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Chapter 4591: Suddenly want to spoil her 5

She couldn't get into his eyes at all, she really didn't know what he was insisting on.

Ye Xiangnan glanced at her, "If you don't want me to leave you here, you'd better shut up immediately."


Su Mu didn't want to mess with him either.

But she suddenly thought, why should she go to the banquet with him?

When asked this way, Ye Xiangnan's expression was a little funny: "You are my wife and you are not going. Will you let me take Secretary Li?"

In private occasions, he did not have a woman to take, so he took a secretary, would he be laughed to death?

Su Mu thought of Ye Xun, and Ye Xun must go there too. In order to prevent others from criticizing Ye Xun, she thought she should accompany Ye Xiang to go south, as if she was with Ye Xun.

She thought it would be fine to buy a set, but after Ye Xiangnan took her to Chanel, he picked up a dozen sets for her.

Moreover, he has a very good vision, and he tried several sets, and his temperament is even better.

Ye Xiangnan helped her choose some accessories, such as necklaces and earrings, Su Mu was particularly suitable.

The shopping guide lady couldn't help but admire: "This lady is really the most suitable for Chanel I have seen. Really, every piece on her body is a boutique."

"Let's pack it all in." Ye Xiangnan said quietly.

The shopping guide lady is overjoyed, knowing that these are almost one million.

Wrap them together, Ye Xiangnan filled in her address, anyway, every time she wears a set, she doesn't need to take it back when she wears it back.

This is his selfishness

It was a gloomy mind, but it was a pity that Su Mu couldn't feel it.

She thought, that's it, but Ye Xiangnan seemed to want to go shopping very much. The early winter had arrived, and he took her to relatively cheap brands and picked some daily wear.

Not very ostentatious, but more decent than her.

Su Mu's clothes are clean and tidy, but most of them are around a hundred yuan.

And the cheapest ordinary items of this shopping mall brand are thousands of dollars. Ye Gongzi is like no money. Each brand picks about ten pieces, which add up to fifty pieces. Clothes, shoes and coats are worn in winter. There are down.

He even helped her buy a sturdy suitcase.

"Go on a business trip with someone, don't lose my face." He said so.

Su Mu was standing there at the time, listening to him saying such venomous words, she felt unspeakable in her heart.

She was in a daze, she felt that she and Ye Xiangnan were getting too close and too fast.

She was even a little scared, afraid of feeling out of control like this.

Su Mu knew too well that people like Ye Xiangnan had too much, and he could find everything he wanted.

He has wealth, he has good looks, he has everything he wants, he wants a woman's heart, he can use these things he has to get, and get faster than anyone else.

Then, get tired, throw it away.

Go to the next round of the game.

Su Mu is very afraid of himself, becoming his game.

She dared not be tempted.

But she knows that no woman can remain indifferent after facing such love.

She too.

And she is a woman who has been poor for a long time.

Su Mu once again lamented that he was so poor.

Ye Xiangnan asked the shopping guide lady to help him carry the things to the parking lot. The back seat was full, and the envied little eyes of the shopping guide lady.

Ye Xiangnan closed the car door and said to Su Mu who was beside him while wearing his seat belt: ‘I’m so happy, right? No man has ever spoiled you like this, right? ’

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