Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4560: Sudden tenderness 4

Memories slowly returned, and her face was all white.

At this moment, the door of the master bedroom opened, followed by Ye Xiangnan's voice: "Wake up? I'm going to the company in a while, don't you want to go to the newspaper, I'll send you it on the premise that you get up now."

As he said, he raised his hand and looked at the time: "You only have twenty minutes."

Su Mu sat on the bed and looked at him.

Ye Xiangnan is funny: "Are you secretly happy again?"

Su Mu's face is a little confused...

Even, some regret.

Looking at her expression, Ye Xiangnan's mood was in vain.

Putting his hands in his pockets, staring at her condescendingly: "I regret it?"

Su Mu held the quilt: "It seems it's too late to regret."

Ye Xiangnan's mood was slightly better now, and he looked at her, "The baby is born, this kind of thing is normal."

He thought for a moment, and specifically confessed: "No need to take medicine."

It was okay. Su Mu had tried to convince herself that she had forgotten, but as soon as she said these four words, she became a little ashamed again, and she pressed her lips without saying a word.

Ye Xiangnan's voice eased a little: "Get up for breakfast, there are clothes that suit you in the closet."

He probably also wanted to give her some space, and turned and went downstairs.

It is true that the mood is not as good as before.

After the door closed, Su Mu let out a long breath, and she calmed down for a while before she went to the bathroom.

Turn on the cold water and splash his face vigorously.

Although she fell asleep last night, it is not always true to insist that he is taking advantage of others, or unilaterally.

Su Mu patted herself on the face, "The man is misleading."

How could she be like this? Is it true that she, like the little girls in the restaurant, actually likes his appearance, and it is exposed when it is critical.

Su Mu brushed his teeth severely, washed his face, changed clothes and went downstairs.

Ye Xiangnan had finished breakfast and was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.

When she came down, he just lifted his gaze slightly, and then said quietly: "Hurry up and eat breakfast and leave in a while."

Su Mu wanted to say something, but looked at Aunt Chen from the side and didn't mean to say anything.

She greeted Aunt Chen with a faint smile, and Aunt Chen was very warm; "My wife has breakfast. I made Chinese porridge and noodles, as well as all kinds of side dishes. You can eat whatever you want. "

Su Mu was not used to her calling her wife, but she didn't correct it either. She just wanted to finish eating early and get off early.

So he said softly: "I'll have some porridge."

Aunt Chen smiled.

The husband and wife are good like this, do they look like normal couples?

Although I don't know why the husband brought his wife back suddenly and it was still very late, obviously the relationship between the young couple is good.

Aunt Chen felt that she was also a little bit happy, maybe the husband and wife will soon make up the wedding.

Under Aunt Chen's gaze, Su Mu felt stressed, and quickly finished breakfast and got up: "I'm fine."

Ye Xiangnan folded the newspaper, took the car key and got in the car to wait for her.

Su Mu walked fast, and Aunt Chen was still behind her calling: "Mrs. Slow."

This has to be a bit slower, in case your wife is pregnant again... It's not that she is too thoughtful, she is too young and seems to be easy to get pregnant...

I have to say that Aunt Chen is really thinking about it.

After Su Mu got in the car, her voice was a little soft: "Mr. Ye, I have something to say to you."

Ye Xiangnan said quietly while starting the car, "Call me Mr. Ye?"

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