic.

Rumors are still quite ashamed.

Ye Xiangnan didn't care about this. He held the steering wheel in both hands. He was going to go directly to the company. There was still an important morning meeting this morning.

But halfway through the car, he turned around in front and went back to his villa.

He wanted to see if Su Mu was still there.

Aunt Chen saw that his car was back again, she was very surprised: "Why is Mr. back again?"

Ye Xiangnan stopped the car and jumped out, "I forgot something."

He walked upstairs, as if he was thinking of it as he walked, he asked casually, "By the way, did Su Mu get up?"

Aunt Chen finally grasped the point and coughed slightly, "Miss Su has already left!"

Ye Xiangnan paused, turned his head, his face was not so good: "Are you gone? So fast?"

He stood there on the steps and asked gently: "Did she have breakfast?"

Aunt Chen said calmly: "Where can I not entertain you? Fortunately, I always eat, now I'm going back."

"This woman is really." Ye Xiangnan was a little speechless, isn't it okay to live a good life? He has to come up with these things.

He let out a long breath and said nothing, and went straight downstairs, ready to go to the company.

Aunt Chen didn't turn around for a while, she asked casually, "Mister's things have not been taken yet."

Ye Xiangnan was taken aback for a moment, and said quietly, "It seems that I haven't forgotten it."

So Aunt Chen, this forgotten thing is probably Miss Su.

Hey, I take it seriously. [Only one screen was released in the last chapter, put it inside, if you put it out and cut off a part of it, there is still another chapter, okay~~]

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