The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 250 Evolution Fluid and Golden Filament

The Tibetan lake shell is still absorbing water, every time a drop of water flows out from the crack in the space, it absorbs a little bit.

But the space crack is repellent, it can't get too close, so it can only lie on the summoning array to absorb water.

During this period, the sharp-eyed Xiao Hui suddenly saw a golden thread coming out of the crack, twisting left and right, as if looking around.

The moment it saw Xiao Hui, it disappeared with lightning speed.

At this moment, Xiao Hui immediately called out: "Wow, woof!"

The first bark came out, but the second did not.

Xiao Hui was puzzled, it obviously yelled loudly, and yelled at Zanghubei to swallow it quickly, but where did its second yell go?

Zanghubei's eyes were quick and his mouth was quick, and he opened his mouth immediately, sucking the thin golden silk.

But it was too slow, or in other words, it slid out of the space crack and disappeared without a trace in an instant. The typical escape speed was faster than the swallowing speed of Tibetan lake shells.

"What is that!" Chen Xi was surprised, the flash of gold disappeared in front of his eyes, and he didn't know where he ran, even with Yin Yang eyes, he couldn't see the trajectory of the creature.

The thin golden thread reminded him of the flashing lightning thread from the perspective of the summoned object just now.

Chen Xi opened his mouth while talking, but found that his throat moved, but the sound did not spread.

"Huh?" Chen Xi was shocked, but the words still did not spread.

He turned his head to look at other people, and Miss Mu also opened her mouth, but did not make a sound.

Not only the human beings did not speak, but the temple spirit also tried to speak in a vibrating way, but the sound did not reach Chen Xi's ears, and the sharp-eyed temple spirit saw no fluctuations in the air, as if dead still.

"Deprivation of voice? Such a weird stowaway!" Temple Spirit said with a summoning contract.

Chen Xi also heard the voice of the palace spirit. It seems that the unnatural power of the summoning contract has not been sealed yet.

Fortunately, it was not blocked, otherwise it would be a disaster if Chen Xi's important information channels were blocked.

"The sound waves generated by the vibration of objects are transmitted to other people's ears through the medium, and then vibrate through the eardrum to the human brain. Which link has gone wrong?" The thinking temple spirit immediately conveyed the above questions with a summoning contract .

"It always feels like it stops the air vibration..."

This is a very scientific inference. While Chen Xi lamented that the palace spirit was scientific, he felt melancholy in his heart.

He didn't have the slightest understanding of that creature, and the temple spirit had never seen such a creature. As for the Light Elf itself transmits information through light, and sound and other things are backward information transmission methods for it.

So what about human society, if that creature sneaks into human society, will there be major changes?

Chen Xi didn't know, but fortunately, humans are starting to learn magic now, even if there are difficulties, they don't rush too much.

You must know that there are most of the general-purpose magic on the Internet, which is enough for ordinary humans to learn a fourth-level magician.

Let's not talk so much for now, that weird stowaway is obviously not something that Chen Xi can control.

This summoning object (water) already belongs to the scope of advanced summoning, and it may also be an intermediate summoning. Once a stowaway crosses the border, the temple spirit and the light elf king are not omnipotent. There are always some cunning stowaways who can avoid these two. The pursuit of a small boss.

The light elves and others searched around for a while, but they still couldn't find the missing golden silk thing, so they gave up searching and came back to see Chen Xitunshui.

Naturally, Chen Xi knew that there was nothing he could do about worrying. There would always be accidents in summoning, and day and night defenses would never be able to guard against some thieves.

"Grow up quickly." Chen Xi said eagerly in his heart.

Tibetan lake shells release part of the water that has just been swallowed into the body space, about one milliliter.

Xiao Hui took the initiative to come out, this is something that can evolve, it likes it so much, it immediately turns into a living creature, a puppy, and plans to test it by itself, let Chen Xi test the poison.

Chen Xi pushed it away, this liquid is useless to dogs, you must know that this is an improved liquid specially made for the human body, it is impossible for Xiao Hui to drink it to evolve.

Wait, built for the human body?

Chen Xi's face was slightly condensed, and he vaguely knew why the hidden danger of this summoning was so weird. It turned out that his summoning requirements were too detailed.

You must know that if the summoning spell is too fine, not only will the scope of the summoning be reduced, but it also means that it is easy to invite some accidents.

There are many strange liquids in the unknown world. There are many liquids that can change the breathing of living things, but it is difficult to change the structure of the human body.

You must know that the species "human" should be considered a rare species in the universe. He made such a detailed spell, so it is naturally easy to make mistakes.

Chen Xi didn't take the initiative to swallow it, he first summoned a physical human ghost and let it try to swallow it first.

The human ghost's liquid entered the stomach, and there was no sign of explosion in the stomach. On the contrary, it felt that the body was changing, and the solid muscles were tightening, and there was a faint feeling of severe pain.

"Ahh." The human ghost cried out, making a painful sound.

Chen Xi said "Hey", the voice suddenly came back, but there was no sound just now.

Chen Xi looked around, but he didn't see the golden wire of lightning.

The sound is back, does that mean it's gone?

The ghost howled on the deck, and its body was in great pain, but it could feel that its body was getting stronger, and there was an indescribable power surging.

It seems that this liquid is real and really has the power of evolution, but has it changed?

After a while, the evolution was completed, and the humanoid ghost was liberated from the pain. It wanted to take a deep breath, but was ordered by the talisman, ordering it not to breathe.

Do ghosts need to breathe?

The answer is, no need.

But its body is a human body, so let's hold your breath first, the command talisman can observe the changes in its body, and then pass the changes to Chen Xi.

A minute later, Chen Xi got the information from the detection of the command symbol. The detection results showed that the ghost's lungs and trachea had changed, and even the esophagus had disappeared.

Chen Xi asked again seriously, and the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs where the ghost happened also disappeared.

In turn, another strange organ was formed.

No need to breathe, no need to eat and digest?

Also gave birth to new organs?

Chen Xi felt his head was going to explode, what exactly is the function of this evolution liquid!

The third update.

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