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Chapter 4673: Your son meets the old man 3

Su Mu pursed her lower lip and raised a professional smile: "Then how big is this gentleman's wife, and what style and style he likes? I can help you choose the one that suits you."

Cheng Ye let his hand line up, guarding the door of the brand store, not allowing people to come in, he himself walked in, and then he couldn't help but smiled, "Ah, it's nice here."

Su Mu looked at him quietly.

Cheng Ye sat down, looked around, and then let Su Mu pass.

When Su Mu was in front of him, Master Cheng said so much: "The size of your feet is the same size as my wife's feet. I personally measured it."

This is quite sultry.

Gasps sounded all around.

But Su Mu is neither overbearing nor overbearing, "That's 36, right. Then I'll help Mr. and your wife pick."

Master Cheng quietly put down a check with one million on it.

"Choose whatever you like, my wife will like it." Master Cheng leaned on the counter and smiled lightly. It was quite sultry again. Many cabinet sisters looked at him secretly, as if Who can refuse a man who smashed tens of billions of dollars at once?

However, for Cheng Ye, only Su Mu was worth the price. Other women just passed away hundreds of thousands of jewels, and asked him to confess, bah, they were all serving him softly. it is good.

Su Mu, there is only one in this world.

Cheng Ye said, looking at Su Mu eagerly.

On the second floor, Ye Xiangnan stared at the two of them coldly. Secretary Li on the side felt that she could fight at any time; the nightclub's eyes looked terrifying, as if she was catching a traitor.

In fact, up to now, they are all unilateral. If Su Mu is willing, she will not work here. She admires Su Mu, and she can see that Master Cheng likes Su Mu, at least Bi Ye I always like it a lot, willing to spend my time, licking a face in front of so many people to please.

Who is that, Master Cheng, who came up with the blood knife, it is rare for a woman to spend such a lot of thoughts on a woman. Secretary Li thought, if it was himself, he probably couldn't stand it.

Besides, Master Cheng is also handsome, and he looks like a noble boy in a nightclub, but he is also very attractive, rough and masculine all over.

I also vaguely heard that Master Cheng has a lot of women. Behind this we know...

When Secretary Li was thinking in a mess, Su Mu over there took a pair of shoes and looked at Master Cheng.

Cheng Ye looked indifferent and smiled softly: "I said, as long as you like it, you can buy it all."

Su Mu whispered to other shopping guides to wrap up, and went to pick a few more pairs.

Ye Cheng asked people to take it all.

Su Mu was also not polite to him. He sealed this place and affected the business. She had to count on him, so he took a pair of almost every style, and this brand of shoes is not cheap, two to three thousand to seven to eight thousand. Su Mu finished the calculations, looked at the check on the side, and said softly: "It is 1,364,400. Mr. Cheng, do you use your card or cash."

Ye Cheng did not let go of any chance to get close to Su Mu, smiled softly, and asked, "Then you want to... I will use my card or cash. If it is cash, I will immediately let someone move from the vault. come."

Everyone gasped!


Grass, how rich this is!

Seeing Su Mu still remained unmoved, really calmed down, no wonder he could catch such a big fish.

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