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Chapter 4674: Your son meets the old man 3

Seeing Su Mu still remained unmoved, really calmed down, no wonder he could catch such a big fish. Didn’t it say in the novel that the heroines of the golden heroes are all coquettish with other heroines One is cheap and one is different, especially refined.

But Su Mu lacks beauty.

Then I thought, is there any good-looking woman next to a rich man? What people want is this fresh and refined.

The people around looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu was still expressionless: "Swipe your card!"

Cheng Ye took out his gold card from his wallet and swiped more than one million dollars without blinking. Several shopping guides brought about a car of shoe boxes. Fortunately, there were many men under Cheng Ye. He smiled: "Mu Mu, I will take you there."

There was a pause: "Or, I will give you another villa. There is no cloakroom of 100 square meters where these things can be placed."

Ye Cheng had to do what he said, and when he turned around, he said to his men: "Go and pack the villa in Zhongxi and give it to Miss Su. Tomorrow, let someone transfer it to Miss Su's name."

Su Mu didn't say anything, and all his actions had nothing to do with her.

In fact, they had known each other since childhood. Cheng Zheng liked her very much, but she never thought about it when she was young, and he was indeed not the type she liked.

Being pestered now, Su Mu is not feeling well.

Su Mu lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "Mr. Cheng's shoes have also been bought, and we still do business here. Please make it easier."

Cheng Ye came over today, just to cultivate a relationship with Su Mu, how could he leave so easily?

He pondered for a moment, and he seemed to smile, "I bought my wife's shoes, but I don't know if they fit well, these shoes..."

He lowered his voice, seeming to be overly intimate: "I haven't tried the size yet!"

Su Mu looked at him, and then whispered: "If the size is wrong, you can change it."

Cheng Ye said with interest: "Why don't you go to the villa with me and try to show me pair by pair, it's not that my wife's feet are as big and white as yours."

These words were a little unconvincing. Fortunately, Master Cheng still respected Su Mu in his heart.

Su Mu glanced at him, continued to calculate today's turnover, and said very lightly: "You can let Su Zhiyan try to show you, she must be out of joy."

Cheng Ye smiled, "Mu Mu, you must be jealous."

When the people around heard it, they all sighed: Master Cheng had too much energy, and they obviously refused. His interpretation was too subtle.

Su Mu looked at him like this, "Don't buy anything else for your wife, such as jewelry."

Master Cheng has money, so I was afraid that Su Mu would not speak. Now that Su Mu let go, everything is really easy to talk. He said, "You, I mean Mumu, you think my wife likes it What kind of jewelry?"

Su Mu said blankly, "Big one!"

Master Cheng smiled and touched his head: "The big one is good, the big one is good, buy it!"

The entire mall was almost out of service, so I watched Cheng Ye chase women online.

The man who is willing to spend tens of billions of dollars is highly regarded.

At this time, Ye Xiangnan turned his head to the side and said to Secretary Li, "Explain to the manager here that all the jewels are not discounted today. All the counters brought the most expensive ones."

Secretary Li also watched with gusto.

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