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Chapter 804:

Su Jin clearly saw Loki squinting at his side, his figure paused obviously, and then turned away very calmly.

And as the Loki Familiar sat down, dishes were served one after another, as if they had been ordered long ago.

"Come on, everyone, cheers!"


Listening to the lively cheers over there and the feast that obviously promoted secretion, Hestia showed a gnashing expression:

"What? Are there so many people? Are all the first-level adventurers amazing? Do they look good with Su Jin?"

Su Jin looked at Hestia speechlessly, and pouted in Loki's direction:

"You have a grudge?"

Hestia and Loki really don't match up... Su Jin couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Before, he just looked at it in words and didn't have a specific feeling, but now, the sour taste can almost be eaten.

"Humph! The flat plate over there is jealous of me." Hestia stood proudly.

Hearing this sentence, Su Jin glanced in the direction of the landing, just to see the scene where the other party crushed a chopstick.

"Loki, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it seemed like a fly was flying just now."

Loki raised his voice deliberately, then swept Hestia's direction vaguely, and then said:

"Speaking of which, how did Finn gain from this expedition in the dungeon?"

Finn's face froze, and he said with a wry smile:

"You lost 30 million Farleys, haven't you read the report?"

"What?" Rocky was dumbfounded: "Did you give me a report?"

"I gave it! Could it be that you threw it in the cabinet without looking at it again?" Finn was also speechless.

"Shit!" The corner of Loki's mouth twitched, and she had heard Hestia snickering there.

This pretense didn't work, and he was slapped in the face by his own family members.

"Then there should be something to gain from going to the dungeon this time? How could there be no gain at all, right?"


The officers of a kind of Loki Familia looked at each other.

In the end, Rivillia sighed and said, "The biggest gain is probably to understand the vastness of the world."

"Shrimp rice?"

Loki's eyes widened, this was not what she wanted to hear.

What she wanted to hear was how many levels of monsters in the dungeon she had killed, and how difficult that monster was to deal with, so mad at Hestia, the weak chicken next to her, rather than hearing members of her own family sigh with emotion.

How big is the world, can these gods not know?

However, looking at the complicated expressions on everyone's faces, Loki had to suppress his thoughts of comparison, and the earring frowned and asked:

"what's going on?"

"What did you encounter in the dungeon?"

"We..." Everyone looked at each other, then drank silently.

At this time, Finn sighed and said, "We met Ota of the Freya Familiar in the dungeon."

The adventurer who had been eavesdropping next to this sentence couldn't help but pricked up his ears, and the tavern, which had been a little noisy, suddenly became a little quieter.

The Loki family, one of the two kings of Orari, actually mentioned Ota of the Freya family.

These two Orali giants actually met in the dungeon. This was the first time in history, and they couldn't help but be curious.

"Ota?" Loki's face was a little unsightly. Although they are called the twin kings of Orari at the same time, in fact, in the eyes of the gods, the Freya family is the strongest.

And the reason is naturally Ota at level 7.

Just his existence alone can overwhelm the entire front-line team of the Luo Jijian family. This kind of absolute strength difference can't breathe.

"Did he take action on you?" Loki asked with an ugly face.

This sentence made the tavern quiet.

And just when the crowd pricked up their ears, Finn sighed:

"That's not it."

"Then what did he do?" Loki asked curiously.

Finn was silent for a while, and then said: "He went on an expedition to the 49th floor alone wearing novice equipment and killed the floor master Balor."


"how can that be?"


The people in the tavern took a deep breath, causing the temperature of the entire tavern to drop a little.

"How, how is this possible?" Loki's expression changed.

The expedition that her Loki Familiar could only challenge by forming a whole front-line team, Ota could actually do it alone, and she was still wearing simple clothes.

This gap is simply beyond Loki's imagination.

"Is he Ota that strong?" Loki asked a little unwillingly.

In the past, she thought that no matter how her clan really fought with Freya, she would be able to fight five or five at most, 46 at most. After all, her clan emphasized cooperation, while Freya mostly fought alone.

However, now, if Ota's behavior is true, then he can basically kill his first-line team by himself. Such a gap makes Loki unacceptable.

"It's really that strong."

Finn nodded, then his face changed, and he said solemnly:

"Not only that, but we also encountered something."

"What's the matter?" Loki asked curiously.

At this time, Rivillia next to him added: "We suspect that Ota's action is not without a purpose."

"Purpose?" Loki frowned, then asked unnaturally, "What does he want to do? Does it affect us?"


Riviria was silent for a while, then looked at Finn, and sighed:

"We suspect that his purpose of breaking into the 49th floor and killing Balor this time is for the competition."

Finn said in a heavy tone at this time:

"A test against a strong man."

Chapter 1097 She actually wants to hurt me

test? The strongest Ota is going to compete with others?

This unexpected news made everyone's eyes widen. "Are you kidding me, Orari's strongest is Ota, isn't he? Does he need to compete with anyone?"

"That's right, all Euleri is a level 7, okay? Where can I find a second one?"

"I saw the landing and it was all. It wasn't that I suffered a big loss on Ota's side, so I said this kind of inexplicable thing."

"It's a coincidence, I doubt it too."

A sneaky adventurer, whispering, apparently not believing Finn's words.

"That Ota... competition?"

Loki's thoughtful expression made the adventurers who lacked this information show expressions of surprise.

Could it be that this Orari really has the same powerhouse as Ota, another level 7?

"How exactly? Is it our acquaintance?" Loki's face couldn't help but be a little subtle.

Although people now recognize that Ota's level 7 is the strongest of Orari, but for Loki, who has been in the lower world for a long time, level 7 is far from the peak of human beings.

Fifteen years ago, when the Freya family and the Loki family had not yet climbed to the position of twin kings.

At that time, there were monsters as high as level 9 among Zeus who commanded Euleri and the princess of Hera.

If it wasn't for the families of these two gods at the time, they lost a lot of combat power due to the expedition to the dungeon, and even if they were killed at level 9, Orari would still be the world of Zeus and Hera now.

It is precisely because of this that Loki is very sure that this Orari must still have a level 7, and maybe even a level 8.

It's just that those people are in a retired state, so he will ask Finn if it is her 'acquaintance'.

Hearing this, the three giants of the Loki Familia, Finn, Riviria, and Grace, fell silent.

On the other hand, Bert and Ais, who belonged to the younger generation, and even Tiona and Tionne, were all confused.

Could it be that the leaders of the powerhouses they met on the 37th floor knew each other?

And just when Loki was a little confused, Finn shook his head and said:

"Not the people we know."

"It's not them?" Loki stared at big and small eyes, and said with a rather strange expression: "What did that strange powerhouse do?"

Finn glanced at Riviera, or the doctor of Clear Soup explained to Loki:

"He killed Udeus on the 37th floor."

"Udeus at level 6, that's okay, isn't it strong?" Loki spread his hands and leaned back on the chair.

"...and with just one hit."

Loki's leg slid suddenly, and he almost fell off the chair.

"What did you say? Only one blow??" Loki said incredulously, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Riviria nodded, and then said: "He, like Ota, was wearing novice equipment and expedition to the depths of the dungeon alone, and after killing Udeus, he specifically asked us. Regarding the situation of Balor, the master of the 49th floor, after learning that he was killed by Ota, he left directly."

Riviera said, and Tiona, who was beside him, pouted and said:

"And after leaving, he actually killed monsters to vent his anger, and directly cleaned all the monsters from the 37th to the 1st floor. Thanks to him, this return trip was really super easy, and I only encountered a few monsters that were just born. It's not enough for me to fight alone."

"Killing the floor master wearing novice equipment, and killing monsters to vent your anger, listening to you, it seems that you are really competing with Ota?"

Loki scratched his hair, and couldn't help but said in distress, "It's a bit strange that you're not an acquaintance."

That is, at this moment, a muttering sound came into Loki's ears very clearly.

"It's like you know all the adventurers."

Loki's face twitched suddenly, he turned his head, looked at Hestia diagonally opposite, hehe sneered:

"There's no way. After all, we are also one of Oralee's twin kings. It's certain that we know a lot of people. Unlike some people, I don't think there are any family members, right?"

It was at this time that the members of the Loki Familiar looked at the discovery of Hestia, and at the same time they saw the handsome black-haired man opposite Hestia.

"It's him." Ais, who had been silent for a while, suddenly stood up.

"Ais, sit down, it's not your business."

Loki raised his hand to sit down without looking back, then stared at Hestia and said:

"By the way, kid, have you recruited someone recently, don't you have another family member?"

"Who said I didn't?" Hestia raised her cheeks suddenly.

"How many tricks are there?" Loki said with a provocative smile: "Speaking of the fact that there are too many newcomers who want to join my family recently, I was too picky, so I finally chose five, alas, It's a hassle."

"Damn, how amazing are people?" Hestia stomped her feet as if going crazy.

"Sorry, a lot of people is amazing." Loki spread his hands and said proudly.

Hestia glared at his eyes and blew his nose: "What's the use of having a lot of people? It's not even a family without level 7!"

"Then do you have it? It's like you have it, pull it out and let me see it! Don't talk and do nothing in that light." Loki put his legs directly on the dining table, and said in disgust.

"Loki! Loki!" Riviera, who was closest to Loki, hurriedly shook Loki's shoulder.

"What are you doing? Mom? I have something to do." Loki clapped Rivillia's hand away and said impatiently.

who is your mother? Rivillia is about to get angry, can the mouth of her goddess open the door?

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