The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 251 The Devil's Whisper

Facing such a weird evolution fluid, Chen Xi hesitated for a moment.

The lungs evolved, the trachea disappeared, and he still felt within the normal range.

But without the esophagus, the disappearance of the stomach and intestines and the addition of new organs in the body made him feel uneasy.

It won't become an alien, will it?

"Why don't you find someone to try?" Miss Mu suggested.

The humanoid ghost in front of me is not a real person. It can not breathe or eat, which is very different from the real human body.

Therefore, the changes in ghosts drinking the evolution liquid are not equal to the changes in the real human body. Chen Xi should find a real human to conduct in vivo experiments to further verify the effect of the evolution liquid.

Although Mu Chenxi also wanted to take a sip, but after hearing Chen Xi's explanation, she also felt quite scary and dared not try it herself.

"Living experiments are a must for a qualified summoner, don't hesitate, do you think the road to evolution is so easy?

If you want to enter the path of evolution, you must either be stupid enough to take the risk yourself, or be like a smart person and let the experimental subject test the poison first.

If your dose is too low for a large experiment, just take it.

After all, this is something you summoned with a summoning spell, and it must have met the requirements of the summoning spell.

As for the extra evolution function that comes with the evolution liquid, you can only ask for more blessings. "

After Dian Ling finished his analysis, he urged Chen Xi to make a decision quickly and not to be in a daze.

For the temple spirit who is thinking every second, being in a daze is boring, it can't bear the boring daze, and it can think about several things at the same time every second.

Chen Xi was naturally not in a daze. Since he drank the life enhancer, his thinking speed was much faster, and he had figured out his own affairs in just two seconds.

That's right, the path of a summoner is a stinky profession that bears a bad reputation. If you don't want to take risks and make progress, why bother to embark on this path.

However, Chen Xi hasn't lost his humanity yet. He didn't choose to directly capture human beings as experimental subjects. Instead, he sent his ghosts to foreign countries to find some down-and-out human beings, and asked them if they wanted to evolve, and would inform the evolution team. Risk, let the entity know it well.

As for how to persuade others, Chen Xi took out a pitch-black card. The black color made Mr. Dian Ling look sideways and take a second look.


A certain Russia.

Rodney was walking on the road, looking at the sun above his head, his lips couldn't help trembling twice.

He is white, wearing a sweater, in this summer, he did not feel warm at all.

Maybe it was because when I looked in the mirror before going out, I suddenly heard some "sisi" sounds, so I didn't feel the warmth.

The sound was very small, and he didn't know where the sound came from, so he stared and felt that there was a ghost in his room staring at him, staring so hard that his scalp was numb, and the wind was still blowing in his ears, so he panicked He ran out of the house, not daring to look back.

"Damn it, my house is still inhabited. I'm going to complain to the Supernatural Bureau. My house is haunted. They must take full responsibility for it!" Rodney cursed.

Rodney is a first-level ability user, and he has a life-like ability.

Because the supernatural game was too scary, he didn't dare to play it again after playing it once.

Nowadays, there is a global trend of learning magic on the Internet, and he has carefully browsed things about magic, and friends around him are starting to discuss magic, so he has to learn it, otherwise he will not be able to enter the circle of that topic.

But meditation is so f*ckingly difficult, and the five visualization images merged at the same time, which made his head hurt.

He didn't want to think, he didn't want to remember, he was afraid that his head would burst.

He is so lazy, it can be seen how unfortunate life is.

Now he was walking on the street with his eyes closed, and suddenly felt a rush of internal urgency, so he looked around, and happened to see a public toilet, and rushed in three steps at a time.

He didn't know that there was a ghost in the shadow that had already pasted over.

After urinating, Rodney stood in front of the mirror and washed his hands comfortably. Looking at himself in the mirror, he vaguely felt that his eye sockets were a bit dark.

"Didn't sleep well?" Rodney said to himself.

"Yes, you didn't sleep well." A voice whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, what's the point these days, it would be great if there was a pie in the sky." The white man pulled his pants and said with emotion.

"If there is an evolution fluid in front of you, will you accept it?" The whisper in the ear continued.

At some point, the toilet became much darker, and Rodney could not hear the sound from the outside world, only the devil whispering in his ear.

"Maybe I will. No, I won't, who are you!" Rodney shouted as if realizing that there was no one around.

"As long as you are willing, I can give you a chance to become stronger without playing supernatural games or meditation, as long as you pay a small price." The voice of the devil rang in his ear.

Rodney was sweating profusely, the voice was too soft, he looked around and saw that there was no one around him, but he felt a burst of cold sweat behind his back.

No one, so who is talking?

Is it a ghost?

"It's the devil!" The voice said with a sinister smile.


Rodney's expression became even more terrified, but a gleam of coolness flashed in his heart.

The devil represents pain, but also has the possibility of occasionally gaining power.

Generally speaking, the devil is an ominous term, but there is no doubt that it can pass power to those who have gone astray.

"You devil, don't come near me!" Rodney made a sound like a sick cat with a guilty conscience.

His hands were shaking, his voice was not loud enough, his legs were running backwards, he didn't know where to go, he was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't walk fast, because he was looking forward to it faintly, but he didn't know what he was looking forward to.

Or he knows that kind of thinking is wrong, people should not cooperate with the devil, cooperation can only lead to death, but he is so wrongly looking forward to it.

"You really don't want it... This is an opportunity to evolve, and you only need to pay a small price."

"No, I don't want to give my life!" The white man scratched his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was breathing heavily.

"A lazy person like you who dare not fight hard, what choice do you have besides making a deal with the devil?" The devil's laughter continued in the darkness, laughing at him for being very stupid.

The fact is the same, when the stupid Rodney heard this voice, his whole body shook, his hands buried his face, and he made a painful sound, as if he was recalling those unbearable past events.

"Please don't...say any more."


As the saying goes, casting a wide net to catch more fish, Chen Xi sent a bunch of ghosts to look for those human beings with low willpower, setbacks in life, and longing for pie from the sky. Unexpectedly, the results were not bad.

After some searching, he found dozens of volunteers.

This humane act made Chen Xi drag on for a whole day. Many people were approached by ghosts and told that they had a chance to become stronger, but whether they could grasp it was entirely up to them.

Among the down-and-out crowd, there are always some people who can't bear the charm of the pie from the sky. Chen Xi just secretly urged the dark whispers that have been useless for a long time. The lazy people were immediately seduced by the dark whispers and agreed to swallow the evolutionary fluid.

Of course, Chen Xi is not a real devil, he will inform the possible changes in the evolution process in detail. The body brings huge gains.

Some people heard the detailed side effects and refused very frightenedly.

But some people who were still wavering suddenly became firm.

After all, there are not many opportunities for the devil to come to you, so you must learn to seize the opportunity!

Chen Xi glanced at the reserves in the hidden lake shell space, the evolution fluid was about 800 milliliters.

There don't need to be too many experimental goals, so Chen Xi selected a few volunteers with as different physical conditions as possible to serve as experimental specimens. As for the others, they just discarded them and never contacted them again.

Let me state first that the people he is looking for are not Chinese, but gringos, and the place of the experiment is also in a foreign country.

And the volunteers are all voluntary, they all have a heart of "getting something for nothing", and they all sign life and death certificates under the contract.

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