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Chapter 797:

"That, that... Actually, my family still has great potential for development."

"That's a small family of ten people?" The burly woman asked with some resistance, as if she didn't want to join the small family.

"Also, there are not as many as ten people..." The cold sweat on Hestia's face grew even more.

"A five-person ultra-small can only form a basic team? It's a bit difficult..."

"The team is still building..."


"Don't go! Wait, we can discuss it again..."

Hestia raised her hand and stared at the back of the fast fleeing figure, her whole heart collapsed.

"It's over, it's rare to meet someone who is willing to talk to me three times, but it still fails... This is the seventh time..."

Hestia let out a long sigh, her face melancholy.

"Because I have been relying on the library to read books, and I don't make money or form a family, I was kicked out by my friend Hephaestus and placed in a dilapidated church. I spent it drinking well water, and when I went out this morning, I didn't even have breakfast, so I finally met a new person who I liked, but the other party was not fooled at all..."

Walking on the streets of Orari, Hestia, who reviewed her situation bit by bit, was heartbroken.

Why is this life in the lower world starting from zero so difficult?

Does she really want to find those bad newcomers who can guess that they have bad intentions against her just by looking at them with divine eyes, and borrow their offerings to tide over the difficulties?


The 'family' I got for the first time in my life, I don't want that kind of bad pus-sucking guy. I want a pure and kind normal human being to be my family. If possible, I'd better look cute or handsome. I only have such a few conditions, is it really so difficult? !

And just when Hestia was depressed, a good smell, like the aroma of potatoes being fried at high temperature, came from a roadside stall on the side.

The charming fragrance activated Hestia's nerves for the first time, and after a while, a gurgle came from Hestia's stomach.

She stared at the potato ball stand eagerly, saliva flowing from the corners of her mouth, ignoring it.

At this moment, Hestia seemed to hear a strange voice that didn't resemble a human voice, but she didn't pay attention and just whispered to herself:

'I can't take it anymore, why don't anyone buy a bag of mochi **** for me, I'm so hungry! ’

At this moment, a subtle male voice suddenly came from behind Hestia:

"Are you hungry?"

"Huh?" Hestia was startled, turned her head to the side, and looked behind her. After catching the man behind her, she couldn't help but let out an "ah".

"Huh?" Su Jin frowned, looked down at the young-toothed girl in front of him whose face was gradually turning red, and then smiled and said, "Why, did you scare you?"

"No, no." Hestia hurriedly shook her head, and then couldn't help but look at Su Jin's face, her face turned red and said: "That... Which **** are you? Why do I feel like it's never been there? I've seen you."

As we all know, Orari is the city where the gods gather.

Therefore, in this city, the safest are those men and women who are too beautiful. After all, you will never know whether the handsome man and beauty in front of you will be a powerful god.

That's why, if you meet someone with a superhuman appearance in Orari, the probability that the other person is a **** is more than 90%.

It's just that although Hestia, the **** of the heavens, doesn't say that she has seen all of them, she also knows seventy-eighty-eighty, but she has never seen a male **** like the man in front of her.

Could it be that I just didn't encounter it because I was too squatting at home? Hestia thought doubtfully in her heart.

"God?" Su Jin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Hestia in front of him to think he was a god, but in a flash, he thought of the changes he had caused due to the sovereignty of the Pisces sun, combined with his own feelings towards Euleri. Understand and thus realize a ray of truth.

Unexpectedly, it was because of his appearance... Su Jin thought subtly in his heart, then shook his head towards Hestia and said:

"I'm not a god."

Su Jin is a pure human being, whether it is from a spiritual level or a standpoint. Although he has recently deteriorated a little because of the protoss blood in his body, he has not yet reached the point of change.

"Human? It's a lie, can a human be like you?" Hestia covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Su Jin's face in disbelief: "This kind of appearance can only last for decades. It's too wasteful."

Appearance...wasting...Su Jin's mouth twitched, although it's a good thing to be praised, but why is his mood so subtle?

At this moment, Hestia opened her big shining eyes and looked at Su Jin with great interest:

"Wait a minute, you... didn't you just arrive at Orari?"

Su Jin was silent for a while, then nodded.

"I knew it." Hestia suddenly waved a small hand sign.

Based on the appearance of the man in front of him, if he came to Orali for a period of time, Hestia was sure that he would definitely hear gossip from those lewd goddesses at the gods' meeting held regularly by the gods.

However, Hestia, who had just had a meal at the sanctuary the day before yesterday, did not hear similar rumors.

Therefore, the man in front of him must be Orari, who came after the day before yesterday. If so... a newcomer? The pure newcomer is still a very attractive newcomer and can't feel any evil thoughts and is not an evil one... Hestia's eyes seemed to be glowing, and she quickly reached out and grabbed Su Jin's hand:

"Please be sure to join my family, please, this is the request of my life!"

The voice fell, and Hestia suddenly screamed in her heart.

It's over, I'm too excited, there's no foreshadowing, this time it's definitely over, stupid Hestia, why are you so impulsive! !

And at this moment, at a very close distance, a voice like a man moving from heaven rang out:


Chapter 1083 Well-intentioned Hephaestus

"Sure enough!"

Hestia sighed, let go of Su Jin's hand, and bowed apologetically:

"Sorry for disturbing your precious time, I..."

After Hestia said this, he suddenly straightened his waist, his mouth gradually opened, his face was stunned, and his eyes were full of inconceivable looks at Su Jin:

"what did you just say?"

"You just said, didn't you say 'Okay?', you agreed? Agree to join my family?"

"Yes." Su Jin looked at Hestia, whose mouth seemed to be able to put an egg in front of him, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and said, "Isn't that okay?"

"It doesn't mean it can't be."

Hestia rubbed her hands awkwardly, couldn't help but looked up at Su Jin's face again, met his eyes, and said a little embarrassedly:

"That... Let me explain in advance that my family currently does not have any members, not even a single member, so you are looking forward to the guidance of seniors, the support of partners, and the help of various life chores, even if it is exploring the dungeon. I can't even get the help from the labyrinth!"

Stupid Hestia, now is not the time to explain the situation, cheat away, hurry up and cheat this little white sheep away!

"Isn't that good, starting from scratch." Su Jin smiled with some memories.

This situation reminded Su Jin of the scene of following the black rabbit into the underground treasure house a few months ago.

At that time, Arcadia didn't seem to be much different from this, or even worse, at least Hestia's family did not have an enemy like ouroboros.

"You don't care?" Hestia looked at Su Jin in shock, and said incredulously: "I don't have a penny right now. If you want to cheat money, you can't cheat a penny. If you cheat... "

Speaking of this, Hestia suddenly looked Su Jin up and down, and then whispered:

"If you cheat, it seems that I made a profit."

"If this kind of appearance is sent to Freya's family, I am afraid that she will be attracted by that lewd girl, and then she will live a life of fine clothes and food."

"What life?" Su Jin asked again, pretending not to hear the muttering.

"No, nothing, nothing." Hestia waved her hands again and again, then blushed, looked at Su Jin and said, "Anyway, are you sure you want to join me, a family that has no money and no gods and needs your support? You may not be aware that it is extremely difficult for a family to develop under such circumstances!"

"Is it difficult?" Su Jin looked at Hestia with a strange expression, and asked: "Before I came to Orari, I had the experience of leading a dilapidated organization to a regional overlord, although Orari is a The environment on the side is different, but I think it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Or a newcomer with leadership experience? A perfect clan leader? Hestia's eyes widened, looking at Su Jin in disbelief:

"Are you sure you want to join my clan?"

"You better think about it carefully, don't think about it for a while, it's not right to be hungry, you must think about it, it's not right..."

"Ah!" Hestia couldn't help but grabbed her hair, then quickly reached out and grabbed Su Jin's hand directly: "Anyway, you just agreed, and now it's too late to regret it."

Hearing this, Su Jin smiled:

"I'm sure I won't regret it."


As if being hit by an arrow in the heart, Hestia clutched her chest, opened her big watery eyes, and stared at Su Jin's face, finally unable to hold back, hugged Su Jin and cried. :

"Angel! You are definitely an angel sent to me by God!"

"Wow wow...!"

Looking at Hestia with tears in her arms, Su Jin smiled helplessly, raised her hand and rubbed her head:

"Okay, let's go back to the original question, you just said you wanted to eat mochi balls, right?"

"Eat a ball now!"

Hestia completely disregarded the goddess' face, and directly grabbed Su Jin's hand and said:

"Come with me!"

Su Jin looked at Hestia in surprise, thought for a while, but still didn't resist, I let myself be held by Hestia and ran along the street.

Not long after, the two came to a luxury shop along the street and were pulled into the alley next to the shop.


Looking at the center of the alley, together with the door of the shop, Hestia finally breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Su Jin's hand. Jin smirked and said:

"You're not allowed to let go, understand?"

Su Jin opened his mouth and finally nodded helplessly.

At this time, Hestia awkwardly found something in the right pocket with her free left hand:

"Strange, where's the key, where's the key?"

"The key has been taken back by me long ago."

At the entrance of the alley, a woman with a blindfold and short fiery red hair, with her hands in front of her, walked towards Hestia indifferently.

"Just let you be self-reliant for a few days, and it became like this?"

"If I hadn't been standing in front of the store just now, I'd never have thought you would do such a thing like this..."

"Hephaestus?!" Hestia suddenly revealed a surprised look.

"Don't call me by my name, I don't have a 'friend' like you who drags a strange man into the alley. No matter how poor you are, you can come to me to borrow money. It's not that I can't lend you money. As for you Do you want to do such a thing?" Hephaestus squeezed her arm and said in a suppressed tone.

"Eh?" The Hestia was stupid, with a face like a dumb goose, looking at Hephaestus blankly: "What am I going to do?"

"What are you doing?" Hephaestus laughed angrily, pointing at Hestia and holding Su Jin's hand: "What did you do, can't you see it yourself?"

Hestia was stunned for a moment, then grabbed Su Jin's hand, glanced at it, turned her head, and shouted at Hephaestus with a blushing face: "Hephaestus! What nonsense are you talking about! I How could it be possible to pull this child to do that kind of transaction, although it is not a loss, but you underestimate me too much, am I that kind of person?"

"No loss?" Hephaestus' face darkened, her hands drooped naturally, then she clenched her fists tightly, and walked towards Hestia with pressure: "How can you be so righteous? It seems that I have to It helps you to establish a correct outlook on life.”

"Isn't it... Hephaestus, are you going to hit me, don't..." Hestia was so frightened that she quickly let go of her hand, covered her head and paused, even forgetting to escape.

"Be conscious, you goddess of color embryo." Hephaestus took a deep breath, just about to educate Hestia, but was blocked by a figure.

Su Jin, who was standing in front of Hestia, smiled and nodded slightly towards Hephaestus:

"You are the **** of Hephaestus, right?"

"I heard from the **** of my family that she has always been under your care. For this, I am very grateful."

Hephaestus looked at Su Jin's face and was stunned for a moment. Although she just saw Hestia grabbing a man's hand and walking down the alley, she didn't expect such a handsome man to be caught. , could not help but stunned.

No wonder Hestia would agree, with this face, those lechers would be willing to pay for the money, not to mention the money...

Two seconds later, Hephaestus realized something important:

"The **** of your family?"

"Yes. I just discussed with God Hestia to join her family. What's the matter, why do you use such strange eyes?"

"No..." Hephaestus hesitated and looked at Hestia, who was hiding behind Su Jin and looked at her angrily. After all, Hestia couldn't help but said to Su Jin, "I just think you might go to the clinic. Look at the eyes."

Chapter 1084 The joy is added to the joy, super double


"You actually said that to me, you want to break up with you!"

Hestia stomped her feet angrily and pointed at Hephaestus with her index finger. Her already remote face was even more bulging like a bun.

What does it mean to go to the clinic to have a look at her eyes, isn't it because of her blindness that Hestia fell in love with her?

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