Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4603: The nightclub is still jealous 6

It's greasy. It's not a loss for a man like him to find Du Meili. That's what happened anyway.

At both ends, the editor-in-chief felt that neither of them could not afford to offend, so he ran into the mud: "Don't quarrel, you are not allowed to bring personal matters to the company in the future, Xiao Du, you come to my office."

Du Meili twisted and smiled triumphantly at Su Mu.

Su Mu didn't say a word, and returned to his seat.

Xiaowen whispered: "Stupid Su Mu, no matter what, you can't get a divorce. You know it's easy to step out, but it's hard to step in again. How many people are staring at that position."

Like her, she is very envious. The beauty of the nightclub alone is enough to make people drool.

Rich, handsome, and tall, a superb man, Su Mu said that if he didn't want it, he didn't want it. This was too capricious.

Xiaowen thinks it is really a waste. This man is different from things. He is not a thing. He said that he should not be transferable.

Su Mu was doing her own thing and said softly, "I didn't even think about going back."

Xiaowen swallowed alive: "Su Mu, I think you have a special character, really, a special character."

Su Mu smiled: "I just don't want to wrong myself."

He Ye Xiang Nan Jue split, and the only thing wronged was Ye Xun. No one told Ye Xun about this, for fear that he would not think about it, would be angry and sad.

Thinking about this, Su Mu was still a little annoyed.

In fact, she didn't know how she fell out with Ye Xiangnan, just because he looked at Qin Yihuan for a few seconds, just because he missed Qin Yihuan?

She rejects such a possibility and does not want to think too much.

In the editor-in-chief's office, there were no people around. Zhang Fucai first scolded Du Meili well, meaning that there was someone on Su Mu. If you don't want to embarrass him, keep your mouth shut.

Du Meili had to play a little bit, Zhang Fucai coaxed, and he did a good job once he came and went.

Sister Hong sent the information, and as soon as I pushed the door, I saw the distress inside.

Du Meili put his arms around Lao Zhang's neck and looked at Sister Hong provocatively.

Sister Hong didn’t close the door either, she walked straight in, put the things on the table, paused and said, “Zhang Fucai is getting older, not like a young man, the wife and children in the family are still counting on you to support you. It."

Zhang Fucai has always been ashamed of Sister Hong, his pig face flushed red.

Du Meili pulled him: "What are you afraid of! Aren't you in charge here?"

Zhang Fucai broke away from her and patted her clothes: "Your sister Hong is right. You need to take care of it when you get old."

He chuckled twice.

Sister Hong snorted: "Who is her Sister Hong? Your wife is."

She said that she left. She saw a lot of this scene, and she was not afraid of smearing her eyes.

Zhang Fucai's mood wasn't very good when Sister Hong left. Du Meili wanted to act like a baby with him. He waved his hand and blushed with a thick neck: "I'm in a bad mood, let me go out."

Du Meili was stunned by the fierce look, she couldn't believe that this short and fat man dared to speak to herself like this.

He was too much.

Du Meili bit her lip, tears rolled in her eyes, and stomped away bitterly.

Originally, Zhang Fucai was going to chase after him, but after thinking about it, forget it, chase after something.

He loves others, who will love him?

Isn't it a woman, after a few days, he will naturally come back obediently.

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