That year Huayu

Chapter 1030:

"Director Cao, why are you wandering around outside?"

Lin Nan, surrounded by staff and assistants, just got out of the elevator and saw Cao Guowei at the corner; the latter was standing at the door of the conference hall, looking into the distance through the French window.

"Director Lin, everyone hasn't arrived yet, I'll greet everyone outside, you can't really let me go downstairs to greet them, right?"

Cao Guowei looked over and greeted with a smile.

"That's not the case. There are so many people downstairs, it's quite messy." Lin Nan walked up to him with a smile, patted Cao Guowei on the shoulder and shook hands.

"Director Lin, you are the original shareholder, you should be mentally prepared for today's shareholders' meeting."

Hearing the other party's whisper, Lin Nan didn't say much, but said "um" and nodded seriously.

Although he didn't know the specific content of today's shareholders' meeting, he thought it would definitely not be a small matter; as for how big it was, he would know in a while.

Entering the conference hall, the first thing you see in the room of more than 400 square meters is a huge rectangular conference table that can seat at least 40 people;

The surrounding layout is even more well-prepared, with a circle of seats, which are obviously arranged for the meeting secretary, secretaries, assistants and other staff.

More than 20 shareholders and shareholder representatives who were socializing on the scene looked at Lin Nan who came in;

No matter whether they knew him or not, or whether they were familiar with him or not, everyone smiled and nodded at him.

In fact, all shareholders "know" Lin Nan, but Director Lin does not know most of them;

Because although Lin Nan is a top director and top capital, he is a relatively homely director and capital who does not like to socialize.

So his circle of friends is naturally not big, or even very small.

"Director Lin, your seat is the third one on the right side of the main seat."

A senior executive of Weibo came up to him, approached Lin Nan, and introduced him in a low voice.

Following the sound, Lin Nan looked over and saw his own conference nameplate on that position, which was very conspicuous;

After all, at this moment, almost no one was sitting at the conference table, and everyone was busy laughing and socializing.

Looking at other conference nameplates, most of them appeared with the names of companies and institutions, and individual shareholders were still too rare.

"Well, I know, you go and do your thing."

After saying that, Lin Nan led his assistant to sit on the sofa reserved for the staff outside. He was too lazy to deal with those pure capital parties.

But sometimes, reality is not as expected, and the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

"Director Lin Nan, I have heard a lot about you."

Lin Nan, who had just closed his eyes and was about to rest for a few minutes, was awakened.

He opened his eyes and looked at the three middle-aged men in their forties and fifties in front of him who he didn't know. He didn't react for a while and was a little confused.

Taiwan accent?

"What's up, you three?"

When Lin Nan asked this question, Zhang Qiang in the crowd in the distance was also looking at this side obscurely, with a playful smile on his face.

"Director Lin Nan, let's be human sometimes. It's not good to be too serious."

Hearing this, Lin Nan almost laughed. There are actually idiots who want to teach him how to be a human?

He looked at the man with a Hong Kong accent on the left, and asked with a half-smile: "What do you mean?"

"It's just a movie, just an actor, there's no need for a big director of your level to speak out.

Why did you make such a big fuss about a small matter that could have been turned into a big thing? Now everyone is in a mess and has suffered heavy losses..."

Hearing the man with a Taiwanese accent on the right say this, Lin Nan understood instantly - just as Han Sanping reminded him a few days ago:

"You have to be mentally prepared. This time, when the tone is set, you will completely offend a lot of people. Most are from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and even, there are very few from the mainland..."

At this moment, Lin Nan was extremely sure that the three guys in front of him were three of the many "people" he had offended!

"Speaking of how to behave, you three are not qualified to lecture me, right? Do you know where this is?

It's less than 6 kilometers away, and less than 15 minutes' drive to Tiananmen Square. This is the capital! What, are you three so crooked that you want to rebel? Why don't you go out and shout slogans now?"

Lin Nan's few light-hearted sarcasm directly made the three speechless and pale-faced.

They never expected that Lin Nan would be so arrogant and "unbelievable", and actually slapped and scolded them in the face.

In the distance, some people nearby had already noticed the abnormality here and cast their eyes over.

"Okay, today I've seen Director Lin's toughness. Since we don't agree, let's not talk about it anymore. Our place is small, Director Lin's company's movies probably don't look down on it..."

Looking at the Taiwanese capital between the three people, Lin Nan immediately interrupted the other party with a sneer:

"The market there is indeed quite small, and I have never taken the box office there seriously over the years.

How about this, my company's movies will not be released there in the future; your business, don't come to the mainland, what do you think?

I guess that the higher-ups will also focus on your business in the mainland in the future, especially the small actions and tricks outside of business! Be careful, hehe."

Before Lin Nan finished laughing, the three people had already left in a huff; it can be seen that they were all in a state of anger after losing face.

Not long after, shareholders and shareholder representatives, large and small, arrived one after another. Cao Guowei was the last one to enter, and the door of the conference hall was closed immediately.

Everyone sat according to the pre-arranged positions, and the surrounding staff also took their seats, and the scene suddenly became solemn and silent.

Lin Nan is the third seat on the right side of the main seat. The second seat diagonally opposite him is Zhang Qiang from Alibaba Pictures.

On the long meeting table, the further away from Cao Guowei, the smaller the proportion of shares;

And those present here and able to attend the shareholders' meeting, without exception, are capital parties with a shareholding of more than 0.5 points.

"This shareholders' meeting is held at short notice. As for the reason, I won't deceive myself here. I think everyone knows it...

There were some flaws in the previous management and operation of the platform, which led to mistakes and hitting a red line.

Here, on behalf of myself and the management, I would like to make a profound review to all shareholders..."

Cao Guowei got straight to the point as soon as he started, and the expressions on many people's faces suddenly became very beautiful.

Stiff, playful, watchful, joking, frosty... in short, they are all diverse and different.

“In addition, several shareholders, due to some reasons of their own, have communicated with me and the board of directors in advance that they will sell or reduce all their shares respectively...

Let’s also discuss this matter at today’s shareholders’ meeting.

After all, according to the previous agreement, shareholders who transfer all their shares or reduce their holdings must give priority to the company and must not exceed the market price;

The remaining original shareholders have the first right to increase their holdings and acquire the shares, followed by ordinary shareholders. In this case, the company will act as a platform and intermediary to facilitate internal transactions and digestion. "

As soon as Cao Guowei finished speaking, the scene suddenly became commotion. How is this a "incidental" thing? This is the "business" of today's shareholders' meeting, right? !

"Some reasons of your own?"

Lin Nan murmured with a smile in his heart. His eyes had quickly scanned all the shareholders present. How could this be due to one's own volition? This is the reason why you are asked to "volunteer" above!

“I voluntarily transfer all the Weibo shares in my hand and hope that the company can complete the handover of funds as soon as possible. As for which shareholder will take over in the future, I am not interested;

If there is any result, please ask Director Cao to inform me as soon as possible. I won’t disturb you all now. I’ll take my leave..."

As the first shareholder stood up, everyone's eyes instantly focused on him.

Lin Nan squinted his eyes and looked at the other person, because the one who spoke was Taiwan Capital who was the first to greet him just now.

"On behalf of myself, I mean the same thing. Mr. Cao, everyone, we will see you later."

"Director Cao, we will cooperate again if we have the opportunity in the future. The transfer contract we signed is already with you, so I won't keep it any longer."

"I'm also taking my leave. Let's continue with the meeting..."

Four people stood up and left the conference hall together; the three 'bastards' that Lin Nan had criticized before were among these four people... No wonder!

There was no one at the scene to dissuade or stop him, and Cao Guowei just nodded his head and said "hmm" in response. It can be seen that his attitude is quite indifferent, and there is even a flash of disgust.

"On behalf of Alibaba, I announce that we will voluntarily reduce our holdings by 5%..."

Zhang Qiang's voice made the originally noisy venue become deathly silent again.

Everyone can see that one company has been "reduced" and four companies have been "eliminated". This is obviously related to the capital of the movie a few days ago? !

Alibaba was originally the major shareholder of Weibo, and it is still the industry benchmark. The superiors should have shown some mercy and only slapped them with a slap in the face;

The other four companies are all capital from outside the mainland. To be precise, it is a matter of position. Therefore, the higher authorities decisively gave them "decency" and allowed them to "voluntarily" quit Weibo...

At this moment, Lin Nan realized that the matter of "No Other Love" also involved other capital?

"No wonder those three people were looking for trouble before the meeting started? It's not like they were nosy, they were caught after doing something small! But don't mention it, they were hiding behind Ali, they were hiding quite deep!" Lin Nan muttered in his heart. With.

“There are actually not many original shareholders of Weibo, and most shareholders joined in after the first round of financing;

Now let's let the original shareholders express their stance first. Those who are willing to increase their holdings will sign up. After that, we will further discuss the distribution of shares. Director Lin? "

Cao Guowei first called Lin Nan's name, and everyone looked over.

Lin Nan was mentally prepared for being the first to be named.

Although he is not one of the companies with the largest shares, he is an original shareholder and has been there since the founding of Weibo; and his voting rights have always been entrusted to Cao Guowei.

After thinking briefly in his mind for a few seconds, Lin Nan made a decisive decision. He looked at Cao Guowei and nodded: "I'll follow."


"Produced by the owner of Huace Pictures, starring Huang Xiaoming, Song Qian, Sheng Lun, Zhang Li, Zhai Tianlin and others, the large-scale costume fantasy love drama "Ancient Love Song" has been officially completed this morning."

"Controlled by Tang De Films and jointly produced by Aimeishen Pictures, Youku, and Evergrande Pictures, with an investment of up to 500 million yuan, the large-scale historical costume TV series "Win the World" has been officially launched."

"It is reported that Fan Bingbing will once again serve as the producer and star in the TV series "Win the World" with a heroine in the Warring States background for the first time;

She will play the role of Ba Qing, a legendary female entrepreneur in ancient times. Against the backdrop of a vast history, she wanders among various historical figures and eventually becomes the richest woman in the Qin Dynasty..."

"Tangde Pictures released an announcement: The TV series "Win the World" has completed the casting in a low-key manner. Gao Yunxiang, Yan Yikuan, Ma Su, Zhang Guoli, Xu Xun, Pan Yingzi and others will partner with Fan Bingbing and officially start filming in early August..."

After reluctantly staying for a luncheon, Lin Nan hurriedly left the China World Hotel.

After the news of several movies being officially released online, news of two large-scale TV series emerged. It's just that one is shut down, while the other is about to start filming.

But then again, what kind of TV series costs 500 million? Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace just broke the TV series sales record, and this one broke another investment record?

No matter how you listen to this, it gives people a feeling that money is too dirty? Well, at least Lin Nan subconsciously thinks so!

When he got home, Lin Nan found that the two freeloaders came again.

Han Jianu was shabu-shabuing beef, ready to feast at any time, while Liu Yifei and Shu Chang were peeling cooked shrimps with dipping sauce in front of them.

The three not only chose clear soup hot pot, but also opened red wine. They really know how to enjoy themselves!

"Today is not a special day, why do you think of having a dinner again?" Lin Nan changed out of his formal clothes and sat at the table.

"Aren't you going to join the group again? Let's celebrate." Han Jianu answered.

"What? It was her suggestion. She said it was to celebrate the completion of the first fine proofreading of her masterpiece. I asked her what the subject was, but she didn't tell me. "

Liu Yifei complained to Lin Nan with a smile, and Shu Chang echoed on the side: "You are so arrogant, like a hen that won a battle, hehe..."

"How can you talk like that? Believe it or not, I will hit you."

Han Jianu "threatened" Shu Chang for a while, and then looked at Lin Nan: "Brother Lin, are you taking a break after filming "The Second Generation of Fairies"? "

"Yes, I am taking a break. This year, there are only two plans for these two dramas, and I may have to prepare another big movie later. "Lin Nan opened his mouth and accepted Liu Yifei's feeding.

"Then, I will bring my script later?" Without waiting for Lin Nan to reply, Han Jianu added like a madman:

"At the Magic City International Film Festival last year, you promised me that when I wrote a masterpiece, you would be my director! Don't cheat!"

"Did I promise her? Why can't I remember? "

Lin Nan swallowed the shrimp in his mouth, looked at Liu Yifei and then at Shu Chang, and asked with a smile.

"Well, let me think about it, I don't seem to have any impression. "Miss Liu raised her head, pretending to try to recall.

"I have no impression at all, I guess she is deceiving you. You are so busy, how could you agree to a weird script. "Shu Chang took the opportunity to "retaliate."

"Okay, you team up to bully me, right! Can't our old Han lift a knife?" Han Jianu slammed the table, as if she was going to do it.

"Come on, come on, wait until the script is completely done, and let me take a look first. If it's okay, I'll see if there is a schedule, if not, then I can only laugh. "

Looking at Han Jianu's noisy look, Lin Nan stopped teasing her. After all, a few days ago, he said that he would return Han Sanping's favor to Han Jianu.


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