Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4545: Men are big trotters 1

So Aunt Chen understood that this forgotten thing was probably Miss Su.

Hey, I take it seriously.

In fact, although Miss Su looks more ordinary, she is really not ugly, and she looked pretty when she dressed up that day, especially since she was very skinny, isn't it fashionable to be thin now? Maybe the husband just likes Miss Su's figure.

Yes, I must like people's figure.

Ye Xiangnan got into the car, and when he started the car, Secretary Li called.

Secretary Li’s voice is as sweet as ever, but I don’t think Nan’s voice is so peaceful after the night, "What's the matter?"

From the experience of Secretary Li, the mood in the nightclub will not be good, probably because it is related to women.

Eighty percent, the newly appointed Mrs. Ye didn't agree with him. It was originally. The twisted melon is not sweet. Doesn't he know the truth in nightclubs?

Now that the certificate is received, people are forced to live together. Isn't it difficult for a strong man? Anyway, if it were her, she wouldn't be willing.

Secretary Li's voice was lighter and sweeter, and she smiled: "Nightclub, there is a morning meeting this morning, and the overseas manager Lin also came back to report on her work, and her flight in the afternoon is about to fly again."

Ye Xiangnan pulled on his tie: "The morning meeting is changed to the afternoon."

Secretary Li's voice is sweet and emotionless: "But Manager Lin will fly this afternoon."

Ye Xiangnan is in a bad mood: "Is the only one in the company?"

Secretary Li heard that this is very bad and bad, so he whispered: "There are several vice presidents."

Ye Xiangnan said without emotion: "Then let her talk to several vice presidents separately, and then discuss them in small groups. I just want the results."

When Secretary Li heard this, how overbearing this was, and how indifferent to Manager Lin.

Manager Lin, how did you offend the nightclub?

Wasn’t the nightclub good for Manager Lin before?

This will change when it changes.

The man is really a big pig's hoof.

Secretary Li hung up the phone and went to talk to Lin Lu. She didn't really wait to see Lin Lu, and of course she wouldn't beautify anything. She repeated Ye Xiangnan's words straightforwardly.

Lin Lu's well-makeup face was a little lost and even more embarrassed.

She thought that she could see Ye Xiangnan today, and she could explain to him what happened yesterday. She wanted to behave more appropriately and compare Su Mu's life with her, but Ye Xiangnan would not give her this opportunity at all.

Lin Lu was particularly annoyed, biting her lip for a long time without speaking.

Secretary Li coughed softly: "Manager Lin, how many vice presidents are still waiting for you over there?"

Lin Lu spent time and didn't want to go. She couldn't swallow this breath.

After a delay of half an hour, Secretary Li went to her temporary office and said that the nightclub had come and asked her to report to her work.

Lin Lu felt that her dress was not worn for nothing, and immediately went to Ye Xiangnan's office. She always thought there would be some personal space, but besides Ye Xiangnan, there was a vice president and Secretary Li.

And she didn't report directly to Ye Xiangnan. He was just listening, and the vice president was not polite to her. Some bad points were pointed out directly because of the high authority and severe voice.

Ye Xiangnan didn't accuse him, and did everything in business.

After finishing her job report, Lin Lu hid in the toilet and cried fiercely.

Secretary Li heard it outside and sighed again—

Men, they are all big trotters.

How confident is Lin Lu in herself? What woman hasn't seen a man like a nightclub?

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