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Chapter 4559: Sudden tenderness 3

Su Mu didn't know why he suddenly had a black face, but she didn't think deeply, anyway, he was the temper of the young master.

It was late at night, past twelve o'clock.

Although Su Mu slept for a day, he was always weak and fell asleep in the car.

Ye Xiang Nan looked at her, and then raised the temperature a bit... He looked at her with a gentleness that he couldn't understand.

He didn't know why he should be so good to her and why he would accommodate her.

Obviously, she is not his ideal woman, and her temper is not good if she doesn't look good.

But he was willing to accommodate, and even he thought, if he could do well, he would probably be able to keep his body like jade from the end, just like his father.

If she cares about these.

Later, Ye Xiangnan had thought about it. This period of time was probably when he was the most tender to her, and it was also somewhat sincere. He held the name of Mrs. Ye and the wealth of Splashing to her, and she was indifferent. .

What she loves, what she likes, is always the one who had to let go of when she was young.

But at this time, he didn't know that one day he would be so obsessed with Su Mu, so deep that he wanted to destroy it if she couldn't get it, so deep that she would go crazy if she didn't love him.

At this moment, he and her were alone in the car, with a rare tenderness in his heart.

This kind of tenderness is only for a woman.

Even before, it was rare for Yihuan, because he and Yihuan grew up together when they were young. In his heart, she has always been a girl and a girl. Unlike Su Mu, she is a woman who gave birth to a child for herself. .

He suddenly discovered that Su Mu's age was actually not as old as that of night fennel.

She was still very young, but was forced to grow up.

When he looked at Su Mu, he never saw her as a girl, but a woman, no matter when she was hated

Ye Xiangnan thought wildly all the way, and drove the car back to his villa.

Aunt Chen and the others had already fallen asleep, and there were lights in the hall of the villa.

He used to go home, always alone.

Tonight, he brought a person back.

Su Mu was asleep, and she did not wake up when he picked her up.

Ye Xiangnan is not interested in taking advantage of others.

Lower your head, watching her fall asleep.

It is not ugly, thin and thin, holding it as if it has no weight.

In the middle of the night, his mood improved a lot. He walked straight to the door of the main bedroom on the second floor and kicked the door open—


Two hours later, Ye Xiangnan came out of the bathroom.

Su Mu was still sleeping.

Her face was buried in the pillow, and her black hair covered half of her face.

She slept very deeply, she was a little black right now, looked pitiful, as pitiful as her purse.

Ye Xiangnan suddenly chuckled and tugged her hair with her fingers.

He slept a lot during the day, and now he was not sleepy. He sat on the side of the bed and watched Su Mu for a while before he went to the study to deal with the official business that he had not dealt with during the day.

As the president of Starlight, he is not easy.

He went back to the master bedroom about half past four to sleep together.

Su Mu was asleep, and she didn't feel anything when he came back.

But the next morning, when she woke up from the master bedroom alone.

She was stunned.

Sit up and look at the black shirt on him.

She can be sure that this is Ye Xiangnan's shirt...

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