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Chapter 802:

"Fortunately? You think about what you just said, why don't you say it? What if you are thinking about it?" Dione looked at his sister with a speechless expression. The guy who is suspected to be LV7, you are not afraid that the other party will trouble you, I am afraid!

At this time, Riviera walked up to Finn and asked:

"Finn, what are you thinking?"

Although Finn didn't show it, as a long-time companion, Rivillia was aware of Finn's abnormality.

Finn was silent for a while, and then said: "I was just thinking, what is the relationship between this strange powerhouse and the fierce Ota."

Chapter 1093 Aegina's Recommendation

Fierce Ota, the strongest of Freya's family, O'Lari is currently the only LV7-level powerhouse on the bright side, and is recognized by the public as the strongest.

Although it is said that the Loki family and the Freya family are recognized as the twin kings of Orari, it is clear to the discerning person that the Freya family with the fierce Ota has an absolute advantage in combat power.

This also caused the Loki Familia to be somewhat sensitive to everything involving the Freya Familia.

"Ota? Does that person know that Ota? Why do you say that, Finn?" Dwarf Grace asked the doubts of everyone present in surprise.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Finn couldn't help but say:

"Don't you think they look alike?"

"It is also a single person entering the dungeon, wearing the same equipment as a novice adventurer, but going deep into the depths of the underground like a death sentence, killing the deep floor master, only one is on the 49th floor and the other is on the 37th floor. Inside, isn't there any connection?"

"Don't you mean it?" Riviera said with slightly widened eyes, "This is a competition?"

"Competition?" When everyone heard the word, they all looked over, even Ais, who just stared blankly at the direction Su Jin was leaving.

"Yes, the test." Finn nodded, and then said: "A few days ago, when we met Ota who just killed the 49th floor master in the deep layer, what did he say?"

Hearing this, Rivilia recalled the scene at that time, his face sank: "He said 'this is just exercise'."

The crowd fell into silence.

A single person broke into the 49th floor and killed the LV7 floor master Barol. This kind of exercise is unimaginable for everyone.

Even the members of the Loki Familia are generally first-line adventurers, and the level is basically LV5LV6. It is difficult to imagine what kind of training this is?

They formed a team and brought a lot of supplies, medicines, and the depths of the dungeon that could only be explored after reloading. As a result, for those monsters, it was just a way to go alone, with a small amount of food and water. A round-trip 'workout'.

At that time, they all suspected that Ota was demonstrating against the Loki Familia, so they were very embarrassed for a while.

Now, however, that incident seems to have a different inside story.

"Yeah, Orari's strongest LV7, how could the fierce Ota protest to us who are one or two levels below him, on the contrary, it is normal to protest to the same level of power?"

Tiona slammed her mouth and said with a very subtle expression:

"So, that person was actually competing with Ota who broke into the 49th floor to kill Balor first? So when he heard that Balor was killed by Ota, he left in disappointment?"

"Who can kill the 49th floor master's exercise the fastest?" The werewolf Bert's teeth trembled, but he felt that this behavior was simply life-threatening, for him.

No matter how strong the powerhouse is, as long as he is not a god, he is afraid of being besieged.

And the monsters in the dungeon, the most like to play is siege.

Even if there is no strong fighting wisdom, the exaggerated number makes up for everything.

Therefore, every time their Loki Familiar explored the depths, they could only challenge in groups.

But now... there are actually two monsters, taking this kind of challenge that can only be formed as a team as the material for the competition, and both of them have almost succeeded in the challenge.

The 49th and 37th floors are both deep, and Su Jin, who was able to make Udeus pose as a challenger, but was helplessly killed by one blow, no one present would think that the other party could not deal with Balor.

The opponent is at least on the same level as the fierce Ota.

So... are there two monsters that can rival the strongest team of the entire Loki Familia?

"Kill the floor master...exercise..." Ais, who whispered these words in a low voice, seemed to light up slightly.

Livilia, who noticed this scene, immediately said with a straight face:

"Ais! What do you want to do? It's forbidden for our family to challenge the depths of the dungeon alone, you know?"

"..." Ais didn't answer, she just stared blankly at Riviera, as if she hadn't heard.

"You kid..."

Rivillia is really going to laugh angrily, this little guy is actually pretending to be stupid by being in a daze, no, she is not sure if Aisi is pretending, but just in case, people will have to keep a close eye on Ai. Well, she knows Loki's love for Ais, and if something happened to Ais, she might not know what crazy behavior the mad **** would do.

"It's over, Ais made mom angry." Tiona whispered towards her sister Tione, but the next second, a magic wand slid across Tiona's face, like a knife into tofu, inserted into the tofu. into the bone wall behind Teona.

Tiona looked at the magic wand that penetrated three points into the wall, turned her head, and looked at the kind Riviera, her throat could not help surging.

"Don't think that I can't do anything to you if my hand is injured." Riviria glanced at the sisters with a smile, and then said, "Tionne helped me pull the staff back."

"Okay, okay." Dione responded nervously, and hurriedly turned around to retrieve the magic wand.

"Finn, what should I do next, return?" Riviera asked.

"Oh, oh! Return, we return."

Finn froze for a while, then nodded quickly, instructing everyone to adjust the formation, and then embarked on the journey back to the ground.

However, as they shuttled through the floors, the faces of the crowd suddenly became more and more strange.

33rd floor underground passage.

Looking at the empty road, Tiona swallowed unconsciously:

"What's going on? Didn't the monster riot just happen? What about the monster now?"

"Monster?" Rivilia held the magic wand and pointed to the faint black ash on the ground: "Isn't it right here?"

Looking at the black ash on the ground that gradually began to dissipate, the group fell into a death-like silence.

After the monsters in the dungeon were killed, apart from the short black and gray remains, there were only magic stones and some dropped materials.

But now, the black ash is still gradually dissipating, and the traces of the magic stone and falling materials have disappeared completely. The meaning of this...

"There is only one person who left in front of us." Ais said with a blank expression that everyone could not imagine the fact.

After the riot of monsters, almost all the adventurers mainly escaped for their lives.

They have never heard of a monster who can kill a whole layer of monsters in a riot and return to the ground, but now, they have seen it.

"This should be venting anger?" Rivilia said uncertainly: "Because he didn't kill Balor, he was preempted by Ota, so killing monsters to vent his anger?"

"...Maybe." Finn said in a clear, uncertain tone for the first time, pursing his dry lips.

Because of venting his anger, he killed the dungeon... This kind of powerhouse...

Everyone's heart sank. Tiona and Bert shrank their necks and lowered their heads like thieves. When they thought of just now, one of them said that the other party was a monster, and the other said that the other party was driven to the floor master's room by a monster. , they have the urge to dig a hole and bury themselves.

Why didn't I think about it at the time? !

Just when the two cursed themselves.

The Tower of Babel, where the guild is located, is the exit of the dungeon.

Out of curiosity about the usefulness and quality of the magic stone, Su Jin, who had cleaned up the monsters on the 37th floor, returned to the ground, looked at the goddess who started throwing her arms not far away with a smile, and opened his arms.

Chapter 1094 Blame me

"Su Jin!"

The petite goddess Ruyan threw herself into Su Jin's arms as if returning home.

"Are you injured? Have you been frightened by those goblins? Seriously, let you go down for an hour, why did you really only come back in an hour?"

Su Jin smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand and hugged the goddess who was checking around him, and then said helplessly:

"Co-authoring is exactly as you asked, and it's my fault, right?"

Hestia was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, but after seeing the smile on Su Jin's face, the girl immediately complained:

"I'm not worried about you~~ I don't know good people."

Hestia muttered, and then looked at the small bag hanging from Su Jin's waist with sharp eyes.

Seeing the bulging appearance of the bag, she said with joy and distress:

"How many goblins did you kill down here? You got so many magic stones back."

Hearing that, Su Jin shrugged and said, "I don't understand either. There are quite a lot of monsters in the dungeon today, and they are extremely weak. I wiped them out with my fingers."

"That's because you slayed the weakest goblins."

Seeing Su Jin's 'bragging' look, Hestia couldn't help but laugh.

She just checked, and Su Jin didn't even have a wound on her body, and there was not even a little dust on her body. Apparently, according to her instructions, she just abused vegetables on the first 5 floors of the basement.

This result satisfied Hestia, who was already worried.

"But I heard that there are very few monsters in the first 5 floors? Why do you say so much Su Jin? Is there something abnormal?"

Hestia said strangely.

At this time, she curiously looked underground, and happened to see the guild and a group of adventurers having a heated exchange there.

A trace of doubt flashed in Hestia's eyes, but before she could say anything, Su Jin next to her asked:

"Speaking of where these magic stones are going to be exchanged for money? This kind of low-end magic stone exchange for gold doesn't seem to accept it?"

"Well, just look for Aegina," Hestia replied without thinking.

"Aegina?" Su Jin looked at Hestia suspiciously: "Why are you suddenly so good that you can call him by his first name?"

"Ah this..." Hestia's face froze, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she stammered: "I...she...isn't she Su Jin your advisor? I'm not making peace for you. Consultant relationship."

Hearing this, Su Jin gave Hestia a strange look, and then said, "Okay, then, let's go to Aegina to exchange money, and then take you to a big meal."

Hearing this sentence, Hestia's expression was even more wrong.

But because the reason Su Jin put forward was very legitimate, she couldn't refuse it, so she could only be dragged into the guild headquarters by Su Jin with a guilty conscience.

It didn't take long for the two to meet Aegina in the novice reception hall.

When he saw the other party, Hestia didn't know why, so he took a step ahead of Su Jin and shouted.


Hestia frantically stared at Aegina to hint at the other party.

"Huh? God Hestia?"

Aegina in the counter looked up and saw Hestia, and she winked at herself frantically and immediately smiled:

"Hungry again? But this time there is no pork chop rice, but there are some cakes after dinner."

"Really!" Hestia's eyes suddenly lit up.

However, when she was about to agree, she suddenly noticed something and turned her head to meet Su Jin's kind smile.

Cold sweat broke out on Hestia's forehead.

At this time, Su Jin said with a subtle expression, "Have you eaten it just now?"

"Ah this..." Hestia opened her mouth and bowed her head with some guilty conscience: "This, this is force majeure. As a god, you cannot refuse the kindness of human beings."

Hearing this, Su Jin rolled his eyes. Ai Na, who was smiling beside him, looked at Hestia, who was playing with his fingers with a guilty conscience, and guessed the whole story.

80% is that Hestia met Aegina while waiting for him, and was bribed by the other party with food.

Although it is not clear what happened, Su Jin is sure that 90% of Hestia is being told. .

Didn't this goddess think that Aina was deliberately trying to get his information?

No, maybe I guessed it, but because Eina is a consultant and is qualified to ask about the situation, plus a pork chop meal in front of her, she decisively replaced some basic information.

And Su Jin seriously suspected that Hestia not only sold him but even helped Aegina count the money.

Didn't you see that Hestia was still saying nice things for others just now?

For a pork chop meal, I don't care about morals.

At this time, Hestia, who did not wait for Su Jin's response, lowered her head, pinched her skirt and apologized:

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have sneaked away to eat."

"No, that's not what you did wrong." Su Jin sighed.

Su Jin had experienced the feeling of being hungry before. It was quite uncomfortable, and he wanted to gnaw the bark. In this case, Su Jin thought there was nothing wrong with Hestia eating.

Even this matter had no effect at all, and I wished that she would eat something quickly, so as not to starve herself.

The only thing this idiot is wrong is that the day before yesterday, he disliked Aina as a vixen, and made someone else an angel.

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