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Chapter 798:

Seeing such an angry Hestia, Hephaestus was not afraid at all, but put down her right hand lazily and said with her hips on her hips:

"You've said this kind of thing no less than ten times since I drove you out of the house a week ago."

"This time it's a real breakup!" Hestia blushed and said angrily, but she was complaining that Hephaestus exposed her shortcomings in front of her prospective family.

Isn't this intentional to drive people away?

"You've said this sentence no less than five times." Hephaestus sighed, then turned her head and said to Su Jin, "Brother over there, what's your name?"

"Su Jin."

"This kind of name, is it someone from Toyo? A newcomer to Orari for the first time? No wonder he was tricked by Hestia..." Hephaestus murmured softly, and then said with a smile: "It seems to be true I misunderstood, so let’s do it, as a reward, if your relatives come to my store to purchase in the future, the price can be 20% off for you.”

Hearing this, Hestia immediately stopped shouting to break up the friendship. Anyway, her eyes widened, and her eyes flashed-shiny and said:


"Of course it's true." Hephaestus looked at Hestia helplessly, and then warned: "But reselling is prohibited, such as taking 20% ​​off the goods, and 90% selling them. Don't even think about it."

"Why so~~" Hestia covered her head, looking like the sky was about to fall: "People just want to have a luxurious meal!"

Su Jin glanced at Hestia sideways when he heard this, this guy really thought about reselling? Also absolutely!

"It's as if you have the money to buy the shops in my shop right now."

Hephaestus had already despaired of her sister's thinking circuit. When she chased this guy away, she was afraid that this unconscionable guy would not even be able to operate the family well. , so I will then give a discount from the beginning.

Although I said that it can't be re-sold, but it doesn't matter if you sell one or two items... As for the lack of money, doesn't the guild that manages the dungeon have a loan? I have hinted to you the way of food and clothing in the short term, don't you still understand it, you fool?

Hephaestus looked at Hestia with a miserable face, looking at her like a small animal, and felt very helpless.

But fortunately, the handsome familiar brother on the side just took a few more glances at himself, and obviously heard something. It seems that there is no need to worry that this slacker will be hungry next...

Thinking of this, the strings in Hephaestus' heart relaxed somewhat, she sighed softly, and then asked Hestia:

"By the way, Hestia, what are you doing here with your family? And you're still blocking the door of the rest area."

"What?" Hestia was stunned for a moment, then showed a shy smile, and said awkwardly: "Of course it's that one!"

"Which one?" Hephaestus blinked.

"Didn't I say it before~" Hestia puffed up her cheeks and complained to Hephaestus with a look of 'you don't even remember this kind of thing': "Didn't I say it before? Are you? I want to sign a family contract with the first family in a room full of books."

Hephaestus was stunned for a moment, then her face twitched wildly, she turned her head to look at Su Jin and said:

"You haven't signed a contract yet?"

She remembered that Hestia did say this, when she was chatting with her in the study on the fourth floor of her address, but this idiot didn't know what to do when he met such a high-quality family. Do you want to be strong, sign someone down and then talk about the sense of ceremony? Did you come here on purpose to sign a contract? Do you really think those boring gods won't cut you halfway?

The voice fell, and before Su Jin could respond, Hestia opened her hands and blocked in front of Su Jin, like a hen protecting her calf, and said fiercely: "Even if Hephaestus wants to rob This kid, absolutely not."


Where do I want to rob, I'm afraid that someone will run away, you little idiot... Hephaestus' mouth twitched, but she hurriedly reached into her pocket and took out the door key, and threw it directly to Hestia:

"Give you the key, hurry up."

Hestia was stunned and quickly took the key, looked up at Hephaestus, and just wanted to say something, when Hephaestus threatened: "I count 3, if you don't hurry up and sign the contract, I will You're going to steal someone."

"Don't even think about it." Hestia pulled her eyelids and made a face at Hephaestus. Immediately after she was done, she opened the wooden door behind with the key, and then took Su Jin's hand. He stepped on the stairs and ran upstairs.


"You." Hephaestus looked at the backs of the two and shrugged slightly. After watching for a while, she gradually narrowed her eyes, thinking of Su Jin who had just stood by the side and said little, she couldn't help frowning. : "I always feel like a smart guy, why would you like Hestia?"

After thinking about it, although Hephaestus was worried, she had no intention of intervening. No matter what, Hestia was also a god. If this foreigner named Su Jin wanted to do anything, it wouldn't hurt Hestia. Stia.

As for the emotional damage, although Hephaestus was also worried, considering that the lazy **** was heartless, in a sense, she hoped that Hestia would suffer a little more.

"Just be careful." Hephaestus looked up at the study on the fourth floor, then turned and walked out of the alley.

The fourth floor of Hephaestus' shop, the study.

Surrounded by huge birch bookshelves, Hestia held a magic stone lamp, led Su Jin to a corner, came to a wooden couch, and said with a smile, "It's very atmospheric."

Su Jin looked around the bookshelves, took out a geography book and flipped through it, then smiled:

"It's really atmospheric."

"Then take off your clothes." Hestia said violently.

Chapter 1085 Relying on strength to eat

Su Jin paused for a moment, then looked meaningfully at Hestia with a blushing face, and looked at his own Hestia without blinking. After thinking about it, he raised his hand and pulled up the black short sleeves he was wearing, revealing abdomen.

"Eight dollars?"

Su Jin, who heard a small exclamation, stopped and looked at Hestia in surprise:

"Hestia, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, of course I'm fine." Hestia wiped her nose with the back of her hand. Are you calling me by my name? Could this be going too fast? Shouldn't it be normal to have a date or two first? No, why are you dating, wait, there seems to be something wrong with the nose.

Hestia looked down at the back of her hand, looking at the red liquid on it, a bit of embarrassment flashed on her face.

Nosebleed, Hestia, how could you be so embarrassed in front of your family!

He scolded himself in his heart, but on the surface, Hestia still pretended that nothing had happened and said:

"Oh, eating barbecue in the morning is really easy to get angry, and even nosebleeds come out."


Su Jin selectively pretended not to hear the sound of his stomach, and did not look at Hestia's flushed face, but continued the topic and said while undressing:

"How about having a barbecue after signing the contract?"

"Okay!" Hestia stared at Su Jin intently, until he took off his shirt and lay down on the couch next to him, then took a sip of saliva, took out a thin needle, and pierced his fingertips , and then dripped on Su Jin's back, drawing sacred words.

In this world of Earthquake, the gods used the sacred script, the words and powers that the gods could use, to draw on the backs of their families, giving them a power called [Benefits]. In Su Jin's understanding, the operation mechanism of [Benefit] is probably to give humans a game upgrade panel, and turn all the experience of this individual into [experience points] to improve their own strength.

And most of this improvement is reflected in the basic ability.

In Euleri, the basic abilities are divided into five items: [Strength], [Endurance], [Dexterity], [Agility], [Magic], and they are divided into S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, these ten letters are divided into ten levels, of which the S level is the high level, and the I level is the lowest. The upgrade of each stage requires the progress of 100 experience points.

Whenever the basic ability is exercised to a certain level, the progress of the experience value can be reset to zero by upgrading and recalculated. After the level is upgraded, the basic ability will be strengthened to a certain extent, and its strength is even called by the gods. Both mind and body evolve.

Therefore, in Orari, cross-level combat is almost impossible, and only 'monsters' can be done.

Of course, such monsters are also called 'heroes'.

When the smear on the back disappeared, Su Jin, who was lying on the wooden couch, raised her eyebrows, opened her eyes, and said lazily:

"Pushing oil, no, has the gift of grace been completed? Why is there no sound?"

When Su Jin was talking, he didn't get up, for fear of overturning Hestia who was sitting on his lower back.

Then just when he was wondering, Hestia suddenly stretched out a roll of slightly yellowed white paper in front of Su Jin, and stammered:

"Su, Su Su Su Jin, what's the matter with you!"

On the white paper was written a message similar to a game panel.

【Su Jin】


Strength: i0, Durability i0 Dexterity: i0 Agility i0, Magic: io.

"Magic": [None]


【Blessing of Leo】

·? ? ? ?

【Blessing of Pisces】

·? ? ? ?

【Broken jade】

·? ?

【Small Universe】

·? ? ? ? ?

【The favor of the original star】

·? ? ?

【The favor of the variable star Argee】

·? ? ?

【The favor of the queen of the sun and the gods】

·? ? ?

【Blessing of Athena】

·? ? ?

【Blessing of the Vampire Ancestor】

·? ? ?

A column of skills with huge spaces was filled with blank paper, which made Hestia foolish:

"Why do you have so many skills, and what's the situation with this blessing? I can understand the constellation, but what about the three favors? What is the original star, and the variable star, and the sun and the The queen of the gods...what's the situation? And there are Athena and the ancestor of the vampire...what are these things, completely incomprehensible!"

Hestia grabbed her head and turned her head fiercely. The long double ponytails patted Su Jin's body, and the whole head was confused:

"And why can't I translate the effects of these things! I can't translate the sacred words I wrote, and I can't read them. I can only write each effect as a question mark, ahhhh!"

"It's obviously the first time in my life that I have received a family member. Obviously, the family member has a lot of abilities that seem to be very powerful. The two joys are mixed together. What is the final result!"

Su Jin, who was lying on the couch, silently listened to Hestia's narration from Baixue, and couldn't help but say:

"Can you not sit on my back and writhe around when it drives you crazy? You're laughing, can't I feel your emotional party that wants to dance on my back right away?"

"Ah this..."

Hestia United hurriedly raised his fist to his mouth, coughed and said:

"Cough cough! Isn't this happy for you!"

Look at what kind of protection, what kind of favor, and those skills, all fools know that you have been targeted by a large group of goddesses long ago, and even violated the prohibition of not using divine power in the lower realm, and secretly got you a lot of them. Intensive Care……

The results of it?

Those little **** counted, but they didn't count that you, a little sheep, was cut off by my Hestia!

Moreover, the little sheep actually came to the door to ask for an arch!

This wave, this wave was a lottery ticket on the side of the road. As a result, I won a small prize of 5 million. After I went to redeem the prize, I suddenly found that this small prize was a 100 consecutive bet, and I won 500 million!

This wave is hilarious and hilarious, and then another super doubling!

No, I'm going to have a blast!

"Su Jin!" Hestia shouted excitedly while riding on Su Jin's back.

"Well, why?" Su Jin responded.

"Let's go have a big meal! We want a super luxurious meal! If you don't get me drunk today, we won't come back!"

"Ah this..."

Su Jin was stunned and then asked back:

"I'm fine, but do you have money?"

Hestia: "???"

Chapter 1086 Set a small goal first

A gust of wind blew, and the dust on the ground was swept up by the wind along with some trivial matters.

Go to the avenue of the Orari Guild.

Hestia led Su Jin very embarrassedly, and said brokenly:

"Obviously I wanted to eat a big meal, but I didn't have a dime, and I didn't dare to borrow it from Hephaestus. Why did I fail so much!"

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