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Chapter 376:

"It's still worth thinking about, of course it's a space technique!"

The captured Shenmu Tingxi didn't let out a chuckle, and a pair of bright eyes couldn't help but observe Su Jin's side face and said:

"I just forced a group of people to move the space here in an instant. Is this the strength of the fourth primogenitor? Hehe~ It's really powerful~~"

"..." This vampire, is there something wrong with his brain... Kasugatani Shizuku couldn't help but think so.

At this time, Su Jin, who was in front of him, suddenly turned his head and said to Ji Hiirah Yukina and Huangsaka Sayaka:

"Yukana, Sayaka, you guys are waiting in the wooden hut in front of you with that angel temporarily. I'll go deeper into the ground later."


Ji Hiiragi Xueca was stunned for a moment, and then responded loudly.

On the other hand, Hwangsaka Sayaka was a tad slower, and after responding, he looked to the side of Kamiki Tami, Amase Yuno, and Okurayama Shido.

Aware of Huangsaka Sayaka's gaze, Shenmu Tingxi didn't chuckle, raised his hands and said:

"Don't worry, I won't run away."

The other two remained silent.

Su Jin, who noticed the small movements of several people, turned his head and glanced at them, which really frightened these people.

But the eyes just flickered:

"The two of you will also watch over the three for a while."

"Yes!" Ji Hiiragi Xuecai responded, then stunned: "Three people?"

Before she could finish speaking, Su Jin made a random move, and Kasugatani Shizuku was rushed into her arms with a look of confusion.

She blinked and couldn't help but looked at the place next to Huangsaka Sayaka and Ji Hiragan Yukina, where she had just stood, and then raised her head to look at Su Jin's face, with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, it looks like you checked the entire island."

Magasai Kazuko suddenly said with a smile:

"Although I don't know if you did it through a beast or what kind of ability, but if we want to reach the bottom of the underground space, we really need this little girl."

"Too much nonsense..."

Su Jin looked at her and waved.

Seeing this, Ma He Zhai Kaozi was stunned, walked over with a strange expression, and hugged Su Jin's empty left hand.


Kasugatani Shizuku, who had just come back to her senses, was dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

Why did you get caught all of a sudden?

Wait a minute, Su Jin's left hand is held by Ma Hezhai, and his right hand is holding her?

this this this...

Kasugatani Shizuku's face suddenly turned red, but the next second, she found that the surrounding environment changed again.

The dark and damp cave suddenly became a little brighter. The ground, the top of the cave, and the surrounding walls were covered with azure crystals, as if the entire cave was made of crystals.

"This is..." Kasugatani Shizuku couldn't help but say aloud.

Kasugatani Shizuku looked around, and finally saw a platform in the center of the cave, which was piled up by crystals.

On the platform, two dark brown coffins were quietly placed there.

"Why is there a coffin here? Is it still open?"

Kasugatani Shizuku subconsciously looked at the coffin on the left, and the next moment, she was speechless.

Inside the coffin lay a figure that was extremely familiar to her, a face that was extremely familiar.

That face, she can see in the mirror every day when she washes her face.

That is the face of 'Kosugatani Shizuku'.

"Lying in the coffin... me?"

Kasugatani Shizuku muttered to herself absentmindedly, while her hands tightly wrapped around Su Jin's arm, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"I advise you to take a look at the coffin next to you."

Magasai Kazuko gave Kasugatani Shizuku a playful look, and then chuckled.

Kasugatani Shizuku turned his eyes slightly and saw another familiar figure in the coffin on the right.

Fragrant Tube Valley Shinako.

A former Holy Order nun knight who adopted Kasugaya Shizuku.

"How does it feel to meet your adoptive mother?"

Magasai Kazuko said with a little playfulness:

"Even if you see a dead body."

Kasugatani Shizuku's pupils contracted violently, and then, scene after scene of memories emerged in the depths of her mind.

It was her 'past' memory.

Chapter 0481 Choices Without Choices

Looking at Kasugatani Shizuku, who was clutching his own hand with one hand and covering his forehead with the other, Su Jin raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly:

"It seems that after the memory was stimulated, it completely woke up."

Hearing this, Makozai sighed and said:

"The way you used it was really extreme. You actually brought her here and forcibly stimulated her memory."

"Say as if you care about her very much."

At this time, Su Jin smiled and looked at the disaster of Ma He Zhai, and said with a slight contempt in his eyes:

"Isn't it you who changed her memory?"

Magasai Kazuko smiled, and it was a smile that was obviously malicious.

"After all, it is a fictional world that can be restarted no matter how much tossing it is. It is naturally the most suitable as an experimental base."

"And, isn't it a good thing to take this fictional world from this child and seal her painful memories?"

"Crooked logic." Su Jin sneered, raised his hand and patted Kasugatani Shizuku on the shoulder.

The latter trembled a bit, and the pain on his face was suddenly relieved a lot, and the memory that had been over-represented was changed to the absorption of a long stream of water.

Kasugatani Shizuku's state gradually stabilized, then opened his eyes and looked at the two coffins on the platform with a complicated expression.

"Do you remember who that was?" Mahasai Kazuko said indifferently.


Kasugatani Shizuku held his head painfully and said:

"She is Xiangguangu Shinako, the last Holy Order knight, my... foster mother."

"Four years ago, when the Iluwas Demon Special Zone collapsed, the Knights of the Holy Order died of exhaustion trying to use the prison barrier technology to create a different space and shelter refugees."

The collapse of the Iluvas Demon Special Zone.

This is a large-scale terrorist attack that occurred in Europe four years ago.

The incident caused the destruction of the Hell of Iluwas, more than 100,000 residents were made homeless, and tens of thousands of people disappeared.

And Kasugatani Shizuku, or the more than 6,000 people in the current Enlai Island are all those who disappeared at that time.

Magasai Kazuko squinted his eyes, and said in a slightly serious tone:

"Four years ago, in order to protect the more than 6,000 residents who could not escape from Iluvas, Kasugatani Shinako came up with the idea of ​​using the prison enchantment technique to temporarily create an incomplete prison through the power of the dragon veins in the Iluvas area. A barrier, a way to transfer refugees and avoid disaster."

"It should have been impossible for this to happen."

"After all, the prison enchantment technique is a secret that only a small number of organizations know about, and the techniques and props that use the dragon veins are extremely rare. Adding the two together, there is no hope of completing this plan."

"But for some reason, she succeeded, although at the cost of her own death..."

Hearing this, Kasugatani Shizuku said bitterly:

"As a witch, I was adopted by Shinako Kasugaya, and Iluvas considered me to be a reserve force to maintain the prison barrier, so I was given the prison barrier spell."

"And because the terrorist organization that attacked the Demon Special Zone was destroying the Demon Special Zone by embodying the power of the dragon veins, the dragon veins appeared, and the requirements for capturing its power dropped a lot."


Kasugatani Shizuku looked at the long sword of the wearer at his waist:

"She devoured the power of the dragon's veins with this magic sword flame and snake, and successfully performed the prison enchantment technique."

"I see."

The real Hezhai disaster child suddenly felt a little:

"It's no wonder that she was able to succeed, but she also died because of this. It is strange that the human body directly captures and carries the power of the dragon's veins, and the body does not collapse."

Kasugatani Shizuku gritted his teeth, his face bitter.

At this time, Su Jin, who had checked the structure of Enlai Island several times, said with a little surprise:

"I see. When I knew that my life was going to die soon, I quickly handed over the core controller of the spell to you, Kasugatani Shizuku, so this fictional world can continue to be maintained."

When Su Jin said this, he looked at Kasugatani Shizuku with a weird look:

"And as a price, you have become an existence similar to that of Nangong that month. The main body has been sleeping in the deepest cave in the ground, but the consciousness appears on the island in the form of the missing body."

"In the same way, the residents of Enlai Island are also imprisoned in underground caves and sleep. Those people on the island seem to be alive, but in fact they are all phantoms in a dream."

"Moreover, because you are not the real creator, you can't leave this fictional world and go to the outside world for help. You can only be trapped here and wait for the power of the dragon veins that built the fictional world to gradually dry up until everyone is destroyed in the gaps of the dimension. "

When Kasugatani Shizuku heard this, he nodded bitterly and said:


"Before I saw the instructor, I tried countless times to ask for help from the outside world and rescued all the sleeping residents on the island, but it was never successful."

"And just a few months ago, I saw the vampire king and the instructor who came from the outside world. I originally wanted to cooperate with him, but..."

"But the other party didn't even reply, and immediately put you down, and his memory was sealed, which led to the shattering of the last hope."

When Su Jin said this, he looked at Ma He Zhai with a playful look.

Is it worthy of being the witch of the LCO?

This ability to destroy other people's hopes is really leveraged.

Magazai Kazuko smiled, although he took a few steps back when Su Jin looked over, but he also looked like I didn't apologize or regret.

She looked at Kasugatani Shizuku and said with a smile:

"So, do you want revenge on me?"

"No... I don't have such free time for the time being."

Kasugatani Shizuku resisted the urge to hit someone, turned to look at Su Jin, gritted his teeth and said:

"Your Majesty the Fourth Primogenitor, I would like to ask you to allow us refugees to join your empire!"

"Oh..." Su Jin raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Put your hope on me?"

"The remnants of Enlai Island are all elites who stayed in the Iluwas area four years ago, including demons, elite researchers, and psychic mediums with Tianbu blood."

Kasugatani Shizuku knelt on the ground, slammed the ground with his head, and knelt down and said:

"They have the value of being used by you, please lend a helping hand."

Su Jin lowered his head slightly, looked at Kasugatani Shizuku, and after a brief ponder, he smiled:

"not enough."

"What more do you want?"

Kasugatani Shizuku was silent for a second or two, and then asked.

Su Jin replied briefly:


Kasugatani Shizuku opened his mouth, and then answered directly:

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