The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 267 Summoning the Memory Stone

During the two-day experiment, Chen Xi was 100% sure that the human body would not develop special organs after drinking the evolution liquid, nor would it reduce the organs of the human body, so he began to drink this bowl of bright red evolution liquid.

The evolution fluid itself is very cold, but after entering the mouth, it immediately turns into boiling water, spreading the scorching heat all over the body, making people itchy and unbearable, wishing to turn into a ball of fire and smash it into the glacier lake to cool down.

A few minutes later.

Chen Xi opened his eyes, feeling that the air exhaled by his body became very slight, dispensable.

"The improved version of the mysterious evolution liquid can make people have the characteristics of living in space, and can absorb space radiation to supplement the energy and nutrition needed for human life. Excessive radiation will make human organs produce some unknown biological energy..." Chen Seok is familiar with his new body while recalling the results of his transformation.

This evolution fluid is very miraculous. It evolves human organs to an inhuman level. It can maintain breathing or not need to breathe, and the so-called biological energy is similar to the effect of supernatural powers.

He entered the high-gravity area of ​​the Qixing ship, still walking like flying, every punch and every kick was extremely powerful.

Afterwards, he entered the high-radiation zone, and all the organs in his body began to heat up. He felt that his body was like a huge furnace, with billowing magma boiling up and down inside.

These "magmas" are the legendary biological energy, which cannot be studied by scientific instruments.

In order to let these boiling "magma" rest, Chen Xi couldn't help stretching out his hand, and with a light grip, the excess biological energy condensed into his hand.

Then Chen Xi's senses became strange, as if his consciousness could be extended, and he could grasp something in the air with his hands.

With a movement of his eyes, he looked at an ordinary steel target that had been prepared in the distance, pointed his palm at the target, and gently closed his palms together, feeling a very strong resistance in his palm, as if what he was holding was not air, but something It is an ordinary steel!

Chen Xi looked slightly happy, knowing that this was a special ability brought by the evolution fluid. Others released their biological energy to form a protective film around themselves, but he released energy and could remotely pinch things?

While he was thinking, the ordinary steel target on the opposite side creaked, and pits appeared on the surface of the steel, which was the result of being squeezed by an invisible force.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Chen Xi was constantly adapting to the bio-energy he got. When he mastered 20%, the ordinary steel plate made a loud bang and shrank into a ball of steel at a speed visible to the naked eye. , The surface of the steel is full of palm prints.

Chen Xi hung his hands and pulled out of nowhere, the piece of steel was pulled over and fell directly beside Chen Xi.

He took a closer look and saw giant fingerprints appearing on the surface of the steel. After being judged by scientific instruments in seconds, he learned that they were exactly the same fingerprints as his ten fingers.

Chen Xi's ability is equivalent to the ability to grasp objects, and he can pinch objects in the air.

Afterwards, Chen Xi gradually became familiar with his biological energy, and when it reached 50%, the titanium steel was pinched and exploded.

When the process reached 100%, the alien's special steel could not be pinched and exploded, but extremely slight pinched marks appeared on the surface.

This is just the high radiation energy released by the aliens. If Chen Xi stood in a more powerful radiation area, such as being thrown near the sun, what would happen?

"You will die. Your organs are not eternally absorbing radiation. There is an upper limit." Qixing Ship emphasized.

Chen Xi nodded. Human beings are still human after all. He cannot break through the upper limit of human body and fight against the sun alone.

But he has evolved to this level, he is already at the peak of human beings, and he doesn't know how to continue to evolve.

According to Dian Ling, if Chen Xi wants to continue to evolve, he will inevitably lose his human characteristics and become a high-end individual that is not human.

"The power I have mastered is very helpful for my summoning. If the summoned object is disobedient, I can pinch it and control it." Chen Xi said to himself.

It's a good thing that things are going in a good direction.

After getting the evolution to breathe in space, Chen Xi wandered around the surface of the moon, planning his next call.

Twenty-three days before the darkness falls, he should summon more light-type creatures to establish a stable light-type force for the earth.

Speaking of which, when he was refining holy water last time, some of the essence of faith escaped from the vent, and there were indeed some white Americans who got the essence of faith and became devout believers, preaching the teachings of the Church of Light loudly, trying to win some believers to become light The believers of the church also raised the banner, saying that the knowledge of light in the temple is bestowed by the God of Light.

Chen Xi is now thinking about what kind of influence the Guangming Church has on people, whether it is beneficial or unfavorable.

"The Church of Light is a representative of light on the Nilose continent. It has helped many people. It is a friendly force, and there is nothing wrong with it." Miss Mu explained.

The Guangming Church is not a force that does one thing and does another. Its morality in terms of kindness is better than that of many big forces, and Dianling can guarantee it.

Therefore, Chen Xi pressed his heart to clean up the Church of Light. Now that human beings need to fight against darkness, the existence of light is necessary.

"Then, let's continue to summon light-type creatures," Chen Xi said.

An existence like the Light Elf King is indeed an invincible existence on the earth, but there is only one of them, and when darkness comes, countless terrorist forces will come. If you want to save mankind, there is only one Light Elf King. Not enough, you must have a lot of light Biological town.

After preparing, Chen Xi drew a summoning array on the moon and started the fifty-fifth summoning.

For the fifty-fifth summon, he intends to summon the light elves. He is familiar with these creatures, and they are kind-hearted and not prone to accidents.

After a while, the summoning array took shape, and this time the scarlet summoning array appeared.

Seeing the scarlet summoning array, naturally, one cannot bite the bullet and summon the light elves. You must know that the light elves are kind people, and using the scarlet summoning array to summon them is not finding fault.

"Since it's the Scarlet Summoning Formation, it's better to summon... to find something in memory." Chen Xi murmured.

He wanted to browse through his childhood memories and find out who that mysterious uncle was.

Using the scarlet summoning array, there must be ferocious creatures coming. Chen Xi ordered the starship to be ready to shoot the stowaways at any time, and then he stood calmly in front of the summoning array and said: "The magical stone from the Echo Channel of the Nilose Continent!"

This time his summoning object is the high-level summoning item mentioned in "Don't Play Summoning" - the memory stone!

About the memory stone, roughly as follows:

"[Memory Stone]: This is a magical stone from a mysterious strait in the Nilose continent. There are often echoes of murlocs in that strait. It is the place where the murlocs have lived for generations. Outsiders are not welcome to enter, but there have been births in the strait. Through the memory stone, you can recall your own memories, even the memories that live in the mother's womb..."

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