Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4590: Suddenly want to pet her 4

Ye Xiangnan looked at her and smiled: "Didn't you make a fuss about swiping your card?"

Both notebooks are the most highly configured, with tens of thousands of brushes.

Su Mu hadn't sold herself enough, she was still a little self-aware.

After buying a laptop, Ye Xiangnan went to the parking lot once and threw it directly into the car. The door was locked. Su Mu asked strangely, "Why is the door locked? Are you still going to buy something?"

Ye Xiangnan looked at her and sighed: "Old man has a big birthday, you can be considered a granddaughter anyway, do you want to wear such a suit?"

Su Mu thought for a while: "You can still wear the clothes that day."

She was talking about the Chanel dress.

Ye Xiangnan walked toward the front, and said lightly: "On formal occasions, you can't wear clothes repeatedly."

This is the rules of wealthy families.

Su Mu felt distressed, "That's a waste?"

Probably because she was talking about things, she was less defensive, and she walked side by side with him naturally, and the distance was not too far, the distance of one person.

Ye Xiang turned her head to the south and looked at her with a subtle expression.

Before Su Mu could react, he was hugged by him, and he looked very intimate with his arms around him.

Su Mu was frightened at first, but was really unaccustomed to it, she screamed out loud.

Fortunately, it was in the parking lot and there were no people, otherwise I thought I met a pervert.

Ye Xiang Nanshou slid, and changed to holding her hand: "I'm so happy again, right?"

Su Mu felt that he was really boring, and bit his lip: "You are so happy when you want to go south at night, and your whole family is happy."

He looked at her with a smile in his eyes. For a while, he smiled and said: "My whole family is so happy, you didn't see my mother being so happy every day."

Su Mu felt that she had nothing in common with him, so she pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Ye Xiangnan thought she was very cute, so she reached out and lifted the palm of her hand: "Why, shy?"

This is similar to talking about love, and it is the first time for Ye Gongzi.

Qin Yihuan and Qin Yihuan grew up since childhood. Everything seems to be natural. Everyone thinks that they will be together in the future, so they are not very close.

But he had a different feeling towards Su Mu, probably because he felt that she was his now, so he did whatever he wanted, and didn't even think about other things.

This sense of belonging, for Ye Gongzi, feels good.

Su Mu only thought he was bored, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but he refused.

He held it firmly and hooked his lower lip: "How many women want me to be treated like this, you are good, as if I had some disease."

Su Mu's mouth didn't forgive him, "It's not surprising that you are sick in your life style."

"What about you?" Ye Xiangnan asked rhetorically, with a smile on his face.

Su Mu was a little annoyed: "I am very clean and self-love."

He looked at her and said very slowly: "If I had, you would have been infected."

Su Mu...

Her face was a bit hot, and she didn't know if it was red, so she could only cover her face and walk forward.

Ye Xiangnan smiled, stretched out her hand to hold her, "What are you running?"

Su Mu was pulled back by him, and couldn't move, so she could only stare at him.

"Still shy?" He looked good again.

It's really the same as washing the sauna.

Su Mu looked at him and asked what was in her heart: "Ye Xiangnan, are you... you are used to it?"

A noble man like him, who looks good and is usually busy, shouldn't he find a wife who is right?

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