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Chapter 377:

"make a deal!"

The adoptive mother sacrificed herself to save the last 6,000 members of Iluvas, and now, it doesn't matter if she sacrifices one more.

If Kasugatani Shizuku didn't want to let her adoptive mother's last hope be dashed, she could only rely on Su Jin, the true ancestor who had a more conscience than Magasai.

This is a choice without option.

And... Kasugatani Shizuku raised his head and looked at Su Jin's face.

It seems... I'm not too bad... Kasugatani Shizuku's cheeks turned slightly red as she thought.

After getting the answer, Su Jin didn't say much, just looked up at the spells arranged in the cave, and said lightly:

"get out."


There was a noise like a TV losing signal.

in a brief murmur.

A tuxedo boy with short blond hair and a face similar to Agulola appeared in the cave.

"First meeting, the new Fourth Primogenitor..."

The boy with rainbow eyes greeted with a smile.

0482 Silly Child

The new one... Kazuko Magasai and Shizuku Kosugatani glanced at Su Jin subconsciously, chewing on the meaning of this sentence.

However, no matter how surprised they were, the two of them never said a word, but left the communication environment to the two who were looking at each other.

Su Jin looked at the girl opposite a little.

In terms of appearance, Agurolla is almost indistinguishable, the difference is only the difference between men and women and the length of hair.

Agurolla is a long-haired woman, and the vampire king in front of her is a shawl-haired boy, or a good wife.

"A fake built by intelligent machinery?"

After looking at the Vampire King for a while, Su Jin said in a somewhat sarcastic tone:

"Sure enough, bed bugs in the gutter are bed bugs after all."

Naturally, the one who exists in front of Su Jin will not be the vampire king, not even a human being.

Instead, it is made of computer technology, similar to the simple intelligence that simulates the thinking of the vampire king.

It is estimated that he intends to use his intelligence to meet him, and then retrieve his intelligence in some way to determine his situation.

Quite a cautious approach, but this did not prevent Su Jin from mocking the other party.

Maybe it's a mutual exclusion between two people with the same personality.

"It's different from what I expected, it's a very powerful True Ancestor."

Facing Su Jin's sarcasm, the Vampire King did not get angry at all, but smiled with joy on his face.

But when the voice fell, the Vampire King showed a puzzled look:

"With your character, I can't think of a reason for you to let my two sisters go."

Two sisters, are you referring to Agulola... Su Jin frowned and said in a warning tone:

"Don't mess around with relatives, I don't have a brother-in-law like you."


The Vampire King was obviously stunned for a while, but it took a while to react, and he laughed at himself and said:

"I see. Is this the reason why you didn't absorb No. 10 and No. 12? I've been investigating for so long, but I can't think of the reason."

He seemed to track down Su Jin for a while.


Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said in a playful tone:

"It looks like you spent at least a month on Itogami Island, tracking down Agulora's whereabouts."

Although he didn't get No. 10, it was actually the original soul of the fourth primogenitor's initial simulated personality, but from the fact that the Vampire King knew that the No. 10 and No. 12 Beasts had not been absorbed by Su Jin.

The Vampire King had been dormant on Itogami Island for at least some time to determine the situation of the Fourth Primogenitor.

Su Jin's face showed some doubts:

"I'm curious, why are you doing this? Want to take my power to become the real Fourth Primogenitor?"

The failed experiment of the Fourth Primogenitor, provoking him as a complete Fourth Primogenitor?

Su Jin, who doesn't know the situation of the vampire king, can only temporarily guess that the vampire king is to complement himself.

There may be other reasons, but he doesn't recommend letting the kid in front of him realize his stupidity.

When he is the real ancestor of the waste like Xiao Gucheng?


The Vampire King was silent for a moment, with a complicated expression on his face, and sighed:

"You who changed from a human to a true ancestor are incomprehensible."

He said this, paused, and said calmly:

"The incomplete Fourth Primogenitor is worthless. You, who lack two Familiar Beasts, have no chance of winning against me."

Su Jin listened quietly, with the contempt of "You can say whatever you want, I will care about counting my losses" in his eyes.

At this time, Su Jin had already decided.

The Vampire King is definitely not from the future.

At least, not from the future after he appeared.

At least Su Jin doesn't believe that people from the future will not know a little bit about him.


With a low laugh, Su Jin looked at the Vampire King opposite and asked indifferently:

"Forget it, no matter what you're thinking about, it's a trivial matter."

"For me, just knowing one thing is enough."

Su Jin said this, his tone became serious:

"The holy annihilation technique created by Cain, the complete information should be in your hands, right?"

The blood-sucking king's face froze, and he seemed to be stunned for a while.

Then, he laughed dumbly and said:

"So that's the case. Did you show your traces on purpose because of this matter?"

Obviously, the purpose of Su Jin's urgent visit to the Kingdom of Aldikia has long been seen by the Vampire King.

Therefore, the contact between the two sides will be the way the Vampire King unilaterally guards against Su Jin.

Su Jin didn't answer, but looked at the Vampire King calmly.

The latter opened his mouth, and finally the corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

"Your guess is not wrong."

The Vampire King said this with a little emotion:

"When Kain, the ancestor of the demon race, created the Holy Annihilation, I once watched the scene. When he died, it was also the last trip I sent him, and I was responsible for protecting his legacy."

"Perhaps the three true ancestors also hold a small part of the holy annihilation, but the high probability of the holy annihilation they master is not complete, or in other words, everyone except me has an incomplete holy annihilation."

"This includes the Marsh Dragon who guards the legacy, and the part of Shengjian she guards lacks the original experimental data, and those data are the key to understanding Shengjian."

Swamp Dragon... Su Jin frowned.

The Vampire King smiled at this time and said:

"The Dragon of Marsh is the dragon egg you placed on the tenth underground floor of Itogami Island. She is my adoptive father, Cain's facilitator, and is responsible for guarding my father's capital."

"Of course, the Sheng Jhan in her hands plus the Cain witch you have in your hand is enough to motivate Sheng Jhan."

"Of course, the premise of this series is that you can obtain the approval of the dragon of the swamp."

The Vampire King said this and reminded with a slight smile:

"Of course, the premise of all this is that she is willing to transfer Sheng Jhan's information to the Fourth Primogenitor who killed my father."

After Su Jin heard these words, he looked at the Vampire King with a strange face.

Did this stupid kid think he couldn't get the holy annihilation technique in Grinda's mind?

Not to mention the ability of Saint Seiya to control the mind, the world of Hakoniwa alone has the ability to erode the spirit of others.

Is it true that he, Su Jin, can't deal with a little guy with at most five figures?

Moreover, the complete Shengjian is there with Gloria, so what raw data should I pursue?

Anyway, in the end, it all depends on the forum to strengthen the magic change. Is there any original data? Isn't it all the same?

No matter how bad it is, I will bring the technique to Hakotei, spend a small amount of money, and let Qianyan and a few omniscient officials divination and predict the original data.

"You can try as much as you want, but in the end, you'll understand that if you want to use the Holy Fist, you must come to me in the end."

You told me the information so confidently, I'm too embarrassed to kill you... Su Jin thought strangely.

And after the vampire king said this, the shape of the figure began to fade, and finally turned into a mosaic:

"Goodbye, incomplete Fourth Primogenitor."


A fool who sold out his family... Su Jin said in his heart without the slightest change in his expression.

Chapter 0483 Haven't heard of Journey to the West?

Itogami Island, Underground of the Keystone Gate, Technology Development Bureau.

"D412 aircraft signal detected, D412 aircraft signal detected, coordinates, Bohai..."

Sirens blared in the screen-filled room.

Wearing a white lab coat with his hands in his pockets, the blue feather scallions with blond hair looked at the map and signal red dots displayed above, and froze for a moment:

"You were caught up just after leaving the Sea of ​​Japan?"

Beside her, in the originally empty place, a girl holding a black parasol and wearing a pure black gothic suit suddenly appeared.

It was the Void Witch, Nangong that month.

"Sure enough, there are ghosts in Itogami Island."

Nangong looked at the display above that month and sneered.

"Have you caught it?"

Lan Yu Shallow didn't look back. Knowing that Nangong's lunatics are not used to ghosts, she has long been accustomed to his sudden appearance.

"Caught a dozen spies, but I don't know which one belonged."

Nangong Nayue shook his parasol and tapped his shoulder with the handle and said:

"All in all, I have put the airport under martial law, and I will check all those who have been in contact with the special plane within six months."

"I'll let Moguxiao cooperate with you." Lanyu Shallow frowned slightly.

"Hey, don't increase the workload of others, the research and calculation tasks here are already very heavy."

On the screen above, a blue cartoon cat makes an electronic whining sound.

"To shut up."

Lan Yu Shallow glared at Mo Gu and said:

"You are a mature artificial intelligence, you have to learn to work hard, understand?"

"..." Mo Gu crooked his eyes wide and had nothing to say.

"Artificial intelligence?" Nangong tapped on the shoulder with the umbrella handle that month: "Then start checking when that plane was produced."

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