thank you

Chapter 803:

Anyway, hold on to your stance!

Su Jin raised his hand, patted Hestia's head, then carried the magic stone bag and walked to the counter.

Aiina looked at Su Jin with a smile, and persuaded kindly:

"The two seem to have a little conflict? There must be harmony between the gods and the family."

Then just after she finished speaking, she looked at the bag Su Jin put in front of her, at the mouth of the bag that was slightly loosened because it was on the status counter, and at the magic stone in the mouth of the bag, her face slightly frozen.


"This is…??"

"Exchange gold." Su Jin explained: "The exchange of gold for novice adventurers is all the responsibility of the consultant."

"That's right."

Aegina nodded, then took the bag and counted it. The more she counted, the more subtle her expression became.

"All are the most basic magic stones, and there are a few goblin nails, with a total value of 62,000 laws. How many goblins have you killed?"

If a novice goes to a dungeon personally, will it have to earn 60,000 for the first time? This is the first time Aegina has seen such a person who can make money.

Besides, how come there are so many monsters in the first 5 floors of the dungeon, but there are no goblins after the 6th floor?

"Is there a problem?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"No, no." Aegina shook her head, and then muttered to herself:

This kind of efficiency seems to be no shortage of milk powder money for children in the future.

"What money?" Su Jin asked knowingly.

"No, nothing, you heard wrong."

Aiina blushed, and then quickly counted the currency from the counter, put it in a small bag, handed it to Su Jin, and put away the magic stone bag and said:

"This is your income today, please accept it."

After speaking, she smiled at Su Jin: "I heard from God Hestia that you are going to have a big meal? Would you like me to recommend a shop?"

"What store?" Su Jin collected the purse and asked casually.

"A tavern called The Bountiful Mistress."

Chapter 1095 Competition

"Great meal! Great meal!"

Hestia, who took these two strings of fried prawns, followed Su Jin happily and walked on the right side of the street.

"After eating so much in the snack street, are you sure you still have an appetite?"

Su Jin, who was walking in front, said this in a subtle tone.

In the afternoon, in the guild, Su Jin accepted Ai Na's suggestion and planned to set the dinner place at the rich hostess.

But because it was still early, Su Jin led Hestia around the snack street.

Although it's a bit outrageous to say that Su Jin, who came to Orari for the first time, leads the way.

But the **** Hestia of his family is even more ignorant than Su Jin.

Su Jin seriously suspects that this goddess who claims to have been in the lower realm for several months may not even know how many streets Oulari has.

"What? I have a good belly! Even if I eat five bowls of rice, there will be no problem!"

"Why do you have such strong self-confidence in this kind of thing?"

Su Jin complained, and took Hestia to the commercial street, and stopped in front of a pub with an open-air cafe.

Looking up at the tavern's signboard, the large characters of Mistress Fengrao, Su Jin sighed:

"If you waste food, I can't spare you."

"Yes yes yes, I want to eat lobster noodles~lobster noodles~lobster noodles~"

Looking at Hestia who made a pliers gesture, Su Jin smiled, and then stepped into the door of the rich mistress.

"Welcome, please ask a few."

Wearing an emerald green waiter costume, with yellow-green hair and blue eyes, the elf girl politely bowed to Su Jin.

"You two, someone will reserve a seat at noon." Su Jin looked at the elf girl and explained.

At the same time, he also recognized the elf girl in front of him.

It seems to be called Liu Liang, an adventurer of LV4, with an unbearable past, one of the heroines in the original work.

"Ah, so it was introduced by Aegina?" Liu was a little surprised when he saw Su Jin's face, but quickly suppressed his emotions and said, "Please come with me here."

After that, he shouted towards the store again: "Two guests..."

Su Jin was led into the tavern by Liu.

The first thing that caught my eye was a long bar. Behind the bar, a burly dwarf woman with wide shoulders was handing wine to the adventurers who were drinking in front of the bar.

And the orc girl with cat ears in the kitchen with a few curtains behind is busy with her hands. As for the clerks in the store who greet customers to order food, they come and go, shouting loudly from time to time.

It was obviously just dinner time, but the tavern was already very busy, with the exception of a few vacancies, almost full.

Hestia, who was still very happy at first, saw Su Jin looking at the store and couldn't help but smack her lips:

"Tsk, why are they all beautiful girls?"

"Thank you for your compliment." Lyu, who was walking in front, replied calmly.

"I'm not complimenting you at all." Hestia puffed out her cheeks.

Then thump it.

Su Jin tapped Hestia's head lightly and said:

"Don't speak ill of people you meet for the first time."


Hestia lowered her head very honestly. It makes people wonder if the relationship between the gods and the family has been reversed.

"Sorry, clerk, my **** is a little too jealous." Su Jin apologized to Liu.

"It's alright, after all, if it were me, I would definitely be jealous on purpose," said Lyu, who was walking ahead.

"What did you say?" Su Jin was stunned for a moment.

"No, it's nothing, guest, your seat has arrived."

Lyu pointed to the elegant seat by the window, and then bowed to Su Jin with justice:

"I'll go get you a menu right now, by the way, this is your first time in our store, right?"

"That's right."

"Then why don't you try our new fruit wine? It's free this time, but it costs 500 Farleys on weekdays."

"……All right."

Seeing the girl with graceful movements but fast feet, Su Jin shrugged and sat down.

And Hestia, who did the same thing, puffed her cheeks very subtly and said:

"Does it feel very refreshing? Every day there are girls who prefer you."

"I'm not used to it." Su Jin spread out his hands, then cupped his cheeks with one hand.

"Huh?" Hestia looked at Su Jin: "You are so grown up and still not used to being shown by girls?"

"I didn't grow up like this when I was born." Su Jin pouted helplessly.

What kind of treatment is a handsome guy, he now knows a little bit.

It's really cool that there are girls showing their favor wherever they go.

However, Hestia did listen a little confused: "Could it be that you are still the type of the eighteen change of the female university?"

"In a sense irrefutable."

The corner of Su Jin's mouth twitched, and at this moment, the original Lyu came over with the menu and fruit wine.

After putting down the drink, the girl asked calmly, "Do you two want anything?"

"I want lobster noodles! Eh, what is this roast suckling pig? There's actually salt and pepper shrimp? I want to eat this too!"

Hestia glanced at the menu, then blinked star eyes and looked at Su Jin eagerly.

Seeing this, Su Jin nodded helplessly and said, "Just order it all, you can finish it here."

"Huh?" Liu glanced at Su Jin in surprise, then nodded and said, "Okay, but if you can't eat it for a while, we can provide a package service."

"Okay." Su Jin nodded, then glanced at the elf girl and said, "Then please."

"Okay." The girl left a receipt, and then walked to the kitchen with the well-filled menu.

Su Jin glanced at the other person's back, and just turned his head to the side when he heard a communication.

"Wow, Su, that handsome guy was looking at your back just now, are you going to be targeted by that male **** meow?"

Su Jin turned his head and saw that it was the direction of the kitchen. A cat-eared girl with purple hair and green eyes was pulling Lyu and laughing.

"You think too much, Chloe, and the adventurer, the little girl next to you is the god, you guessed wrong."

"Hey, hey, the real and fake meow, that kind of appearance is actually human, I'm shocked meow! Doesn't this mean that all girls have hope?"

"I don't know what hope you're talking about, it's just a little good-looking, nothing else?"

"It's kind of good-looking? They saw that you brought wine to the other party, meow? It's still free, Miya's mother will scold people, meow."

"Sorry, Mia's mother agreed."

"Let's lie, Mia's mother is so old, do you still want to eat tender grass?"

"...I will tell Minya's mother this sentence as it is."

"No, meow!"

Hearing the frolic coming from the direction of the kitchen, Su Jin shrugged, with a face that was none of his business.

Is it my fault for being handsome?

Su Jin turned his head to look out the window, that is, at this time, he saw a group of people walking away towards the rich mistress.

In the crowd at the head, the expressionless blonde female swordsman stood out.

Chapter 1096 She Really Has

"Oh! Look at the door, punctual chick."

"Idiot, don't court death, look at their badges."

"...Damn, it's the Loki family!"

Go first. The commotion spread among the guests, and whispers rang out in the tavern.

"That's the legendary giant nemesis?"

"Hey! There are many first-level adventurers, all of them are monster-like humans."

"That is the sword girl who is famous all over the city? It is indeed a beauty that only gods have!"

There was a fearful, but endless exchange of voices.

Of course, the crowd can't be full of praise.

In addition to a certain goddess smashing her mouth, many adventurers secretly whistled at the female members of the Loki Familia.

That is, at this time, the door was kicked open by the red-haired woman:

"Yo hoo, it's rare for Finn to treat us today, we're going to have a big meal today!"

"Everyone remember, you must eat all the money Finn made this time."

"Oh!" The members of the Loki Familia cheered.

It was mingled with Finn's protests, but was soon buried in the crowd.

A group of people were led by the clerk to the reserved seat, which seemed to be a special seat made up of two long tables deliberately.

Surprisingly, this location is right across from Hestia.

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