That year Huayu

Chapter 1031: Start-up matters; ban

Chapter 1031: Boot matters; blocking...

If you ask which paparazzi company in the entertainment industry has the strongest power, there is no doubt that it must be Fengxing.

Because they follow the procedures and techniques of reporting serious news, that is, they obtain a complete chain of evidence to prove that what they say in their entertainment news is true.

Therefore, the entertainment information released by Fengxing is very convincing and credible in the eyes of countless netizens. This is also a reflection of past performance and reputation.

Because of this, Zhuo Wei was naturally regarded as a "plague god" in the circle.

Countless actors, stars, and film and television professionals hate him with gnashing of teeth, but they are helpless and even laugh with him when they meet him. After all, many people dare not guarantee that they are "clean"!

No, Director Gu was pulled out of his connotation again. The reason was that Miss Zhang was photographed having a secret meeting with the former last night, and the two only separated in the early morning.

"We just had a hot pot meal, and here comes another big gossip in the circle! Tsk tsk, it's really exciting. But not to mention, Director Gu has been very affectionate over the years, hehe..."

Han Jia Nyeo leaned on the sofa, rubbing her slightly full belly while laughing and joking.

"But he's already that old?" Shu Chang flipped through the news on his phone with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Never doubt the energy of the fifth generation of great directors and their young hearts. Of course, this private gathering between the two of them should be the reason why Zhang Jingchu's new movie is about to be released."

Lin Nan analyzed teasingly. The specific reasons are quite different.

"Quick Gunslinger" was released on the same day as Zhu Yawen's "Lu Yao Knows Ma Li"? Liu Yifei remembered that there was such a movie in which Zhang Jingchu was the heroine.

“Well, it’s this movie.

It's quite funny to say that although she was banned by many directors and producers' wives, the directors and producers were still willing to help privately.

She can seamlessly transition into the Hong Kong scene, and she works with well-known directors there. This is Director Gu's network. Now I can come back to the mainland for this reason, haha..."

Lin Nan was laughing so hard, but he had to admit that Zhang Jingchu was indeed a very capable actress in the industry, and her acting skills were also very good, but her "husband" behavior could not be evaluated.

"I think this trend will definitely suffer someday. Big paparazzi like Zhuo Wei will have their fun sooner or later, and they will offend too many people.

After all, more and more big names and actors and stars in the industry are now tied to capital, and this situation will become the norm in the future. It’s strange that you can survive after using too much capital. "

Han Jianu took over Lin Nan's words and affirmed firmly. Although she is often careless, her acumen is truly inherited from a mountain eagle, and her IQ is always online!

Lin Nan and the others spent the whole afternoon chatting and laughing at home; and Director Gu, it is estimated that he has become the talk of the entire circle again...

It’s approaching six o’clock in the evening, Bad Monkey Pictures.

Because he had to join the team in two days, Ning Hao specially held a meeting to arrange the company's work for the next month. Well, mainly the post-production outsourcing of some film and television works and commercial work.

When all the employees were off work, his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Director Xu, why don't you call me at this hour? What's the matter?"

Ning Hao put away the documents and asked Xu Zheng on speakerphone. While Xing Aina was helping, she was also listening attentively.

"We have temporarily arranged a dinner at eight o'clock in the evening. It is very important. You have to come over..."

"What kind of dinner?" Xing Aina asked immediately. She didn't trust Xu Zheng. The guy had too many tricks.

"Yeah, the big screenwriter is here too? It's nothing, it's business, haha..." Xu Zheng said perfunctorily with a smile.

Ning Hao looked at Xing Aina with an innocent expression, but the latter stared back.

"Is there anything serious that I can't talk about publicly? Ning Hao's shares are half of mine!"

Xing Aina asked, her attitude was to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it. In her opinion, the more you hide it, the more problematic it will be!

"Just say it and make it sound like there's really nothing good going on." Ning Hao was speechless and urged Xu Zheng.

Ever since that year when I went to a nightclub with Huang Bo and this guy and got caught by the paparazzi, my status as a younger brother in the family was completely stable. Well, the text messages were also discovered.

Hearing this, Xu Zheng showed off his cards and couldn't help laughing: "Actually, it's Director Gu Changwei's business. He just called and agreed to the matter;

But at present, his contract with Huayi still has four months left, so we have to wait for a while. The reason why we made a temporary arrangement for the evening meal is to receive Director Gu..."

"Why did you suddenly agree? Haven't you been hesitating before? And the conditions haven't been agreed upon yet."

Ning Hao asked subconsciously, and Xing Aina was also curious. She knew about Huanxi's contacts with several major mainland directors.

"Tonight is the final negotiation. In addition, Director Gu just made a condition..." Xu Zheng said hesitantly, and both Ning Hao and Ning Hao could hear that he was trying his best to suppress his laughter.

"What conditions?"

"Help him handle the public opinion online."

"With Zhang Jingchu?" Ning Hao suddenly realized that Director Gu was also a person who cared about face!

"Huh, they're not good things."

Xing Ai's cold snort immediately silenced the two directors on both ends of the phone; their subconscious told them that at this moment, they could not provoke the irritating screenwriter.


"The fantasy, love, and adventure animated film "Big Fish and Begonia", jointly produced by Bi'an Tian Culture and Enlight Pictures, closed at 72 million on its first day of release;

The film's reviews on the Internet were polarized. Under the elegant and beautiful Chinese style, the plot was fragmented and rotten, the story was confusing and bloody, and even the three views were not correct;

But it is undeniable that its beautiful pictures, outstanding music, and rich oriental classical charm are amazing and stunning...Looking back, I can't help but regret the plot..."

"It is controlled by Enlight Pictures, invested by China Film, and Guo Fucheng, Liang Jiahui, Zhou Runfa, Yang Caini, Starring Wen Yongshan and others;

The movie "Cold War 2" earned 95.76 million on the first day, becoming one of the few high-quality, high-grossing Hong Kong films in recent years..."

"Exclusively produced by Huayi Pictures, it took 6 years and cost 60 million US dollars to produce. The animated movie "Rock and Roll Tibetan Mastiff" suffered a Waterloo on the first day of its release, closing at 3.51 million.

Although the film was well received, it was not popular. According to many domestic theaters, the number of screenings of the film will not be increased, and even today's screenings have dropped by 0.2% to 5.7%..."

Early in the morning of the 9th, the box office of three heavyweight domestic films yesterday was listed on the headlines of film and television information.

Huayi, pulled a big one!

So much so that all executives such as Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei came to the company early to hold meetings and think of ways!

"Is it Wanda who linked other theaters? Or is it the mastermind?"

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a little wrong. Wang Zhongjun first pointed the finger at Wanda. After all, the "great hatred" had only been established for more than four months, and it was still fresh in his mind.

Ye Ning closed his eyes calmly and rested. Wang Zhonglei opened his mouth and shook his head helplessly:

"Except for our own theaters, the screening schedules of other theaters are generally very low. There is no sign that they are behind it.

But they did make some small moves in the scheduling time. Nearly 70% of the screenings are at noon and early morning... We can't protest or complain about this."

"Is it a problem with the distribution department?" Wang Zhongjun cast his eyes on the person next to Ye Ning, the person in charge and senior executive of Huayi's distribution business.

"Mr. Wang, we really tried our best in the distribution."

The middle-aged executive who was a little fat could not say anything else, so he could only respond like this, he really tried his best.

"60 million US dollars of investment, nearly 400 million RMB!

You take the entire department to re-distribute it for me now. If this movie really fails in the end, you should make room for someone capable. For example, Mr. Ye."

When Wang Zhongjun finished speaking, all the executives in the conference room immediately looked at Ye Ning, who also opened his eyes and muttered in his heart: Are they going to put him on the fire? It will stimulate Wanda!

Isn't distribution all about the relationship with major domestic theaters? As a former veteran of Wanda, Ye Ning is naturally an old acquaintance of major domestic theaters.

"Okay, I'll go now."

The head of the distribution department stood up palely and said to Wang Zhongjun tremblingly, then glanced at Ye Ning obscurely, his eyes were extremely cold.

In Huayi, Wang Zhongjun is the emperor, and no one can question his orders. Many executives were mourning for this old friend in the distribution department. The possibility of him stepping down was too great.

At the same time, many people also had a subtle resistance to Ye Ning.

Since he came, he has been constantly eroding the power and influence of other executives! And he has 34 loyal middle-level lackeys. This is indeed a strong force, a strong rival!

Lin Nan is connecting with the bank for funds. In the next month, Weibo will act as an intermediary to help the original shareholders complete the increase in shares;

Therefore, the corresponding acquisition funds must be prepared in advance.

As a US-listed company, Weibo's major shareholder-related members and changes in shares must naturally be announced to the public.

As for the specific announcement time, it will be almost next month, that is, after all share transactions are completely completed!

After the ICBC executives promised with a smile that they would not delay the business, Lin Nan hung up the phone.

He stretched and looked at the time. It was just after ten in the morning, and it was time to get off work.

The start time of "The Second Generation of Fairies" was originally scheduled for the 10th, but Lin Nan temporarily changed the time and pushed it back two days.

Because he needs to go to Weibo to hold meetings or video conferences from time to time these days to confirm his increased share.

But I think it won't be much, just a few points.

Guangguang is increasing the publicity and distribution of "Big Fish and Begonia", and the screening rate seems to have increased by 4 points;

Although the screening of "Cold War 2" has dropped by 1.5 points, the attendance rate seems to have increased by 9% due to word of mouth;

After watching it all, only Huayi's "Rock and Roll Tibetan Mastiff" really has a tendency to "get out", but many people in the industry are happy to see this excitement!

On the way back, Lin Nan received a call from Wang Changtian.

"The listing application materials of China Film Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Film Co., Ltd. have just been publicly reviewed and approved. The official listing time is set for the beginning of next month!"

"So fast?" Lin Nan said in surprise.

"Will it be slow for these two companies? They are just going through the process, and the policy allows them to go public!" Wang Changtian's tone was unusually certain.

"That means there will be two unavoidable celebration cocktail parties in early or mid-next month!" Lin Nan smacked his lips and joked.

"Well, more or less. I heard a rumor that just came out:

Shanghai Film and China Film seem to be attracting ordinary small shareholders in the industry again, or in other words, tying people up to their own boats. The basic threshold for getting on board is to start at the front line, and there is no upper limit! "

"So the industry must be in chaos right now?" Lin Nan understood, thinking that there would definitely be more excited artists.

"Well, that's crazy! It always gives me a bad feeling when a state-owned enterprise does this. Tell me, if something happens to these actors and stars in the future, will these two big ships be insured or not?"

The topic froze here, Lin Nan didn't respond, and Wang Changtian didn't ask any more questions. There seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two of them, and they both seemed to have the answers.

"Just now, Xie Nandu said hello to me, and then left in a hurry. If my guess is correct, her destination is either Shanghai Film or China Film!"

After a while, Wang Changtian changed the topic.

Even Wu Gan and Xie Nan had their thoughts on it. To be precise, it was Wu Gan who had the idea, because Xie Nan was not yet qualified to be valued by Shanghai Film and China Film.

"Does everyone want to have more connections and paths? I understand."

Lin Nan said with a smile, the big ship of a state-owned enterprise is a giant ship, and it can really make things happen when necessary!

While Lin Nan was chatting with Wang Changtian while driving, the film bureau was also "lively".

After hearing the secretary's report, Zhang Hongsen ran to Tong Gang's office.

At this time, the two people were staring at each other, whether they were laughing or not, it was very funny anyway.

"Do you want to tell Hai Zheng? Who would have thought that Lin Nan would star in Lin Nan Pictures' second movie? How long will he have to do this? The intention is him!"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you remind me or not. After all, according to Hai Zheng's wishes, even if the "Operation Red Sea" project is approved, the casting, training and preparation time will still take several months or even half a year. It’s very likely that we’ll have to wait until next year for Lin Nan’s movie to be filmed next year?”

Tong Gang smiled and shook his head, and continued: "You don't have to worry so much about Hai Zheng, but Kong Zheng's "Hunting in the Sky", I think it is very perfunctory.

The other actors are training at the base, but Fan Bingbing, the heroine, has taken on a new role in a large-scale costume TV series. This drama has been filming for nearly half a year. Is she preparing to seamlessly join the cast of "Sky Hunter"? Or even a drama? "

Zhang Hongsen was distracted by Tong Gang's joking tone, "I heard that the TV series with an investment of 500 million was not originally called "Win the World", but something like "The Richest Female in the Qin Dynasty"! Haha..."

"Invest 500 million? These people are becoming more and more wanton!"

Tong Gang's tone suddenly became colder, Zhang Hongsen immediately realized something, and his expression returned to seriousness in an instant.

Reba, who went to Hollywood for more than a week, is back. When Lin Nan arrived home, he saw her feeding the cat with Liu Yifei.

The former still shouted "Sister Yifei" one after another, but Miss Liu lost herself in the "Sister Yifei".

"Have you decided on your makeup and clothes?"

"Yes, Director Lin, my look and combat uniform in the movie have been decided." Seeing Lin Nan's figure, Reba stood up immediately.

"Because your cell phone couldn't get through, Tom just called me and asked if you have any plans for the Oscars this year.

In addition, it seems that the reform of the Oscar Academy members has been completed and an announcement will be made early next month. "

Liu Yifei also stood up and put the cat food aside.

"Oscar itinerary?" Lin Nan muttered, thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I have no idea at the moment. We have been going there for three consecutive years."

"Then let's talk about it near the end of the year?"

"Well, let's talk about it at the end of the year."

As they spoke, the three of them entered the villa. There is an extra person at lunch today, and Reba comes with a gift.

On a new day, amidst controversy, "Big Fish and Begonia" handed over the results for the second day of its release: the daily box office increased by 8 million compared with the first day, to 80 million.

The box office of "Chill 2" increased by 7 million the next day, officially exceeding 100 million in a single day, reaching 102.8 million.

Only Hua Yi's "Rock Tibetan Mastiff" is still so lifeless.

It struggled to climb the 10 million threshold and earned 10.26 million. It has completely become the laughing stock of the entire film industry, and this movie is destined to suffer heavy losses!

July has just arrived on the 10th, and large-scale promotions for August movies have begun.

When I open Weibo at 1 p.m., what comes into view is the intimate stills of Yang Ying and Jing Boran, the promotional release for "A Smile Is Beautiful".

It seems that the movie and TV series with the same name will be filmed and broadcast next month. This can be regarded as a linkage between film and television!

"Did you see that after the millennium, the Mainland's Fourth Four Little Actresses will be preparing for selection again. Although it will not be officially launched until late next month, the news has been released today and the pre-heating process has begun!"

Originally, he came to Ning Hao, the director of "Second Generation Fairy", to discuss the production, but as soon as they met, this guy started talking to Lin Nan about boring things on the Internet.

"Let's just judge. We have been adding water since the last time. Don't think about it this time. It is completely a game of capital in the industry, and everyone is praising people."

Lin Nan said indifferently that if he wanted, he could get a quota at any time. But, it was meaningless.

"Yeah, that's true. But it's only been a few years, and the entire industry has changed drastically. Everything is capital, and capital is everywhere...

Remember when we first met, I was still a flop. "Incense" made me lose a lot of money, and you haven't won the first Silver Bear yet..."

Looking at Ning Hao's nostalgic look, Lin Nan couldn't help but joked: "You said it as if you are not capital?"

"Haha, of course, everyone in the circle wants to be capital, and I finally succeeded after a desperate gamble."

"By the way, what's wrong with you today, are you sad? That sister wants to divorce you? Or is your mistress threatening you?"

"Fuck you, you're getting divorced, you're keeping a mistress."

Ning Hao immediately sat up from the recliner and cursed, then he looked furtively in the direction of the villa behind him, then glared at Lin Nan unhappily and explained:

"It's Director Gu Changwei, he just made me feel a little emotional."

"Hehe, how did he feel about you?"

"The night before yesterday, Huanxi had already won Director Gu. At the end of the year, he will become a shareholder of Huanxi.

You said, a man who is almost 60 years old is still so passionate about fame and fortune? During the negotiation, the spirit was like a young man.

He was still joking, saying that he would also integrate into the capital circle and experience the feeling of capital. Tsk tsk tsk, what's the matter, is he still preparing to make up for the regrets of the past few decades?"

Sitting next to Ning Hao, Lin Nan couldn't stop laughing.

"The most comfortable director of their generation is Director Chen, who has long since become a capital. How can others not envy him?

If Director Gu had become a capital so early, maybe his wife would not be surnamed Jiang, but Zhang now!" Lin Nan joked without any scruples.

To be honest, his teacher Tian Zhuangzhuang was much more unruly than Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou. If he had not been banned for 10 years, who knows what he would be like now.

Regarding the movie "The Second Generation of Fairies" that was shot for fun, Lin Nan and Ning Hao had reached an agreement before that there was no need to draw storyboards.

When shooting, just follow your feelings, focusing on beauty and humor; everyone can give opinions on the scene, of course, only a few people are qualified to give opinions.

The film will officially start shooting on the afternoon of the 12th, and all the crew members only have the last two days left.

In the afternoon, Director Lin went straight to Weibo, and a small meeting of several people on the distribution of shares began.

"Producer Hou, you can rest assured about this. Everyone in the industry knows my professional ethics. I never do my work perfunctorily, but always do it meticulously."

Huang Xiaoming was sitting face to face with Hou Hongliang, and the former's goal was "Nirvana in Fire 2".

Hou Hongliang naturally knew Huang Xiaoming's reputation. This is a well-known big-name actor and capital in the circle, with connections throughout the circle and excellent audience appeal.

After hesitating for a moment, Hou Hongliang nodded.

"Okay. The script will probably come out around October, and at that time we will also divide the investment amount with Director Lin's company and officially start casting. As for the start time, we plan to set it in December. You can arrange the schedule in advance!"

"Thank you so much, Producer Hou. I will definitely arrange the schedule. This is for you."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming immediately showed a happy smile, sweeping away the gloomy mood, and the fact that "Splendid Fate Brilliant Years" was "banned" seemed unimportant.

More than an hour later, the two ended their meeting and left with their assistants.

As soon as they got on the business car, the assistant reminded Huang Xiaoming: "Brother Xiaoming, Baby called several times. Because you were talking about work with producer Hou, I didn't dare to disturb you."

"Well, give it to me, I'll call back."

Huang Xiaoming took the phone and called back immediately.

In the crew of "The Princess Weiyoung", Yang Ying was resting in the room. When she saw the incoming call, she answered it as soon as she saw it. Huang Xiaoming's gentle voice came from the other side:

"What's wrong? Is there anything urgent? I was just discussing a play with producer Hou Hongliang of Noon Sunshine."

"I'm going to ban that actor. It's so ungrateful..."


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