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Chapter 4546: Men are big trotters 2

Secretary Li sighed while washing her hands.

When Lin appeared, his eyes were red, and Secretary Li looked at her without saying anything.

After washing his hands, he left.

Lin Lu knew that this woman must go to the company to promote her affairs again.

She gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do with Secretary Li.

Lin Lu, who has been in the workplace for a long time, is still a little self-aware. Although Secretary Li is only a secretary, she is definitely more important than herself in the heart of nightclubs. An overseas person in charge can be cultivated at any time, but a team The secretary of the mind is not always available.

Especially this secretary and Ye are always embarrassed.

Lin Lu couldn't understand too much in her heart, so she was angry in her heart and didn't dare to do anything. She just went to a foreign country to make a fuss. It was not easy to know the women there, knowing that she was transferred overseas. Rise and fall. In front of a nightclub, I don’t really have a lot of face. If I really care about where I am willing to go overseas, it would have been every day.

Besides, the nightclub only received the certificate yesterday.

The big man is the most important thing in the family, and the rich have always been like this.

Lin Lu's fire didn't come out, and the fire fell into the stomach again, especially uncomfortable.

But she still has to fly in the afternoon.

Before flying, Lin Lu was holding a mobile phone in the VIP lounge and wanted to dial Ye Xiangnan's call, but in the end she held the mobile phone for several minutes, and never dared to dial the call.

When the plane was about to take off, she got on the plane.

Starlight headquarters.

The mood in the nightclub is very bad, everyone knows this.

Everyone is weird, didn't you just give out sweets yesterday? Why is your face black now?

Secretary Li has always been the focus of Xingguang's cultural output. In her faintly heard, Xingguang knows that the newly appointed Mrs. Ye doesn't pay for the nightclub.

Hey, while sighing that Su Mu is ignorant, how many women dream of this rich man.

Does she know the assets of the nightclub?

But on the other hand, everyone admires her very much. You have to know how much courage it takes to refuse the nightclub and this splendid wealth.

If it were them, the nightclub would be able to squeeze round and flatten as much as it wanted, what self-esteem and self-esteem are!

Ye Xiangnan was in his office, feeling very upset, and the afternoon meeting was even more grassy, ​​and the starry atmosphere suddenly became even lower.

Secretary Li, who spreads culture, was also bombarded by nightclubs. Secretary Li was also very wronged. She tried her best and tried her best to control her mouth.

I can't control it, and I can't blame her.

However, his boss is in a bad mood, and Secretary Li not only feels the same way, but also makes life difficult.

The nightclub is obvious, now I want to see Miss Su.

In fact, Secretary Li didn't know where Miss Su was fascinated by nightclubs. She didn't like it much, she just wanted to conquer it.

As a woman, she has some sympathy, but at the same time she is a secretary.

The nightclub gave her a red envelope, so she should be relieved.

So Secretary Li looked at the nightclub and coughed slightly: "The nightclub has just received the certificate. Is there something that has not been done, for example, some agreements have not been signed."

Ye Xiangnan was originally looking through the documents, but then raised his eyes and looked at Secretary Li.

Secretary Li blinked: "Last time, the prenuptial agreement was signed, but it was invalidated. This time I got the certificate, do I have to sign it again?"

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