Thank you for Waiting, Mister Tang!

Chapter 4604: The nightclub is still jealous 7

Zhang Fucai no longer caught a cold with this woman, and the family members were not too concerned about it. In fact, it was his ex-wife that he could not let go of.

The ex-wife is terrible. She usually looks at the man-in-law. When she smokes her cigarette and wears her skirt, she is willing to die.

How could he not see it before?

Sister Hong went out there, and Su Mu came over and asked her for a leave.

Looking at her, Sister Hong probably guessed that it was related to Ye Xiangnan, and patted her on the shoulder: "Go, call me if you have anything."

Su Mu was very grateful to Sister Hong, nodded and left the newspaper first.

She has to go to Starlight to get a divorce certificate.

I haven't been a husband and wife, but I'm already divorced.

When I arrived at the Starlight headquarters, Secretary Li had already waited there because I had an appointment in advance.

Seeing Su Mu coming over, Secretary Li immediately ran over, "Miss Su, I'm sorry to let you come here in person."

Su Mu smiled and said it was okay.

Secretary Li was extremely cautious, and took Su Mu to the conference room, poured tea and ate snacks, but didn't show evidence.

Su Mu was a little anxious, and finally asked after half an hour: "Secretary Li, I'll get the certificate."

Secretary Li seemed to just remember, and smiled: "Of course I didn't forget."

After speaking, he went back and took a file bag and handed it to Su Mu.

Su Mu opened it, and inside was a green notebook.

When she looked at it, her throat seemed to be choking, and she couldn't tell how she felt.

At this moment, Ye Xiangnan came to the small conference room for a meeting, and was surrounded by a group of high-level people, about seven or eight.

As soon as the door opened, everyone was stunned, including Ye Xiangnan.

Secretary Li looked like a frightened Yazi, and immediately got up: "Nightclub, the meeting has begun? Miss Su came over to get something."

Ye Xiangnan's gaze fell on Su Mu's hand, and then he raised his hand to signal the high-level people behind him to wait outside.

The high-levels are also eye-catching, seeing the nightclub dealing with housework, how dare to stay there.

When someone left, Secretary Li wanted Zi to go out too, and Ye Xiangnan stopped her directly: "Secretary Li, wait a minute."

Secretary Li screamed, as if in the clouds and mist, and as if in a dream.

Ye Xiangnan went over, took away the notebook from Su Mu, and raised it up: "Why don't I have this?"

He was a little shocked when he saw Su Mu, but he knew why she came.

She really didn't go to the Palace of the Three Treasures. She had nothing to do except divorce him. She usually hid when she looked at him. He thought she wanted to understand, so she came to get this.

He questioned Secretary Li, who was trembling in his heart, but he firmly believed that he had done nothing wrong.

He coughed lightly and squinted: "The nightclub has actually been set up a long time ago, but I forgot it."

"Really?" Ye Xiangnan's face was not very good, and then he returned the things to Su Mu: "Take it away, don't lose it, rely on this to get along with your old friend."

Secretary Li was stunned: When did the nightclub ever say such rough words?

The atmosphere was a little confused, and Su Mu was not friendly, so he put the things away and choked back: "I'm bothered by the nightclub. I will definitely."

"It's better to be like this, otherwise it will disappoint Secretary Li's kindness." Ye Xiang Nanyi pointed out, and then looked at Secretary Li.

Secretary Li laughed extremely unnaturally, and she was afraid that the nightclub would say it.

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